Local name: Igbo: Oromankirishe

Common name: Lime

Botanical name: Citrus aurantifola

Family: Rutacceae

Habitat: It is a cultivated plant found mainly in orchards and compounds.


Habit: It is an evergreen aromatic and granular shrub with irregular branching. It has a brown smoothies bark with pale yellow. The twigs

are angular when young. Leaves are alternate with relatively longer petiole. The flowers are very fragrant and are produced in clusters of 2-7 on short stalks.  Both the Calyx and Petals are whitish in colour fruits are berries and have few whitish etliptic pointed seeds. Flowering is from  April to Yuly.

(c) UTILIZATION: The root of this plant with the leaves of Allium cepa packed in cleanmineral bottle with mineral such as seven up serving as the solvent and allowed to stay for days for proper formation of infusion. This infusion is taken three times daily by patents suffering from back ache, arthritis and pulmonary bronchitis and even for rheumatic pains the fruit of this plant with the leaves of Magrifera indica, Carica papaya etc for malaria treatment.

 (d) CONSERVATION: It is a cultivated plant found mainly in orchards and compounds.

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