Privatization and Commercialization in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects


Given Nigeria financial which emanated the economic crisis of 1980s and 1990s, coupled with the poor quality service rendered by the public and their poor returns to investment,

the and of public enterprises aim at resolving an economic problem of operational inefficiency.

Policies were designed to guide the implementation process of privatization and commercialization programme, but the implementation process of the policy has not been free from problems resulting from controversing which confronts the programme and the complex nature of our country Nigeria.

This study underscores some of the major issues and problems of privatization and commercialization in Nigeria and provides some guidelines for evolving optimal modalities for a successful implementation.

The first chapter is introductory covering the background of the study, statement of problems, research questions, study objectives, research hypotheses which focus on problems of implementation, significance of the study and scope and limitation of the study.

Chapter two is a study of relevant literature, while chapter three takes a deep study on the method of the research which involves the research design, area of study, population of the study, sample size and sampling procedure. Others are the sources and types of data and instruments for data collection.

Validity and reliability of research instruments and method of data collection are also contained in chapter three. Chapter four deals with presentation and analysis of data while chapter five deals with the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.


Title page: = = = = = = i
Certification: = = = = = = ii
Dedication = = = = = = iii
Acknowledgement = = = = = = iv
Abstract = = = = = = vi
Table of Contents = = = = = = vii


1.1 Background of the Study = = = = 1
1.2 Statement of the Study = = = = 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study = = = = 3
1.4 Relevant Research Questions = = = 4
1.5 Research Hypothesis = = = = 5
1.6 Significance of the Study = = = = 6
1.7 Scope and Limitation of Study = = = 7
References = = = = = = 8


2.1 Concepts Of Commercialization And Privatization in Nigeria
2.2 Privatization and Commercialization Programme in Nigeria 12
2.3 Nigeria Economic Situation before Privatization and Commercialization= 15
2.4 Theories and Models Relevant to the Research 18
2.5 Relevance of the theories of Nigeria = 20
2.6 Institutional framework for Implementation of Privatization and Commercialization = = 23
2.7 Objectives of Privatization and Commercialization Programme = = = = 29
2.8 Methods of Privatization and Commercialization Programme = = = 31
2.9 Conditions for successful implementation programme in Nigeria = = = = = 33
2.10 Implementation Problems of Privatization and Commercialization in Nigeria = = = 35
2.10.1 Benefits of Privatization and Commercialization on the National Economy 37
References = = = = = = = 39


3.1 The Research Design = = = = 41
3.2 Area of Study = = = = = = 42
3.3 Population of Study = = = = = 42
3.4 Sample Size = = = = = = 44
3.5 Sources of Data = = = = = 47
3.6 Sampling Procedure = = = = = 47
3.7 Test of Validity and Reliability = = = 48
of Research Instrument
3.8 Procedure for Data Collection = = = 49
3.9 Method of Data Analysis = = = = 49
References = = = = = = 50


4 Presentation and Analysis of Data = = 51
4.1 Data Presentation = = = = = 58
4.2 Data Analysis = = = = = = 59
4.3 Test of Hypothesis = = = = = 61

CHAPTER FIVE 5 Summary of Findings Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary of Findings = = = = 66
5.2 Conclusions = = = = = 67
5.3 Recommendations = = = = = 69
Bibliography = = = = = = 70


1.1 Background of the Study

Governments across the globe have come to reassess their ownership and involvement in enterprises that could otherwise be managed by the private sector.

In many developing countries where state ownership of public enterprises were regarded as a necessary social service aimed at providing employment for their citizens, privatization and commercialization of such public enterprises have been on the increase as a result of the short comings from government ownership of such enterprises.

However, the problems of public enterprises which include ill-conceived investment, political interference in decision making, costly and inefficient use of public resources, increased budgetary burden,

over-extension of government’s managerial capacity, diversion of credit and other resources meant for expansion to private pockets,

abandonment of projects and the harsh economic realties have forced Nigeria government to embark on privatization and commercialization of her major enterprises like  National Electric Power Authority (NEPA), Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and others.

Moreso, privatization and commercialization have helped to break up monopolies which hitherto have been enjoyed by some of the above named Nigerian enterprises.

Therefore, central planning and state ownership has become a thing of the past citizens are encouraged to participate in the privatization and commercialization scheme of the Federal government of Nigeria.


Audu, I. Macroeconomic for Public Sector Mangers Nigerian Economy in Transition, Lagos Longman, 1989.

Adamolekun, A. Public Administration and Comparative Perspective, Longman Group, USA. 1983.

Asika, N. Research Mythology in Behavioural Science, Longman Nigeria Plc, 1991

Drucker, P. Management Task Responsiblitites and Practices, New York: Harper and Row, 1993.

Friedman,   M.   Capitalism   and   Freedom,   University   of Chicago Press, 1962.

Jewlews, J. Public and Private Enterprise, London: Rotledge and Kegan Paul Ltd, 1966.

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