This chapter deals with various literature materials that are related to the topic of study.

The review is done under the following sub-headings

·         Concept of instructional materials.

·         Various types of instructional materials.

·         Importance of Social Studies Teaching Resource

·         Sources of Social Studies Teaching Resources

·         Effective utilization of teaching resource.

·         Factors considered in selecting of teaching resource for social studies.

·         Problems associated with social studies teaching resources.

·         Summary of review of related literature.

Concept of instructional material

Various authorities in education circles have identified various definitions. Adeyemo (1998) saw teaching resources as visual aids or objects which help the teacher to make lesson explicit to the children. He rather stated that instructional materials help to transmit information, ideals and notes to students in such a fashion that will modify their aptitude, habits and practices. According to him, these visual aids facilitate learning though he warned that instructional materials are only supplements, rather than substitutes for a lesson. By the above definition, it is clear that instructional materials are non-verbal materials (NVM) which are pictures, diagrams, graphs, and tables etc that accompany a text but are themselves not textual. These materials are used as non-verbal materials (NVM). The term ‘Non-verbal’ in the above quotation implies that the materials are symbols not words. Obviously, symbols appeal to the sense of sight while words appeal to the sense of hearing. So in the opinion of Nuttal (1990) teaching Resource give information to students without necessarily using words or with the use of few words as possible.

Adeyemo (1998) stated that teaching resources in school denote educational materials that teaching corporate into the teaching process to help the learner benefit effectively from the learning experiences. It further emphasized that they are materials that can aid learning by stimulating the learner to learn. Moreover, instructional materials are described as anything which may be object of study of stimulus for the students which include books, periodicals, pictures, charts, newspapers, magazines etc

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