U.S. Visa Sample Invitation Letter Format for any Visa Category 2022

If you have ever needed to go to the United States to visit your friend, then you must know how important a U.S Visa Sample Invitation Letter is to make your visa application process easier. Read through this article to learn how to draft these letters.

US Visa Invitation Letter

A US Visa Letter Of Invitation must be a personal letter in which you assure the US government that the person you are inviting to the US will be staying for a small period of time and, most importantly, will be financially supported.

Why you Need to Provide a US Visa Letter of Invitation?

A letter of invitation is usually required for a which is a tourist visa to the United States. Remember that it is not required, but it is highly recommended.

For the letter of invitation to be valid, the host must meet the criteria listed below :

  • You must be a US citizen or lawful permanent resident
  • Be your friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or relative
  • Have a registered place (home, flat)
  • Have enough room for the applicant

Why is a US Visa invitation Letter Needed?

The US visa letter of invitation is not required, but if you are a lawful permanent resident or citizen of the United States of America, it will help ease the process if you are inviting a relative or friend to visit you in the United States as a tourist (on a B-2 visa).

Why is the U.S Tourist Visa Tough to Get

Many people use a tourist visa to enter the country and never leave, and some overstay their visa time limit. This is where the letter of invitation for a visa to the United States comes into play.

In this letter, you must show and prove to the consular officer that the person you are inviting has a purpose for visiting the United States and will eventually live there after they have completed their visit.

You can then give this letter to the person you’re inviting and ask him or her to take it to the US consulate or embassy when applying for a US visitor visa.

Conditions Required For a Tourist Visa to be Valid

You must apply for a B2 visa in the Visa Application Process, indicating that you will be visiting the United States as a tourist. The following conditions must be met for this letter to be valid.

  • The Host must be a law permanent resident or a US Citizen.
  • Must be friends or relatives
  • The Host must have a place to accommodate you

How to Write a Letter of Invitation for a US Visa?

Writing an invitation letter can be difficult for both the host and the guest. However, the writing process is extremely simple. The letter should be addressed to the consular officer or the visitor.

When writing it, the guest must take special care to include all of the necessary information.

  • Host’s full name.
  • Host’s date of birth.
  • Host’s address and contact details in the United States.
  • Host’s occupation.
  • Host’s status in the United States.
  • photocopy of a document validating the host’s status in the country.
  • Guest’s full name.
  • Guest’s date of birth.
  • Guest’s address and telephone number.
  • Guest’s relationship to the host.
  • The purpose of the trip.
  • Details on how long the guest intends want to stay in the country(specific dates).
  • Details on accommodation and living expenses.
  • Signature of the host.

When addressed to the guest, the letter should not sound official. It should be more personal in order to show that you have a close relationship with the guest.

If the letter of invitation to the United States includes the information listed above, it is acceptable.

Additional Documents

Because the letter of invitation is not required, the host is not required to send any other documents with it.

Nonetheless, it would be very considerate if the applicant submitted any of the following documents in addition to the Letter of Invitation:

  • A scanned copy of the host’s ID/passport
  • Evidence of means of subsistence (if the host will support the guest financially)
  • Proof of home / flat ownership or rental contract
  • Flight itinerary for US visa application – You can submit a
  • Affidavit of Support – a USCIS Form I-134, which is available on the USCIS website. This should only be submitted if the host intends to financially support the guest.

Sample Letter of Invitation Addressed to the Consular Officer

United States Consulate General
[Address of the Consulate]

Dear Honorable Consul,

[Visitor’s Name] – PASSPORT NO XXXXXXXX – Born on [Visitor’s Date of Birth]

My name is [Host’s Name], I live at [Host’s Address], and I am a US citizen (or lawful permanent resident alien).

I am writing to request that you issue a tourist (B-2) visa to [Visitor’s Name] of [Visitor’s Address]. This is to allow him to come to the United States to see me. We’ve known and been friends for three years, and I’d like him to come visit me this summer.

[Visitor’s Name] will be with me from [Entry Date] to [Exit Date]. This will be a fantastic time because we will both be off work. He/she will live with me at the above-mentioned address during his/her stay in the United States.

I will be responsible for his/her lodging expenses while in the United States. He/she will return to [Visitor’s Hometown] at the end of his/her visit.

[Visitor’s Name] will present you with this letter, along with other evidence, to establish his close ties with [Visitor’s Home Country] and to assure you that he/she will return before his/her stay in the United States expires.

Your thoughtful consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated.

Yours Truly,
[Host’s Name]
[Host’s Address]
[Host’ Phone Number]
[Host’s signature]

Sample of Letter of Invitation Addressed to the Guest

[Host’s name]
[Full address]
Phone Numbers:
(Work): [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]< /em>
(Home): [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]
Email: [email address]

[Visitor’s name]
[Visitor’s Address]

Dear [Visitor],
I cordially invite you to pay us a visit and spend your vacation in the United States with us. We intend to visit well-known tourist attractions such as [name of tourist attractions to visit]. It will also provide you with the opportunity to see and experience American culture and lifestyle.

I will handle all of your USA tour expenses, including round-trip airfare, food, lodging, medical insurance, and any other personal expenses.

I am enclosing all necessary documents for obtaining a tourist visa from the US Consulate, [Name of US Consulate, e.g. Mumbai Consulate].

[Host‘s name]
[Host’s signature]

Other Things you Should Know When Writing a Letter

While writing a letter of invitation, consider including the following documents too as they will be needed

  • A Copy (Scan)of the host’s ID or Valid Passport.
  • Evidence of Funds (it host will be supporting the guest financially).
  • Proof of Shelter: proof that the host has a home. It can be flat ownership or a rental contract.
  • An Affidavit of Support: This is submitted only if the host will be financially supporting the guest. This form is the  which is available on the USCIS Website.
  • Flight Itinerary For US Visa Application. Dummy Tickets can be submitted as proof of flight itinerary.

We hope with the samples given above, you’ll be able to draft your letter for your Visa application with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Visa Application

Q.1: How long does my passport have to be valid to apply for a U.S. visa?

Ans.: You must possess a passport valid for travel to the United States with a validity date at least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific agreements provide exemptions).

Q.2 Do I qualify for the Visa Waiver Program?

Ans.: You qualify for the Visa Waiver Program if you are a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program country, possess a machine-readable passport, are traveling for temporary business or a visit of less than 90 days.

Q.3 What is the fee for ESTA and who has to pay it?

Ans.: ESTA registration is required for all travelers to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program. There is a US$14 fee for ESTA registration. The fee can be paid online using a debit card or any of the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.

Q.4 If I travel to the United States without ESTA, what happens?

Ans.: Visa Waiver Program travelers who have not obtained approval through ESTA should expect to be denied boarding on any air carrier bound for the United States.

Q.5 If I am a third-country national living in Egypt, can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa in Egypt?

Ans.: Applicants are generally advised to apply in their country of nationality or residence. Any person who is legally present in Egypt may apply for a visa in Egypt.

Q.6 Do all nonimmigrant visa applicants have to come to the U.S. Embassy for an interview?

Ans.: Yes, for most applicants. There are only a few exceptions to the interview requirement.

Q.7 I have a nonimmigrant visa that will expire soon and I would like to renew it. Do I need to go through the whole visa application process again?

Ans.: Each nonimmigrant visa application is a separate process. You must apply in the normal manner, even if you had a visa before and even if your current nonimmigrant visa is still valid.

Q.8 My passport has expired, but the U.S. visa in it is still valid. Do I need to apply for a new visa?

Ans.: No.  If your visa is still valid you can travel to the United States with your two passports (old and new), as long as the visa is valid, not damaged, and is the appropriate type of visa required for your principal purpose of travel.

Q.9 I have dual citizenship. Which passport should I use to travel to the United States?

Ans.: If one of your nationalities is not American, you can apply using whichever nationality you prefer, but you must disclose all nationalities to the U.S. Embassy on your application form. U.S. citizens, even dual citizens/nationals, must enter and depart the United States using a U.S. passport.

Q.10 How can I extend my visa?

Ans.: The validity of a visa cannot be extended regardless of its type. You must apply for a new visa.

Q.11 Must I submit my visa application form electronically?

Ans.: Yes, you must complete the DS-160 and bring a printed copy of the DS-160 confirmation page with you when you go for your interview at the U.S. Embassy.

Q.12 What is “administrative processing?”

Ans.: Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after your interview with a consular officer. You are advised of this possibility when they apply. This web page on the Consular Affairs website has more information about administrative processing.

Q.13 How do I read and understand my visa?

Ans.: As soon as you receive your visa, check to make sure all your personal information printed on the visa is correct. If any of the information on your visa does not match the information in your passport or is otherwise incorrect, please contact the issuing authority (i.e. the) immediately.

Q.14 My visa will expire while I am in the United States. Is there a problem with that?

Ans.: No. You may stay in the United States for the period of time and conditions authorized by the Department of Homeland Security officer when you arrived in the United States, which will be noted on the I-94, even if your visa expires during your stay.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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