50 Most Asked Substitute Teacher Interview Questions 2022

– Substitute Teacher Interview Questions –

Being a teacher is one of the most important professions today. not because there’s big money involved but because as a teacher, you’re impacting life. There’s a popular saying that life isn’t about what you have but about how many lives you’ve touched and this is exactly what being a teacher entails, touching life. In this article, I’ll be showing you the available interview to help you in your pursuit as a.

The Reason Why you Should Become a Teacher

The following tells you why teaching job is an amazing job opportunity:

1. To Improve the Quality of Education

The demand for great teachers is becoming really high. While our country has come a long way in education change, there’s still a lot that needs to be done.

There are schools across America that are still in great need because of finances concerns and low teacher retention, and students still continue to drop out of school at increasing rates. One major reason to become a teacher is to impact the education system.

If you recognize the need to foster the quality of education in this country, then you may become a teacher to affect change. There is a lot of work to be done, but it is the collective effort of thousands of dedicated teachers that will make the most difference.

2. To Give Back to Your Community

another reason for becoming a teacher is to contribute to your community in a meaningful way. Teaching is one of the most direct ways to make an impact, and if you are driven by the desire to help those around you, being a teacher is an invaluable contribution.

3. To Change the Lives of Students

Being a teacher entails more. They do more than teach, and their impact extends far beyond the classroom. As a teacher, you are more than just an educator: you are a mentor, a confidant, and a friend. One of the most common reasons to become a teacher is to make a difference in the lives of as many students as you can.

What Every Teacher Should Know

As a teacher, it is important that you note the following:

1. Students Learn Differently

It may seem repulsively obvious, but how many classrooms are now designed with one learning style in mind and this is bad because students have different ways they learn

For instance, Worksheets and flashcards work well for students who learn well visually, but for a child who needs to hear the information in order to grasp it, the normal methods of the teaching force him or her to use a physical sense that is not as well-developed.

The visual learner doesn’t have the same opportunity to stretch his or her other senses. If a teacher comes to the classroom with the basic knowledge that students learn differently, they will be better equipped to arrange the lessons in such a way that all senses are activated.

2. Use It Or Lose It

Using information is how it becomes knowledge.

Revising knowledge over a lifetime is how it becomes wisdom.

Learning can’t be about coverage, and is not “set it and forget it.”

3. Consider Kinesthetic Learning

Of the diverse learning styles available, kinesthetic learning is the hardest bundle to educate in a conventional setting. This learning is about movement, feeling, and travelling through information, which needs space and opportunity that many conventional study halls don’t take into account.

Kinesthetic learning benefits from students trying something, watching it fail, and taking that knowledge forward. While this can be difficult logistically with a large class, implementing kinesthetic strategies will not just help a few kids, but your own approach to how students learn.

4. Use Several Different Angles

For instance, if a science teacher is teaching on photosynthesis, the students will gain from hitting the same concept at different angles.

First of all, the teacher explains the overarching concept. This provides a framework and context. Second, he explores each part of the process in greater detail. Third, he explains the whole process again, this time encouraging students to ask questions. Fourth, he asks the students to explain it back to him.

Finally, he takes the process and inserts it into a relevant everyday situation that stretches the students to apply the information in a real-life example. As he reinforces the concept with different angles, the brain is better able to organize the information. Trying to hit all of the points in one explanation will overwhelm most students.

Keep these questions in mind and at your fingertips:

1. First, tell us a little bit about yourself. (Almost every teacher interview begins this way.)

2. Describe your college experiences.

3. Tell us about your experiences working with students at this age level.

4. Describe your philosophy of teaching?

5. Why do you want to become a teacher?

6. List three of your strengths and explain each one.

7. Describe three of your weaknesses as a teacher.

8. In what ways do you encourage creativity in your classroom?

9. Tell us about a lesson in which you’ve used differentiated instruction.

10. How do you teach kids to utilize higher-order thinking skills in your classroom?

11. What do you do to prepare your students for state or standardized tests?

12. Do you make learning fun for students?  How?

13. If I walked into your classroom on a typical afternoon, what would I see going on?

14. How do you measure student performance in your classroom?

15. Describe a successful lesson.  Tell me why it was successful.

16. What would you do if a student wasn’t handing her homework on a regular basis?

17. How much homework do you give?

18. Besides lecture, what methods of teaching do you use?

19. Tell us about your discipline philosophy.

20. What are your classroom rules?  How do you make students familiar with the rules?

21. What daily or weekly routines would be incorporated into your teaching?

22. One student hits another student.  What do you do?

23. A student throws a pencil across the room.  What do you do?

24. Explain what you would do if a student was swearing in your class?

25. What would you do if a student was complaining about an assignment you’ve given?

26. What would you do if a parent complained about an assignment?

27. Describe some methods of “positive reinforcement” that you might use in your classroom.

28. Would you describe yourself as a “tough” teacher or an “understanding” teacher?  Explain.

29. How would you create a behaviour modification for a student with ongoing behaviour problems?

30. What are some ways you can avoid behaviour problems?

31. Without giving any names, describe the most challenging student you’ve ever taught.

32. What would you do to calm an angry parent?

33. Do you have an example of a parent newsletter that you can show us?

34. In what ways do you communicate with parents on a regular basis?

35. A parent calls you because they are worried about their chil
d’s low grades.  What would you say to the parent?

36. A parent writes a note and tells you that their daughter could not complete their homework assignment because she had a dance recital the night before.  What do you do?

37. How do you keep parents informed of their child’s progress?

38. How do you use technology to enrich your lessons?

39. How computer literate are you?

40. Do you think it is appropriate for children in school to be using the Internet?

41. Give an example of a time when you’ve worked on a team.

42. Describe one time when you’ve acted as a leader.

43. How do you feel about team teaching?

44. What can you do for a student that is extremely gifted?

45. Describe a gifted student.

46. How would you recommend a child for special education services?

47. Most classes have students with a wide range of reading abilities.  What can you do to meet the needs of students with high reading abilities and low reading abilities at the same time?

48. Tell us a little about your student teaching experiences.

49. What is your least favourite age/grade/subject to teach?  Explain.

50. What is your favourite age/grade/subject to teach?  Explain.

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