300 Truth or Dare Questions, Good Truth Question

– Truth or Dare Questions –

Are you looking for the best truth or dare questions? You’re in the right place. We’ve compiled a list of the best and most revealing truth or dare questions for you. This is going to be fun, trust me!

Good Truth or Dare Questions

Truth or dare is one of the most well-known games of all time. It’s a favorite among friends and couples. 

It’s the game you want to play at parties, with your friends, or on a romantic evening with your lover. Let’s go!

1. What has been the most unexpected incident in your life?

2. Which of the following places do you want to visit the most?

3. What’s the most you’ve ever told about your ex?

4. Would you marry a sugar daddy who was several years your senior?

5. In this room, who do you have the least faith in and who do you have the greatest faith in?

6. What was the name of your first love?

7. Have you ever acted like you’re having an orgasm?

8. Who would you call to help bury a dead body?

9. Have you ever cheated on your partner?

10. When’s the last time you lied to someone and why?

11. What’s your favorite position?

12. Has anyone ever walked in while you are peeing?

13. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else?

14. What’s something you love to do with your friends that you’d never do in front of your partner?

15. Who are you most jealous of?

16. What’s your in bed?

17. What was your biggest childhood fear?

18. Who’s the younger person you’ve dated?

19. How many times do you have sex weekly?

20. Have you ever accidentally hit something with your car?

21. Have you ever swum without a ?

22. Would you date your first love today?

23. Where are you ticklish?

24. Do you believe in aliens?

25. What’s one movie is your guilty pleasure?

26. What’s your most embarrassing habit?

27. When’s the last time you had a hangover?

28. Do you have ever done it in your parent’s house?

29. Have you ever peed on your pants?

30. Have you ever kissed your best friend’s boyfriend crush?

31. Have you ever cheated on a partner with his best friend?

32. What is the last message you sent to your best friend?

33. Have you ever peed in a pool?


Truth or Dare Questions for Friends

34. What’s the last time you threw up from drinking too much?

35. If you were guaranteed to never get caught, who would you murder?

36. What is a secret you had as a child that you never told your parents?

37. Have you ever had a profile in a dating app?

38. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done at a party?

39. Have you ever been naked in public?

40. Have you ever been fired because you have done something ?

41. What is the worst food you’ve ever tasted?

42. Have you ever broken an expensive item in a store and then leave?

43. Have you ever lied about your age? And why?

44. If you had to delete one app from your phone, which one would it be?

45. Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?

46. What’s the longest you’ve gone without sex?

47. Have you ever used a fake ID?

48. Have you ever smoked marijuana?

49. Do you have a favorite child, friend, or parent?

50. If you woke up one day as the other gender, what would you do first?

51. In a relationship, what is your greatest fear?

52. Have you ever snooped on your boyfriend’s phone?

53. What’s the most embarrassing text you’ve received recently in your DMs?

54. Have you ever had the pleasure of eating a booger?

55. Do you have a habit of singing in the shower?

56. Have you ever stolen something from your boyfriend’s house?

57. What’s the longest you’ve gone without brushing your teeth?

58. Do you ever have a conversation with yourself in the mirror?

59. Who do you dread seeing naked? 

60. Describe the strangest thing you’ve ever done while inebriated.

61. Have you ever sent the wrong person a message?

62. Would you leave your partner for a million dollars?

63. Have you ever had a crush on your best friend?

64. Have you ever taken a sexy picture of yourself?

65. Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush or partner’s attention?

66. Have you ever farted loudly in a public space?

67. Have you ever ghosted a friend/boyfriend?

68. What don’t you like about me?

69. What’s the most scandalous photo in your cloud?

70. If could you be your partner what would you do better?

71. Who is the sexiest person in this room?

72. Have you ever switched underwear with your partner?

73. Who do you like the least in this room and why?

74. When’s the last time you got dumped?

75. What’s the worst habit you have?

76. When’s the last time you texted your ex?

77. If you had to pick another place to live, which is the place?

78. Would you date someone shorter than you?

79. Have you ever catfished?

80. Name one thing you’d change about your partner.

81. When’s the last time you made someone else cry?

82. Do you sleep with a ?

83. If you could have a day you can do whatever you want, name the first three things that you do.

84. Have you ever gotten mad at a friend for posting an unflattering picture of you?

85. Do you have any fetishes?

86. Have you ever eaten something that you found on the ground?

87. Have you ever been caught doing it in front of others?

88. Would you date two people at the same time if you could? If so, who is

89. Do you have a safety blanket?

90. What is the most enticing feature of the opposing gender?

91. Have you ever kissed someone who shares your gender?

92. What would be the strangest thing you’d find in your cabinet if I went through it?

93. What is the worst restaurant dish you’ve ever had?

94. What is your most powerful attraction?

95. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a terrible kiss?

96. What is your greatest fear in daily life?

97. Have you ever driven without your license?

98. Have you ever been to a party uninvited?

99. Have you ever destroyed a surprise party?

100. Have you ever cheated on a test?

Best Dares for Truth or Dare Game

1o1. Go outside and scream “I love to have sex with you”

102. Remove one item of your clothing

103. Show the last text that your ex sent to you

104. Eat a chili pepper

105. Make a wild animal noise.

106. Act out a scene from one of your favorite shows.

107. Display the most humiliating text message on your phone.

108. Twerk for five minutes

109. While dancing to your favorite song, take a series of photographs.

110. Try not to use your hands to drink a glass of water.

111. Allow the other players to create an amusing meal combination and experiment a little.

112. Take a bite of raw onion

113. Lick the person’s ear who is sitting next to you.

114. Show off your orgasm expression.

115. Put one ice cube in the pocket of your pants.

116. Give a kiss to whoever you want.

117. Ask your neighbor for sugar by knocking on their door.

118. Howl like a wolf

119. Crawl on the floor like a baby

118. Let someone shave your left leg.

119. Try to put an egg in your mouth for minutes without cracking it

120. Pretend to be the person who is sitting right next to you

121. Let the person on your left make a drawing with a pen on your face.


Dirty Truth or Dare Questions

122. What do you do when you think about the person you love?

123. Have you ever caught someone you know having sex?

124. Have you ever dated someone you actually hate?

125. Which date do you prefer the most, breakfast date or dinner date?

126. Have you ever dated someone just for sex?

127. Have you ever taken money from someone for having sex?

128. Do you prefer to keep the light on or off?

129. Have you ever made out in a smelly bathroom?

130. How was your first time dating experience?

131. Have you ever had it so loud that someone complained about it?

132. Have you ever talked dirty with someone of the same gender?

133. What is the strangest place you’ve ever made love to someone?

134. When was the last time you didn’t feel like yourself?

135. With yoga, what is your favorite position?

136. When was the last time you had an out-of-control one-night stand, and why was it out-of-control?

137. What is your favorite sexual memory?

138. What was the most electrifying touch you’ve ever experienced, and why?

140. What is the strangest thing you and your partner have done together?

141. Have you ever had a late-night situation that you believe will never happen to anyone else?

142. Do you have a sexual memory that you believe no one will ever be able to surpass?

143. What is your favorite type of foreplay?

144. Would you rather lick someone’s hand or chick?

145. What was your most horror date ever and why?

146. Which type of outfit do you think suits you the most?

147. Have you ever made out with someone of the same gender?

148. What is your most favorite sex toy? 

149. When was the first time you started using sex toys?

150. If you meet your ex suddenly how do you think you would react?

151. Have you ever considered having a threesome or foursome?

152. Have you ever done it with over one random person in one day?

153. Has your partner ever cheated on you?

154. Have you ever thought of cheating on your partner?

156. What can turn you on at any place?

157. What do you hate the most about your partner?

158. Is there anything weird you do when you go on a date?

159. Do you think your partner ever faked an orgasm while doing it with you?

160. Have you ever got aroused at the wrong place?

161. Have you ever pretended to love someone?

162. When was the last time you got dumped?

163. Have you ever thought of breaking up with your partner but did not do it?

164. When was the last time you ghosted someone and why? 

165. Have you ever dated two people at one time to make a final decision?

Funny Dares for Truth or Dare Games

166. Take a banana from the refrigerator and eat it seductively.

167. For a few minutes, pretend to pole dance.

168. Create a film emphasizing the value of physical closeness.

169. Pretend to be in love with someone who isn’t there.

170. Pick up a leaf from your yard and devour it seductively.

171. Prepare a meal while blindfolded and serve it to your companion.

172. Tell us about your worst relationship experience.

173. Share your most embarrassing photo from your photo album on .

174. Share your deepest secret with us.

175. For three minutes, wash your partner’s feet.

176. Apply some cosmetics to your crush’s face.

177. Dance to your favorite music with someone in the room.

178. Perform all the actions for your favorite nursery rhyme.

179. Allow your lover to use your social media account to publish something.

180. For the next five minutes, we’ll blindfold you and tickle you.

181. Approach your favorite person from behind and blow his or her neck.

182. Look me in the eye for three minutes without blinking.

183. Make a phone call to your favorite person and ex
press your love for them.

184. Making no facial expressions, tell us about your fondest memory with your relationship.

185. Call your college lecturer and express your true feelings regarding your college.

186. Tickle your lover for three minutes while blindfolded.

187. Use your mouth to make the sound of a fart and record it.

188. Make a video call to your crush and stare him or her down for three minutes.

189. Put on your favorite clothes and stand in the chilly shower.

190. For five minutes, pretend to be a seductive monkey.

191. Call your ex and express your true feelings for them.

192. Break-dance to a love song with someone from this room.


193. Shave one of your brows.

194. You’ve shaved your entire face now.

195. Call your parents and tell them you’re expecting a child.

196. Write a detailed status about your most recent date with your partner.

197. Practice pole dancing and send a video to your partner.

198. Share a secret about your most recent ex.

199. Make a video of yourself dancing in the shower while wearing your clothing.

200. Attempt to lick your elbow.

201. Give everyone a guess who your favorite member of this group is.

202. Give your phone to your best friend and let him/ her post a picture on your social media from your photo gallery of his/ her choice.

203. Tell us about the things that you think you dislike the most in your life.

204. Request that someone from this group make a social media post for you.

205. Put a status on Facebook that says, “I’m feeling horny.”

206. Send a photo of yourself in a bikini to your companion.

207. Perform ballet without music.

208. Share your favorite sexual encounter on Facebook.

209. Let your spouse ask you some questions, and every time you poorly respond, take off one of your costumes.

210. Pretend to strip and film yourself doing so.

211. Use your mouth to feed someone a fruit.

212. Take one of your underwear off without taking off your entire wardrobe.

Juicy Truth or Dare Questions

213. What is the last thing you searched for on your phone?

214. When was the last time you farted in the elevator?

215. If you could be someone of your opposite gender, what is the first thing you would like to do?

216. If you have time to have a threesome with the people in this room, who would you like to choose?

217. Can you share your online purchase history?

218. Have you ever sexted someone you do not know?

219. What is your most favorite fantasy picture of yourself?

220. Are there any adventurous things that you would like to do?

221. Is there any song that can turn you on and at any place?

223. Is there anyone in this room you would like to sleep with?

224. Is there any weird place that you have explored yourself?

225. Who do you think was your best partner to date?

226. At what age did you have your first kiss?

227. What is the most adventurous thing you think you have done till now?

228. At what age did you come for the first time in your life?

229. Which outfit from your collection do you think makes you the most attractive?

220. Which body part do you hate the most?

221. Have you ever on someone while playing truth or dare?

222. How many people have you slept with till now?

223. Is there anyone in your life whom you are the most jealous of?

224. Do you prefer furious sex or make-up sex the most?

225. Do you have a celebrity crush?

226. How long has it been since you peed in the pool?

227. Who do you fantasize about the most?

228. Have you ever had a dream concerning a famous person?

Dare for Truth or Dare Questions

229. Use your mouth to feed someone a fruit.

230. Take one of your underwear off without taking off your entire wardrobe.

231. Choose someone from this room to go skinny dipping in a pool.

232. Blindfold yourself and kiss the first person you can touch.

233. Choose someone in this room to lick whipped cream from your finger.

234. Share with us the last voicemail you have sent to your ex.

235. Do lap dance on someone in this room.

236. Talk dirty to your hand in front of everyone.

237. Let everyone in this room check your browser history.

238. Lie down on the floor and let someone draw an outline of your body.

239. Go to a dating site and try to find a match for yourself.

240. Let everyone in this room make some surprise drink for you and choose any five and drink.

241. Put on some swimsuits and ask someone to rub some sunscreen on your back.

242. Give someone in this room a full body massage.

243. Whisper something seductively in someone’s ear in this room.

244. Convince your partner to let you give him/ her a makeover.

245. Write about your stupidest experience till now and post it on your social media.

246. Text your crush and then apologize saying it was a mistake.

247. Send a voicemail to your crush.

248. Get dressed like your partner and send him/ her a photo of yourself.

249. Turn off the light and hug the first person you can touch.

250. Make a video of working out and send it to your crush.

251. Ask someone in this room to give you a full body massage.

252. Give your partner a head massage. 


Truth or Dare Questions for Couples

253. When was the last time you had any exciting dreams about me?             

254. How much do you think you love me?

255. What are your plans with me?

256. How many people do you think you have kissed till now?

257. How many people have you made out with?

258. How frequently do you like to touch yourself?

259. When was the last time you did it at work?

260. What is the weirdest thing you think you have one for sex?

261. Do you prefer being dominated by someone or dominating someone in bed?

262. What is the highest number of times you had it in one day?

 263. What do you ha
te the most about me?

264. Which behavior of mine do you think irritates you the most?

265. What do you like the most about me?

266. When was the last time you thought about me in the shower?

267. How much do you like me to kiss on your neck?

268. When was your last solo trip and to where?

269. Do you ever want to pull my hair?

270. How frequently do you watch naughty videos?

271. At what moment do you feel a desire to tear my clothes off?

272. What do you prefer the most, kissing or hugging?

273. Is there anything that bothers you while sharing an intimate moment with me?

274. How much do you like to have a shower with me?

275. How much do you think you like foreplay?

Dare for Truth or Dare Questions

276. Wear my clothes and dress up like him/ her.

277. Call any of my parents and tell them how much you love me.

278. Call your parents and prank them by saying that we are getting married.

279. Go to your neighbor’s house and prank them.

280. Act a small part of the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ play.

281. Sing a song in a sexy British accent.

282. Take my clothes and style them in your own way.

283. Try to convince me to do something for you.

284. Take off my outfit only using your teeth.

285. Cook a tasty meal for me.

286. Try to make me laugh.

287. Do whatever I ask you to do for ten minutes.

288. Clean your room with no clothes on.

289. Give me a seductively full-body massage.

290. Plan a nice date with me.

291. Make a video of doing a sexy dance for me using only one leg.

292. Trade your clothes with me and let us do a style swap.

293. Wear handcuffs and let me do whatever I want to do with you.

294. Pretend to be a cowboy/ cowgirl and try to turn me on.

295. Do a lap dance for me.

296. Set a weird picture of yourself as your phone’s wallpaper.

297. Design your own wedding dress and show us all.

298. Act on how to make cereals.

299. Find a childhood picture of yours and try to recreate it as minutely as possible.

300. Make a flower bouquet for me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions on truth and dare game

1. What are some dirty truth or dare questions?

‣ What is your biggest pet peeve?
‣ What is the most significant age difference between you and your sexual partners?
‣ Is it true that size matters?
‣ Who was the worst sexual partner you’ve ever had, and why?
‣ Have you ever pretended to have an orgasm?
‣ Have you ever been caught in the middle of something?

2. What are some of the best truth questions in ‘Truth or Dare’?

‣ When was the last time you spoke a falsehood to someone?
‣ When was the last time you were moved to tears?
‣ What is your greatest apprehension?
‣ What is your most fantastical fantasy?
‣ Are there any fetishes you have?
‣ What is one thing about yourself that you’re pleased your mother isn’t aware of?
‣ Have you ever cheated on someone?
‣ What is the most heinous act you’ve ever committed?

3. What are some really good truth-or-dare questions?

‣ When was the last time you lied?
‣ When was the last time you cried?
‣ What’s your biggest fear?
‣ What’s your biggest fantasy?
‣ Do you have any fetishes?
‣ What’s something you’re glad your mum doesn’t know about you?
‣ Have you ever cheated on someone?
‣ What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?

4. What are some crazy dares?

‣ Remove your underpants and dispose of them properly.
‣ Remove mayonnaise from someone’s toe.
‣ Allow a member of the group to put you on a leash and walk you down the street.
‣ For one minute, cry like a baby.
‣ Call a pharmacy and inquire about the most effective laxative.

5. What are the best Truth or Dare questions for adults?

‣ When was the last time you spoke a falsehood to someone?
‣ When was the last time you were moved to tears?
‣ What is your greatest apprehension?
‣ What is your most fantastical fantasy?
‣ Are there any fetishes you have?
‣ What is one thing about yourself that you’re pleased your mother isn’t aware of?
‣ Have you ever been caught cheating on someone?
‣ What is the most heinous act you’ve ever committed?

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