How to Become Epic Certified and Why You Should Do It

– Epic Certification –

Epic certification is for healthcare IT professionals who work with Epic software and giving a try to obtain one is never a big deal.

What Is Epic Certification?

Epic is the name of the largest and most used (electronic health records) in the United States.

is for IT professionals who deal with Epic software in the healthcare industry. Candidates must complete a training program before taking and passing an exam to become Epic certified.

Patient experience, , specialty and ancillaries, interoperability, and managed care are some of the software packages Epic delivers to healthcare organizations.

They want to increase the healthcare system’s efficiency, help with data gathering and organizing, and expand the types of high-quality care that patients can obtain.

Epic Modules

Certain parts of the Epic software have particular capabilities for specific sectors of a hospital or healthcare center. There are several distinct Epic modules, and depending on where you work, you may be in one or more of them.

Some of the common modules include:

ASAP: Epic’s emergency room module

Beacon: Epic’s oncology module

Beaker: Epic’s lab tests module

Cadence: Epic’s scheduling module

Cupid: Epic’s cardiology module

Kaleidoscope: Epic’s ophthalmology module

Prelude/ADT: Epic’s patient registration module

Radiant: Epic’s radiology module

Stork: Epic’s obstetrics module

Willow: Epic’s pharmacy module

Benefits of Epic Certifications

Earning one or more Epic certifications can provide you with numerous benefits. Here are some instances of how an Epic certification might help you:

1. Enhances Your Credibility as a Professional

By becoming Epic certified, you may boost your professional reputation by demonstrating that you have the skills and experience to oversee the implementation process at your organization.

It also helps you market yourself for potential employment and leadership positions in hospital departments, which improves your professional reputation.

2. Makes It Easier To Work in a Healthcare Setting

Epic credentials can assist IT professionals who want to work in the healthcare industry in finding a method to apply their IT skills in a hospital, clinic, or setting.


3. Gives You the Opportunity to Travel

Professionals with Epic certificates may be able to travel to other healthcare facilities to assist with the implementation of Epic software and learn how to get the most out of it.

4. Assists You in Moving Into New Roles

Although IT professionals are more likely to pursue Epic certifications because they have prior IT experience.

are also available for healthcare administrators, nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals who want to transition from patient-focused to IT professions.

How to Get Epic Certifications

Epic certificates can be obtained in a variety of ways. The following are the processes to obtaining Epic certifications and qualifying for Epic certification training:


1. Work In a Healthcare IT Role

 If you work in the IT department of a hospital, healthcare organization, or another sort of healthcare facility, you can learn how information technology interacts with and supports daily operations such as patient care, , data storage, and scheduling.

This can help you improve your qualifications in the future if you want to pursue Epic certifications.

2. Check with Your Current Employer to Determine Certification Options

Another approach to obtain Epic certifications is to discuss certification alternatives with your business.

Your healthcare organization may be able to sponsor you if they presently use Epic software or plan to do so in the future. Sponsorships assist you to improve your qualifications so you can get Epic certifications.

3. Take Advantage of Epic’s Job Openings

Healthcare IT specialists who desire to build software, teach others how to use software, and implement software in healthcare settings may find job possibilities at Epic. On the , you can look for job positions.

 4. Apply for Jobs With Companies that Use Epic Technology

Epic technologies are used to oversee facility activities in a variety of healthcare facilities and educational medical institutes.

To assess your work prospects, research different healthcare facilities that use and look for job openings in IT or clinical administration.

Working at a healthcare facility that employs Epic technology allows you to achieve expertise in the company’s many software products and receive sponsorship to finish Epic certification classes through your workplace.

5. Look For Jobs With Companies Who Provide Epic Technology Consultancy 

Looking for career opportunities with IT or technology consulting firms that advise healthcare facilities on how to adapt and manage systems might also help you become sponsored for Epic certification training.

6. Apply On Epic’s Website through Your Sponsor

You may need to apply through , by emailing the training staff via the “contact us” tab. Make sure to check with your company to see if they intend to apply for your sponsorship on your behalf.

7. Select One or More Modules in Which to Specialize

Epic certifications are available in a variety of specialized software domains. Following Epic’s approval of your application, you must choose one or more training modules that correspond to your interests and career objectives.

Here are some examples of Epic software certification specialties that you can obtain:

Stork ()

Cupid ()

Prelude/ADT (Patient registration system)

Beacon (Medical oncology)

Kaleidoscope ()

Cadence (Patient appointment scheduling or documenting)

Willow (inpatient/outpatient for pharmacy)

EpicCare ambulatory/Inpatient (Orders, E-prescriptions or clinical documenting)

OpTime/anesthesia (Surgical procedure scheduling or documenting)

ASAP (Emergency room)

Radiant (Radiology)

8. Complete A Six-To-Eight-Week In-Person Training Program

ou must complete an in-person training course with Epic in after being accepted into an Epic certification training program. Six to eight weeks of sessions in the modules you selected are included in training programs.

9. Take the Exam for Certification

To acquire your Epic certification, you must first complete the certification training program and then pass the certification exam.

This exam covers topics you acquired during your training and determines if you have mastered them well enough to be certified.

Epic Proficiency vs. Epic Certification

It implies that you are a seasoned user of the system. It is a self-created title that does not imply certification.

One can become ‘proficient’ in using the software with adequate self-study, but certification cannot be claimed without attending in-person instruction and passing the test.

Epic Certification Cost

Epic Certification can cost anywhere between $500 to $10,000, with the typical cost being $5,000. Individuals, on the other hand, do not pay for certification. Their businesses are supporting them.


Epic Certification Salary

Those who have been trained and certified by Epic can expect to earn a lot of money. Here are some examples of typical salaries for Epic-trained professionals:

1. Epic Application Coordinator

coordinators create, test, and offer continuing support for the Epic system’s many apps. This position necessitates technical abilities as well as a thorough understanding of the Epic program.

• Average Salary: $112,000

2. Epic Project Manager 

oversee Epic software projects, including tracking and maintaining timetables, budgets, and deliverables. Epic project managers are usually in charge of a group of project coordinators.

• Average Salary: $102,000

3. Epic Analyst

Epic analysts use their extensive technical understanding of the Epic system to benefit the healthcare facility for which they work. There are often junior and senior analysts since Epic analysts have a wide variety of knowledge and experience.

• Average Salary: $97,000

4. Epic Report Writer

Epic report writers create reports based on Epic apps. But they do so much more: they plan, develop, test, and evaluate these reports, and they apply their Epic knowledge for data modeling and database management.

• Average Salary: $87,000

5. Epic Trainer

Through workshops, one-on-one meetings, and classroom settings, Epic trainers assist others in learning about the Epic system. Pay for this role may be determined by your level of Epic knowledge.

All of the above incomes are significantly more than those of their non-Epic-trained competitors. Healthcare project managers, for example, earn $66,000 a year, while healthcare analysts get $65,000.

• Average Salary: $85,000

Is The Epic Certification Exam Hard?

Yes, to put it succinctly. The Epic certification exam is quite difficult. The training materials and teachers, on the other hand, are quite beneficial.

They want you to know the system inside and out, but they also want you to have all of the information you need to succeed.

Some Exam Tips Include

1. Don’t skip any sections of the exam, and read all of the exercises thoroughly.

2. Before the exam, complete your project.

3. Instead of focusing on book study, spend as much time as possible practicing using the system.


How Do You Obtain Epic Certification?

Epic certifications are available. Epic certification can be obtained by completing training programs and passing a certification exam.

You cannot pursue Epic certification unless you have sponsorship from an employer, according to the HCI Group, a healthcare IT consulting organization.

There are a variety of Epic certification modules available to demonstrate your knowledge in a given area. Emergency rooms, cancer, obstetrics, ophthalmology, pediatrics, and radiology are just a few examples.

Epic certification is available in a variety of . Your training must be completed at the company’s headquarters in Wisconsin.

What Does an Epic Certification Necessitate?

You can obtain sponsorship for as many modules as you want to get certified in. You’ll be able to go to other hospitals and assist with their Epic implementations if you have an Epic certification.

There is a big list of vacant employment on the market, and Epic specialists will be promptly employed by hospitals in need.

Here are some examples of positions:

Implementation Specialists

Systems Administrators

Project Managers (both on-site and remote)

Quality Assurance Analysts

Software Testers

Division Directors

Technical Trainers

Certification in one or more Epic modules will make you a significant asset in the field of healthcare information technology.

Is Epic Certification Worth It?

Obtaining Epic certification allows you to advance in your career and earn more money. Valid and current Epic certification may be necessary for many hospitals and healthcare facilities that already use Epic.

Epic-certified employees are in high demand in these institutions, and if you have the certification, you will be highly sought after by other healthcare organizations if you wish to change positions.

With numerous Epic certifications, you’ll be in even higher demand, demonstrating your continuous interest and dedication to the system.

However, you’ll need to keep updating and renewing these credentials, which will require frequent journeys to the training center and time away from your routine. However, the Epic certification will result in higher wages and more work options in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the process of Epic certification?

Epic certification is for IT professionals who deal with Epic software in the healthcare industry.
Candidates must complete a training program before taking and passing an exam to become Epic certified.
In many circumstances, an employer’s sponsorship is required to be accepted into an Epic training program.

How much does an Epic training certification cost?

Epic Certification can cost anywhere between $500 to $10,000, with the typical cost being $5,000.
Individuals, on the other hand, do not pay for certification. Their businesses are supporting them.

How can I get training for EHR system EPIC?

There are two ways to acquire access to Epic’s training materials aside from direct employment with the company:
1. Work for a hospital or clinic group that has agreed to use Epic’s system and has signed a contract with them to do so.
2. Work for a consulting firm that offers Epic clients technical or operational assistance.

What are your thoughts on Epic Clarity certification?

Epic-certified employees are in high demand in these institutions, and if you have the certification, you will be highly sought after by other healthcare organizations if you wish to change positions.
However, you’ll need to keep updating and renewing these credentials, which will require frequent journeys to the training center and time away from your routine.
However, the Epic certification will result in higher wages and more work options in the long run.

Where can I get Epic EMR training documentation online?

You can’t do it. Epic maintains strong supervision of Epic training.
Without being connected to an Epic-using organization or working directly with them, you can’t acquire Epic content online. (At least not in a legal sense.)
Even if you could access their training materials on your own, you’d have no understanding what you’re looking at until you had access to their training environment.
That isn’t meant as a slight on anyone’s intelligence; rather, Epic is an entire ecology that you must learn in context.

Are there any preparation tests for EPIC assessment?

The EPIC test is not timed; some people complete it in under 20 minutes, while others take an hour or two. English, Math, and Programming are the three sections.

Getting an Epic Certification is not actually hard once you follow the basic steps. Don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends and family who think it is.

Also, drop a comment on the comment box for more informative articles or more clarity on this information.

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