Physico-chemical and Bacteriological Properties of Water Supply Sited around 9th Mile Brewery, Enugu State


of the physico-chemical and properties of Ajalli , Ngwo Spring water, Umuagba Ime-Owa River, Abonuzu stream and Ibute Amaeke hand dug well water all around 9th mile brewery in Enugu State,

were investigated between June 2009 and May 2010 to assess the extent of of the water due to effluent discharges from the industries around the studied area. These sites were investigated during the dry season and rainy season of the research period.

Standard analytical methods were employed in the study and World Health Organization (WHO) maximum acceptable standards for drinking water were used to evaluate their possible public health implications.

Microorganisms isolated include Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus faecalis and Alkaligenes. 

Ajalli stream yielded Bacillus subtilis (9.0 x 104 cfu/ml) and Salmonella (1.2 x 104 cfu/ml) in the dry season and in the rainy season, it had S. faecalis (2.3 x 104 cfu/ml) and Clostridium Perfringens (1.2 x 104 cfu/ml).

Ngwo spring water had B. subtilis (1.2 x 104 cfu/ml), Pseudomonas (9.0 x 104 cfu/ml) in dry season and none in rainy season. Umuagba ime-Owa river had Streptococcus faecalis (2.3×104 cfu/ml), 

Alkaligenes (2.3 x 104 cfu/ml) in dry season and Escherichia coli (1.2 x 104 cfu/ml) in the rainy season, Abonuzu stream yielded Streptococcus faecalis (7.3 x 104 cfu/ml), 

Alkaligenes (7.3 x 104 cfu/ml) and E. coli (1.6 x 104 cfu/ml) in dry season while in the rainy season, it had Bacillus subtilis (1.2 x 104 cfu/ml) and S. faecalis (7.3 x 104 cfu/ml). 


Title page – – – – – – – – – i
Certification- – – – – – – – – ii
Dedication – – – – – – – – – iii
Acknowledgement- – – – – – – – iv
Table of Contents – – – – – – – – v
List of Tables – – – – – – – – vii
List of figures – – – – – – – – viii
Abstract – – – – – – – – – ix

1.0 INTRODUCTION – – – – – – – 1
1.1 Aims and Objectives – – – – – – 5

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW – – – – – 6
2.1 Water and its Sources – – – – – – 13
2.2 Water Quality and Human Health – – – – 16
2.3 Water Composition and Quality- – – – – 17
2.4 Water Quality Assessment – – – – – 18
2.5 Water Quality Criteria – – – – – – 18
2.6 Water Pollution – – – – – – – 19
2.6.1 The use of water bodies as sink for industrial effluents – 21
2.7 Categories of Water Pollution – – – – – 23
2.7.1 Ground water Pollution – – – – – – 24
2.8 Sources of Industrial Effluents – – – – – 26
2.9 Industrial Waste water Characteristics – – – – 35
2.9.1 Physical characteristics – – – – – – 35
2.9.2 Chemical characteristics – – – – – – 38 Inorganic chemicals – – – – – – 38 Organic waste/Chemicals – – – – – 40
2.10 Heavy Metal Discharges – – – – – – 41
2.11 Microbiological Properties – – – – – 43
2.12 Control and Prevention of Water Pollution – – – 45

3.1 Study Area – – – – – – – – 47
3.2 Sampling Sites – – – – – – – 47
3.3 Sample Collection – – – – – – – 47
3.4 Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters – – 48
3.5 Microbiological tests – – – – – – 62
3.6 Media Used and their Preparation – – – – 62
3.7 Enumeration and Detection of Bacteria – – – 62
3.8 Total Plate Counts – – – – – – – 63
3.9 Biochemical Tests and Identification of Microbial isolates 65

4.0 RESULTS – – – – – – – – 66

5.1 Discussion – – – – – – – – 78
5.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – – 88
5.3 Recommendation – – – – – – – 89
References – – – – – – – – 90


The importance of water in the control of diseases had long been recognized (Hofkes, 1981; WHO, 1996). Water is a factor of production in virtually all enterprises, including agriculture, industry and the services sector (UNESCO, 2006).

The importance of safe drinking water is underlined by the assertion that, “safe drinking water is the birth right of clean air” (TWAS, 2002).

It also reported that the majority of the world’s population especially in most parts of Africa and Asia does not have access to safe drinking water and that as much as 6 million children die daily as a result of water- borne diseases linked to scarcity of safe drinking water or sanitation (TWAS, 2002).

WHO (2002) pointed out that the disease related to contamination of drinking water constitute a major burden on human health; and that interventions to improve the quality of drinking water provide significant benefits to health? 

For most communities, the most secure source of safe drinking water is pipe-borne water from municipal water treatment plants.

Often, most of water treatment facilities do not deliver or fail to meet the
water requirements of the served community; due to corruption, lack of maintenance or increased population.

The scarcity of pipe-borne water has made communities to find alternative sources of water, streams, rivers, boreholes, Ogbanokwute.

As today’s technology progresses, the natural environment suffers from the detrimental effects of pollution as the discharge of industrial effluents has led inevitably, to alterations in the quality and ecology of receiving water bodies.

Untreated wastes pose serious threat to associated environment including human health risks (Chand and Dara, 1997). 


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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