How to Send Email to Recruiter for Job Opportunities

– How to Send Email to Recruiter –

Do you feel that it is impossible to reach out to recruiters? That shouldn’t be the notion. I will help you out by sharing my experience with you. I did it and it worked for me. Follow the simple tips I will give to you as well as the email examples.

It’s important that your email is as personalized as possible. No recruiter wants to see a generic cold call email in their inbox. It shows that the candidate didn’t care enough to do research into the company or role they’re inquiring about.

Follow These Tips Emailing Recruiters

If you want to ensure a positive response from the recruiter you’re emailing and move further through the talent funnel, keep these tips in mind.

1. Keep it Concise

Recruiters are often stretched between lots of duties and typically have little time to review each and every applicant – even with resume parsing tools.

It’s usually difficult for them to edge out time for a “quick chat,” so the more information you can provide in the least amount of time is ideal.

Quick and concise messages show that you respect the recruiter’s time, and you’re more likely to receive a response rather than put into the “answer later” folder, never to be seen again.


2. Write with Purpose

There’s almost nothing more annoying than requests that only benefit you. Avoid the typical requests like, “Do you know anything about this role?” or “What available openings do you have?”

These questions are typically wastes of the recruiter’s time and can typically be answered on the company’s career page or job listings.

Explain your specific purpose when reaching out other than just that you’re seeking a job.

Learning about the company culture, requesting an introduction to someone else at the company, or asking for feedback on your application materials are all valid reasons to reach out to a recruiter.

3. Catch more Flies with Honey

Remember that you’re the one making a request in this power dynamic. A recruiter’s opinion of you as a candidate and as a person can mean all the difference when it comes to a job offer.

Staying respectful with your tone and requests shows that you’re likely a person to work with.

4. Make it Easy to Respond

You shouldn’t write your email with the expectation of receiving a job offer right away. Start with an introduction and a small request.

Start with simple “yes or no” questions that a recruiter can answer as quickly and easily as possible rather than questions that elicit a long response. As the develops, you can dive into deeper questions and requests.

5. Have an Out

At some point during the email process, it’s possible that you realize the job isn’t the right fit for you. Don’t come across as too desperate or that you’re dedicating all of your job hunt efforts to one company.

By making it seem like you have other options on the table (even if you don’t), you’re setting yourself up for a stronger position to negotiate from down the road.

How You Can Email a Recruiter?

Recruiters want to hear from you. It’s their job to find the perfect candidates for the positions they need to fill, and they’re on the lookout for talent.

But recruiters also get a lot of emails, and their time is precious. Make sure your message meets these .

1. It’s respectful. Remember that you’re communicating in a professional capacity. Be friendly (Hi Amy,) but not too casual (Well, hello there, Amy!).

2. It clearly states your intent. What’s the purpose of your email? You need to know what you want the recruiter to do for you (consider your résumé, schedule a chat, interview you) and communicate it clearly.

3. It’s brief. Get to the point. You don’t have to include a lot of background information; just say what you need to say.

4. It’s well-written. Edit. ( can help.) Get rid of filler words and phrases. Avoid email clichés.

5. It’s accurate. Be sure you spell and format the company’s name correctly. Get the recruiter’s name right.

6. Here’s a tip: Is it okay to contact a recruiter on LinkedIn? Yes. 87 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn regularly, including to connect with potential candidates. Just make sure you avoid this common faux pas when you reach out.


3 Sample Emails to a Recruiter

Make your email message as customized as possible. (Whatever you do, avoid spamming recruiters with a stock copy/paste message. They’re easy to spot and even easier to ignore.) Use these sample emails for inspiration.

Connecting With a Recruiter

Subject: Any content marketing roles at XYZ?

Hi Francois,

I read the Inc. article last week about XYZ Inc.’s rapid growth since landing five million in venture capital last spring. Way to rock that funding! Do you have plans to expand your marketing department?

I’ve had great success as the brand manager for Acme Widgets for the past five years. I’m planning to move into a broader content marketing role that challenges me to grow as a brand storyteller, and XYZ has been on my radar.

I’d love to chat with you for 5-10 minutes to introduce myself and learn more about the company’s culture and any upcoming roles you need to fill. Would you have time for a quick phone call on Wednesday?

All the best,

Marla Dixon

The Follow-up Email

Subject: Lead copywriting role at Acme – Résumé attached

Dear ,

I recently applied for a job opening at for the position of on your online career site. The position fits perfectly with my experience in , , and . You can learn more about me by viewing my Profile LinkedIn Profile url>.

I recently followed you on and appreciated the valuable resources you are providing for job seekers and the way you interact with candidates. I’m a fan of , too.

I’d love to set up a time to schedule a call and talk about the position and my experience. I have some availability on next week from . You can email me at or by phone at . I look forward to scheduling some time with you.


Julia Engels

Referrals to Recruiters from Friends

Hi Louis,

I had lunch with Eric Ferguson yesterday and he mentioned that ABC123 was planning to hire more writers soon. I graduated from with a bachelor’s degree in English in September, and I’d love to learn more about your writing team and what makes them tick. And, of course, I’d love to talk to you about open roles. Do you have a few minutes for a video chat on Wednesday at around 1 p.m.?

All the best,< /em>

Abia, Collins Vincent

By mastering communication, you speed up your job hunting, network your way into an offer, and stand out from the sea of other job seekers. Kindly share this article with your friends on their social media timeline after reading.

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