UN-HABITAT Urban Design Competition for International Students 2022 Update

– UN-HABITAT Urban Design Competition –

UN-HABITAT Urban Design Competition 2020: UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, and WLSP, the Wuhan Land Use and Spatial Planning Research Center, are organizing an international student competition to propose creative and innovative solutions for a vacant waterfront site in inner-city Wuhan.


They are looking for creative and innovative urban design ideas from students for a vacant waterfront site in inner-city Wuhan, China. The competition is part of the UN-Habitat – WLSP programme “People Orientated Urban Public Spaces” and covers the following key themes:

• Improving and innovating urban public spaces

• Revitalization of waterfront spaces

• Revalorizing industrial heritage

• Socially inclusive and compact inner-city centers

• Creating new tourism destinations


• The competition is only open to students of Urban Planning, Urban Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Economics and other relevant disciplines globally.

• Applicants can enroll as an individual or as a team. Team sizes are open.

• Each applicant in the team must be enrolled in a certified program on June 30, 2018. When registering for the competition, enrollment information must be submitted.

• One team can only submit one proposal and individuals cannot participate in more than one team.

• All submissions must be in English.

• UN-Habitat and WLSP are publishing the same competition documents on their respective websites, in respectively English and Chinese. The official language of the competition is English, the working language of UN-Habitat internationally; in case of doubt, the English language documents prevail.


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Submission Format.

1. Submissions must follow strictly the following format:

Three (or less) posters, each having A1 format and with portrait orientation.

Poster 1: Approach, explaining the urban ideas developed in the project with regards to the proposed site and context issues

Poster 2: Design – presenting the project as a whole, highlighting the urban design and architecture concepts

Poster 3: Public space strategies and themes, elaborating the public space strategies and themes in the design

One abstract (word file) of maximum 5000 characters including spaces and covering maximum 2 pages A4, portrait orientation. Font space is no smaller than 10.

2. All files must be formatted as PDF files and must be sent as follows:

One single file with the 3 posters in reduced size and the abstract of max 2 MB.

Each poster separate with a maximum of 5 MB per poster

Abstract separately with a maximum of 1 MB.

3. Each poster has the registration number of the applying team in the upper right corner, in the format 00345/1-3, whereby “00345” is the serial number and “/1-3” indicates the poster number and the total number of posters. The numbers will be precisely 2 cm high in all A1 posters and in full black Arial Bolt font.

4. The filenames shall be, assuming here for applicant no. 00345

“UNHABITATWUHAN_00345_i.pdf” for the single file of all documents

“UNHABITATWUHAN_00345_ii-1.pdf” for the first individual poster, …ii-2.pdf for the second poster and …ii-3.pdf for the third

“UNHABITATWUHAN_00345_iii.pdf” for the stand-alone abstract.

5. As said above, the single submission email shall have the title: “SUBMISSION UNHABITATWUHAN 00345”.

How to Apply.

• Registration is done by sending the registration form by email to [email protected], no later than 30 June 2018.

• The email with the registration form shall have the subject title “REGISTRATION UNHABITATWUHAN”.

• Upon registering, the applicant (team) receives a unique registration number, e.g. 00345, which is proof of registration.

• Questions can be sent to the same email address, with the email heading “QUESTIONS UNHABITATWUHAN 00345” (as an example, for the team which received the registration number 00345).

to Download Registration Form (WORD 167KB)

For more information,

Application Deadline: Application Closed.

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