Microsoft Disability Scholarship 2023/2024 Application Portal Update

Microsoft Disability Scholarship

Microsoft is offering scholarships to suitably qualified students for their Microsoft Disability scholarship. This scholarship is to assist students with financial challenges to further their education.

Objectives of the Microsoft Disability Scholarship

The Microsoft disability scholarship delivers one of the missions of Microsoft. And this mission is the creation of a cross-disability employee resource group. And this group is to empower and enable people with disabilities.

Furthermore, this scholarship enables high school students with disabilities to go to college and target a career in the technology industry.

Additionally, it hopes to contribute to increasing the pool of persons living with a disability enrolling in higher education. Also, and, in the long term, decrease the unemployment bias for this demographic.

Who is Eligible to Apply for this Scholarship?

The Microsoft disability scholarship will be awarded to promising high school seniors. However, they must plan to attend a vocational or academic college. Also, must have a financial need.

Microsoft Disability Scholarship Worth/Benefit

The amount of this renewable scholarship to be awarded is $5,000 per year. However, it amounts up to $20,000 total.

Also, this amount is paid through the Seattle Foundation. And it is on behalf of the disability Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Microsoft. This is done to the recipient’s school’s Financial Aid Office.

Requirements for the Microsoft Disability Scholarship

To be considered for the Microsoft disability Scholarship, you must:

1. Be a current high school senior living with a disability. However, this is as defined by WHO. However, the disability can be visual, hearing, mobility, cognitive, speech or other disability.

2. Also, plan to attend an undergraduate program. And this is in a 2 or 4-year University/College or Technical College. Also, this should be in the fall of the academic year following high-school graduation.

3. Furthermore, the school applied must be in the USA. Or have a USA-Affiliate for financial transactions. However, for details, you can contact Seattle Foundation to verify non-USA school’s eligibility.

4. Additionally, declare an approved major in engineering, computer science and computer information systems. Also, in law, business, or a related field. For instance, paralegal, pre-law, finance, business administration, or marketing.

5. Also, demonstrate a passion for technology.

6. Furthermore, demonstrate leadership at school and/or in the community.

7. Also, have a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

8. Additionally, require financial assistance to attend college.

9. Also, enrollment status must be full-time or half-time.

Application Process for this Scholarship

To apply for the Microsoft disability Scholarship, note. Email the following items to :

➢ Résumé: Your résumé should include the following information: Extracurricular activities. Also, the honours and awards that you have received.

However, if possible, include awards that are technology-related. And work experience

➢ Transcript: Include an unofficial copy of your current academic transcript. Also, if selected as a finalist, note. The applicant will need to provide the Seattle Foundation with official versions.

➢ Three Essays: Please visit the scholarship link to learn more about the three (3) essays.

➢ Two Letters of Recommendation: At least one letter must be from a faculty or staff member at your school.

Also, letters of recommendation should be original and should not be duplicates of college recommendation letters. Do not include relatives as references.

➢ Complete Application Form: Furthermore, fill out the entire Application Form at the end of this page. Also, you can type the information or print clearly. However, you can .

Please Take Note

It is important you remember this. Please email all of the above to [email protected] Also, please ensure that your application packet includes all of the required information and documents before sending.

Microsoft will not accept additional documents sent separately from the original application packet. Also, only complete application packets will be reviewed. 

However, those selected to receive the Microsoft disability Scholarship will be notified at the end of April.

Scholarship’s Website:


 SMU Cox MBA Scholarships

 Scholarships By Deadline

 College Freshman Scholarships

FAQs About Microsoft Disability Scholarship

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about this scholarship:


QUES 1. Do I Need to be a U.S Citizen to Apply?

No. All high school students living with a disability with a financial need are encouraged to apply.

QUES 2. Do I Need to Go to a School (College/University, etc) in the USA?

Not necessarily. However, you must attend a school either in the USA, or the school you attend must have a U.S affiliate for financial transactions. Also, you can contact  to verify non-USA schools’ eligibility.

QUES 3. May I Attend a Community College in the Fall?

Yes. As long as your undergraduate program meets the eligibility requirements.

QUES 4. Can I Mail in My Application and Supporting Documents?

Yes, you can.

Mail in option:

The Seattle Foundation

Attn: Scholarships

1601 Fifth Ave, Suite 1900

Seattle, WA 98101

QUES 5. Is this Scholarship Renewable?

Yes. Also, award recipients will receive $5,000 per school year. And up to $20,000 total award.

QUES 6. Is there an Internship or other Microsoft Event Program Associated with this Renewable Scholarship?

Not at this time. However, as the Fund grows, Microsoft reserves the right to make to develop such programs.

The above are some of the vital information you need to have about this . However, you will agree with me that is a rare opportunity, though there are still requirements applicants must meet.

Feel free to apply. Also, do that now to stand a chance against the deadline. However, for more updates, please visit the scholarship’s website. Also, you can as well visit this web page.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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