Diversity Statement Samples And Latest 2022 Writing Guide

– Diversity Statement Samples –

Diversity statements samples have become an integral part of the materials submitted as part of an application for employment. They are just as important as the resume, cover letter and writing sample. Many law firms, Government agencies, Courts, and Nonprofit Organizations facilitate hiring programs based on diversity.

A diversity statement is a personal essay that is a depiction of your past experiences and explains how these experiences have contributed to your personal and professional growth.

It allows the applicant the opportunity to explain to a search committee the distinct qualities and commitments/he can bring to the table.

The goal is to increase the pipeline of the types of potential hires. Because clients are demanding more diversity in the workforce, such programs have helped to increase the number of minority applicants and those from other underrepresented populations.

Diversity statements are increasingly important for faculty, both when teaching online and applying for jobs. Pardis Mahdavi and Scott Brooks outline what to avoid and what to include when drafting a diversity statement.

Search committees at colleges and universities increasingly require candidates applying for faculty or leadership positions to submit diversity statements. “Diversity Statement Samples”

And in the post-Covid online world, where interviews are truncated at best, we are increasingly reliant on applicants’ written materials. “Diversity Statement Samples”

Universities across the US are now considering making diversity required for all faculty. Some universities even offer incentives such as merit raises for those willing to do so. 

Many institutions ask faculty to post diversity statements online for students to read before or during their course to demonstrate the institution’s and the individual’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

A well-constructed diversity statement is especially important for online instructors who need to provide a carefully considered response to the additional layer of challenges that many students face when studying remotely.

Different Diversity Statement Samples

Below are five examples of Submitted Diversity Statements (redacted):

Diversity Statement Sample 1

I remember my first meeting with University’s coordinator for chemistry outreach. My idea was to develop an outreach program that would engage high school students in atmospheric .

Having students spend a day on the University campus taking part in studies of indoor and outdoor air quality using portable gas analyzers and aerosol particle collectors.

The question the coordinator asked during that meeting was which schools to contact? Knowing that nearby Junior/Senior High School students had plentiful opportunities to engage with the university.

I told him we should diversify and invite students from different socioeconomic and historically under-represented regions in the state of I to think this exemplifies my commitment to engage and advance community interest in the sciences.

At UC , I will continue engaging students through similar programs and be an advocate for diversity in the chemical sciences.

My time as a graduate student and postdoctoral researcher provided a well-rounded experience working with wonderful people from all backgrounds.

A Leap from the small, mostly white southern town outside of (the place you grew up) where I grew up. I thrived living and working in one of the most culturally diverse areas in the United States.

While pursuing my doctorate at (the name of the university) University. At (were you mentored) I was a mentor for three years for freshmen and sophomore female students?

As part of the Women in Science and Engineering (WSE) program and served as the lead instructor for the (put the name) atmospheric science section, which was developed to foster underrepresented minority middle and high school students’ interest in atmospheric science.

As founder of (the name) atmospheric chemistry outreach program on indoor and outdoor air quality and current mentor of three outstanding female graduate student researchers.

One Hispanic and another with diagnosed narcolepsy, and a post-doctoral researcher from (the name), I have learned how to effectively communicate with students from different educational backgrounds, abilities/disabilities, and from backgrounds that differ greatly from my own.

At UC San Diego, I will actively seek opportunities in research, the classroom, and across campus to enhance diversity and opportunity for individuals from historically underrepresented backgrounds.

Specifically, I will seek scholarship and fellowship opportunities for minority students in my lab and in the department.

For example, encouraging and working with students on applications for the Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success (MS PHD’S) in Earth System Science and the Scholars Program.

I plan to become an affiliate of the Cross-Cultural Center at UC San Diego, to build connections and cultivate cultural diversity in the chemical sciences.

Regularly I will involve undergraduate and high school student interns in my research through programs such as WSE and serve as a mentor for programs already in place at UC San Diego, including the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) and Summer Training Academy for Research in the Sciences (STARS) program.

I believe scientific communication is key and connections with people and institutions beyond our borders is just as important for a sustainable and prosperous research program.

One area that I think needs vast improvement in the University setting is in the development of a free on-campus resource where English as a second language (ESL) researchers can bring their manuscripts for copyediting and substantive editing services.

Having experience as a freelance contract editor for an international scientific editing service, I have helped many international researchers share their science in English as their first language journals.

Given my experience, I would be excited to start such service at UC San Diego, with the mission to provide on-campus international researchers with an inviting space to share their manuscripts.

Also, advance their science through communication in leading English as their first language scientific journals. I believe diversity inclusion in the classroom and research laboratory is critical for academic and research success.

At UC San Diego, I will work with students and faculty regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities,
sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or country of origin.

As long as students and faculty are committed to and engaged in the learning environment and promote the ideals for a diverse workplace, my philosophy is that all students should be given equal opportunity.

At UC San Diego, I will uphold these ideals and lead by example through outreach, promoting international scientific communication, and leading and taking part in programs that advance women and minority representation in the chemical sciences.


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Diversity Statement Sample 2

As noted on the UC San Diego website, diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of the University of California’s fundamental mission and are integral to UC San Diego achievement of academic excellence.

My commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, as demonstrated by my past experiences, align well with this philosophy.

As a woman in the sciences, I have seen firsthand how the academic environment can be unwelcoming, unfair and inequitable because of not fitting into a particular gender schema.

I am committed to making a difference in ensuring that everyone is given opportunities to excel in their scholarly activities. My past experiences have been as a professor at (the name of the institution).

I have mentored over one hundred students in my , including twenty-two students who have received their PhDs under my guidance. 60% of these have been women.

On the national level, in my commitment to honouring and promoting women students at all levels (undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral students).

I was the National Director of Student Awards for , an honour society for women chemists, for three years.

As the National Director of Student Awards for Iota Sigma Pi, I was responsible for expanding the application pool for the three awards given by the society.

More recently I co-chaired the Association in Women in Science (AWIS)–American Chemical Society (ACS) AWARDS Task Force.

In that role, I worked to increase the number of women nominated and selected to receive national awards for their scientific and technical accomplishments from the .

For the last four years, I have chaired the Diversity Committee within the Department of Chemistry at (the name of the institution).

In this role, I work with faculty toward increasing diversity within the department on all levels as a collective goal and to ensure diverse representation on all important committees within the department.

I also serve as the (……..) Director for the Department as part of the (name of the foundation) Foundation – University Center of Exemplary Mentoring(…..).

The stated goal of the (name of the organization) is to increase the number of US citizens from minority backgrounds who earn doctoral degrees in STEM.

I was a keynote speaker at the most recent (National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers) regional meeting.

In addition, I have engaged in a number of outreach events as part of my role as community member.

As a mother of two, I volunteered in the local Girl Scouts organization, and worked with middle schools, elementary schools and boy/girl scout organizations to bring exciting scientific demonstrations to school-aged children.

I presented the keynote address to 150 girls from high schools around the state for the fourth annual, High School Mathematics Day.

An event intended to encourage more women to study science and math at the (venue) or other universities and to pursue science and math careers by following in the footsteps of (name), a renowned 19th-century mathematician and the first female granted membership in the of Sciences, as well as a writer and women’s rights.

These are some of my past and current experiences. As I have already noted above, I think they align well with the mission of UC San Diego and represent what I would like to do in the future to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in achieving academic excellence.

Diversity Statement Sample 3

As a Latino immigrant who lived in X, Y, and the United States, I am sensitive to the challenges that ethnic minorities face in academia.

Thus, over the last years, I have become determined to act towards creating an environment that is more inviting towards underrepresented minorities, women, and socioeconomically underprivileged students, which I will expand as a Professor.

As a graduate of X, I laid the groundwork for a scholarship program to bring Latino physics students to X. The program’s first supported student has recently got his Master’s degree from the University of N.

Others are applying. As a postdoc at NN, I am closely working with Professor Z on these fronts. Together with Prof. Z, the university’s Division of Equity and Inclusion, and the Chicana Latino Student Development Office, we have created a counselling program called “From Day One”.

This program organizes a support structure for Latino undergraduate students to help them apprehend the entire academic process by talking directly to Latino graduate students, postdocs and perhaps ultimately professors (we are currently seeking their participation).

We all hold office hours where students discuss their personal and academic struggles. The issues they bring up range from their undocumented status, gang family members, limited finances, sexual orientation, to questions about physics and math.

Secondly, sparked by recent political events, I collaborate with Professor Z in lobbying for the protection of undocumented students at the university.

As a faculty member at UC San Diego, I would propose the following activities in pursuit of a more diverse academic body:

As a research mentor, I would embrace and welcome Latino, African American, gay, and women students and postdocs into my group.

I would create support programs for Latino undergraduate students in STEM, inviting fellow Latino faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to offer guidance and support to upcoming undergraduate students.

Furthermore, together with women and other minority groups represented in t
he Physics faculty, I would push to create a widespread support structure for STEM students.

Being close to the border, at UCSD I would create outreach programs at Community Colleges and High Schools with high Latino representation, arranging visits from within the Physics Department (myself and other Latino members) to these locations, and discuss their needs, struggles and propose plans for improvements and solutions.

I would reach out to the Undocumented Student Services Center at UCSD and offer guidance, counseling and support to the students.

I would continue to help Professor Z draft UC-wide legislation to protect undocumented students from possible federal action an issue critical at the UCSD campus due to its proximity to the border.

In conclusion, I believe academia must strive to expand diversity with a more inclusive approach welcoming and embracing different socioeconomic, ethnic, gender groups, etc. and create a broader pool of thought processes and worldviews.

UC San Diego’s commitment to this idea resonates with my desire and responsibility to contribute as a Latino scientist, educator, and activist.

Diversity Statement Sample 4

As a woman in chemistry, my undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral experiences have benefitted from opportunities for women in science at both the department and university level, as well as supportive and unbiased mentors.

I thus understand the value of educators and mentors who promote an atmosphere of inclusion and enable all students to access the tools they need to be successful in their field.

By providing an equal-opportunity environment that fosters respect and communication across gender, racial or other cultural communities, a university will enhance the student experience as well as enable collaborative and innovative research.

During my graduate and postdoctoral careers I have been involved with Women in Chemical Sciences and Women in Chemistry at (name of the place).

These programs provide an avenue for discussions about gender-related challenges in science, as well as reach out to the community to encourage children and young adults to become interested in science.

To engage the (organization) in science, I volunteered for Expanding Your Horizons, an organization that hosts conferences around the world aimed at introducing young women to career options in STEM fields.

For these conferences I co-led a nanotechnology workshop focused on introducing basic nanotechnology concepts through hands-on activities.

During my graduate career, I mentored two women in undergraduate research. At the start of their experience, they had little perspective on opportunities in science, but they are now both pursuing doctoral degrees in chemistry.

At (location) I also attended events by the for Minority Participation (LSAMP) to talk to undergraduate students about future options in STEMfields.

As a faculty member, I would build on my previous experiences to take an active leadership role in fostering diversity at UCSD.

The Society for Women in Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Biochemistry (SWIGS) has many goals that promote a diverse environment, such as increasing the awareness about gender bias in STEM fields

And encouraging the next generation of female scientists through outreach activities. They also provide resources, including professional development seminars and workshops, to female scientists.

Some possible ways I could contribute to the goals of SWIGS include participating in career seminars/workshops, working with students to develop and implement outreach activities related to inorganic chemistry and/or nanoscience, and helping female graduate students and postdocs find resources that will aid in their success.

Promoting diversity goes well beyond improving gender equality, and must include enabling opportunities for underrepresented minority students.

The California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) in Science, Engineering and Mathematics program is designed to support and encourage potential underrepresented groups by preparing them for STEM fields.

Through the CAMP program I could contribute to diversity by leading or participating in workshops on topics including careers in science or graduate school applications.

Additionally, I would encourage and help undergraduate students of underrepresented groups to apply for summer or academic year research fellowships in a lab that matched their interests.

Similarly, I would encourage minority incoming graduate students to apply for the Competitive Edge program, which funds research during the summer before they start and provides workshops designed to familiarize them with the resources available to aid in graduate school success.

As a new faculty member, these programs present valuable opportunities to recruit both undergraduate and graduate students to my own lab.

As a chemistry professor, I will have many opportunities to inspire students to pursue studies in STEM fields, whether through the aforementioned programs or through my roles as a teacher and research advisor.

With these opportunities,, I can actively support the diverse environment of STEM students that contributes to the overall cross-cultural collaborative and innovative atmosphere of UCSD.


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Diversity Statement Sample 5

I have long been committed to diversity, and recognize the barriers faced by women and other minorities in engaging in science.

In high school, I was one of the very few female students participating in mathematics, chemistry and physics olympiads.”Diversity Statement Samples”

During undergraduate studies, there w
ere still few female peers or professors in mathematics. We communicated little with others in and out of class and even did not know each other.

To overcome this, I developed a discussion group that encouraged all the female undergraduates in our major to share their experiences and discuss academic problems each week.

To further promote support for female students, I co-organized a mentor program in the department that invited faculty members to share career advice in science.

In the summer vacations of 2009 and 2010, I participated in volunteer teaching at primary schools in the poorest area of (name of the location).

There was a huge financial burden for most families. Children could not receive basic education because of the shortage of teachers and lack of materials.

I organized a volunteer group comprising undergraduates from diverse majors and made teaching arrangements for summer and winter vacations.

I believe equal opportunity is extremely important, and every student is unique in their own way. I strive to create an open, inclusive, and equal environment in which every student flourishes.

At my current university, I was the instructor for an introductory course in Winter 2014 which targeted undergraduates in economics, physical science and social science.

I have taken an active role in promoting diversity in the classroom. One effective way I found is to encourage students to engage in peer discussion.

Students learned from each other and gained an appreciation for the diversity they bring to the table. As an instructor, my role is to create and manage an inclusive classroom so that every student feels comfortable participating in the discussion.

To achieve this goal, I usually chose a discussion topic that interested as many students as possible. I believe that a diverse and cooperative environment in higher education can prepare students to become better professionals.

Looking forward to my role as a new professor, I intend to serve as a mentor and advisor, inspiring students from underrepresented groups to pursue higher-level math courses and increase their confidence that they can succeed in their academic goals.

I will pursue NSF funds to actively recruit and train minority graduate students in my area, and to provide mentoring for both female and minority students to encourage them in academic careers, which is an important part of NSF Broadening Participation in my research grant proposals.

I will also actively recruit and keep students from underrepresented groups through summer programs at UCSD, such as the OASIS Summer Bridge Program.

As a member of the Graduate Admissions Committee, I will strive to recruit and retain a diverse student body during graduate admissions. “Diversity Statement Samples”

Moreover, I will continue to incorporate diversity into my teaching materials and methods. It is my hope that students with diverse backgrounds can find their voices in class, and my diverse background allows me the sensitivity I need to relate to them.

Thus, everyone contributes to the discussion, which in turn boosts self-confidence. I believe I can contribute to my student’s personal growth and motivate them to achieve their educational goals.

The Do’s and DONT’S Of a Diversity Statement

Here, we lay out some “red flags” to avoid and key frameworks to embed when writing a diversity statement.

What to Avoid: The Red Flags

Common mistakes or pitfalls when writing a diversity statement fall into three major categories:

➛ Diversity by proxy

➛ Personal stories of redemption

➛ The exceptionalist argument.

1. Diversity by Proxy

Diversity by proxy is when candidates borrow from the success of others, an organisation or a programme. “Diversity Statement Samples”

Candidates speak specifically about their department’s student demographics or a programme for students of colour that they direct, are part of, or appreciate.

Example 1: “(university’s name) is one of the most diverse campuses in the country. We are% white,% Latin,% Asian/Pacific Islander,% African American.”

Example 2: Candidates might mention success and claim some responsibility, implicitly or explicitly. “I’m a faculty mentor for the McNair Scholars programme and we have had wonderful, bright students who just need intense mentorship.”

Example 3: The message of “I support success for people of colour” can be followed by surprise and self-congratulation. “We have students who do very well, one or two have even gone on to graduate school at very good schools! One of my students, from Chicago, a first-generation student from a single-parent household, is a first-year PhD student at Berkeley.”

We called this “diversity by proxy” because the candidate’s example relies on numbers that tell us about where they are and not who they are or what they have done.

Secondly, they are borrowing identity, status and achievement by linking themselves to the success stories of students of colour or faculty. In this way, they give undue credit to themselves as a saviour.

2. Personal Stories of Redemption

Candidates write of personal experiences that have occurred outside of the academy and are meant to reflect their appreciation for diversity and inclusion and their dissatisfaction with racism.

Example 1: They may write about an event that solidified their understanding of privilege: “I grew up in a small town where there was only one Indian family and one of the girls from that family became a close friend. And then, in the sixth grade, everything changed.

She and I both auditioned for the school play, Annie, and it was clear that another girl got the lead because she was white and looked the part.

But my friend was clearly better than everyone else. I felt bad for her but there was nothing I could do. And that is why I really feel so strongly about racism and exclusion and do what I can to help students of colour.”

Example 2: They may also talk about how they work with and learn so much from their colleagues of colour and students of colour.

The focus is on their feeling and how they assuage their feelings of social injustice by their engagement, but does this lead to fighting structural issues found in the academy?

The playing field is never level, and so what do they do for those who they do not deem “clearly better”? 

3. The Exceptionalist Argument

Candidates write that they are in favour of diversity and inclusion but have not been in a position to fight against exclusionary practices.

Example 1: “Diversity is important but I can’t do it because my discipline is based on dead white men.”

Example 2: Or “I believe in diversity, but I have not been in a leadership position where I might make decisions. I would be supportive if there were some people of colour.”

The exceptionalist argument suggests that impact can only be made from certain positions, thereby exonerating most
people who do not go against the grain.

This obscures the roles that all faculty play in maintaining the status quo and contributing in small and large ways to discriminatory practices and negative outcomes for faculty, staff, and students of colour.

Bias can lead to mis-assessing students, even creating unequal learning conditions. A student may be characterised as “low achieving” when they may need greater encouragement or when they come from a high school with fewer resources.

In committee work, colleagues may use different adjectives to describe the quality of work of women colleagues and colleagues of colour.  

What to Include–Key Frameworks

Some white colleagues ask: “Can white candidates write something that would be acceptable?” This is a valid question. We say: “Of course they can.

And some people of colour will write poor statements.” A good statement could come in countless forms. While some may feel that they cannot write from a position of experience, this is absolutely not the case. Their experiences are different.

We identify four elements found in strong diversity statements:

➛ Diversity as a strategy

➛ Evidence of addressing structural challenges

➛ Recognition and underscoring of the invisible labour done by faculty and staff of colour

➛ Demonstrated enlightened mentoring. 

1. Diversity as a Strategy

Creating a plan, rather than simply doing an action, moves people beyond reacting and shows an understanding of intersectionality and the matrices of oppression.

For online teachers, it is especially important to consider the contours of their students’ lives. The strongest statements are ones where they see that there are interlocking issues.

Food insecurity is connected to student learning, impression management with professors, matriculation and well-being. “Diversity Statement Samples”

For example, an online teaching candidate may have buttressed student support with financial and social support and mentoring and even made changes to policies that excluded certain people or groups based on criteria that are unnecessary.

 The strongest statements are those where candidates articulate how diversity is used centrally in re-thinking budget, curriculum, and access.

2. Evidence of Addressing Structural Challenges

Strong diversity statements include examples of candidates advocating for structural changes. They show that they recognise and make systemic changes to address this.

Candidates can write about “white space” and how they have educated others and implemented new practices that go against the status quo. “Diversity Statement Samples”

They may have found systemic holes and problems that have disparate effects on women of colour. They may have counteracted systemic and institutionalised practices.

For instance, strong candidates mention noticing varying language, such as different adjectives, in the evaluations of faculty, staff and students of colour. 

3. Recognition or Underscoring of Invisible Labour 

Supporting faculty and staff of colour must be multifaceted. It is widely known and acknowledged that faculty of colour have different experiences.

They are counted on to take on certain services because they are a person of colour; students of colour look to them more than to white colleagues, and they face student racism. 

4. Demonstrated Enlightened Mentoring

Mentors who are “woke” to and address structural challenges, who use diversity as a strategy, and who recognise or underscore the invisible labour and challenges of faculty, staff and students of colour will mentor in ways that have long-term impacts and that mitigate exclusion and discriminatory practices. 

Mentoring is especially difficult in the online world, but candidates who write about ways they have overcome this demonstrate strong commitments to the work of the framework we call JEDI (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion).

The JEDI framework is about over one or two actions and goes beyond a checklist. Thus, posting a diversity statement online is, in and of itself, not “enough”.

However, this is an important part of systemic change when faculty post diversity statements and these become an integral part of performance reviews and promotion.

We are elevating the importance of JEDI work, and taking a step in the right direction of the structural changes needed for social transformation.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Diversity Statement Sample

Ques: What Should Be Included in a Diversity Statement?

Three areas that might be included in a diversity statement are.
➛ Your values related to diversity.
➛ Your experiences working with diverse populations, and.
➛ Your plans related to inclusivity. “Diversity Statement Samples”

Ques: How Do You Write a Diversity Statement Example?

Example 1: “Diversity is important but I can’t do it because my discipline is based on dead white men.”
Example 2: Or “I believe in diversity, but I have not been in a leadership position where I might make decisions. I would be supportive if there were some people of colour.”

Ques: How do you Start a Diversity Statement?

Where should you start?
➛ Share your personal story. You can and should use your past experiences to explain how you can best empathize with others who confront challenges. …
➛ Be concrete, use specific examples. …
➛ Connect your personal/professional mission to your diversity statement. …
➛ Discuss future plans.

Ques: What is a Good Diversity and Inclusion Statement?

A diversity and inclusion statement demonstrates a company’s commitment to building an inclusive, varied workplace welcoming to peop
le of all backgrounds.

Much like a mission and values statement, the diversity and inclusion statement is, ideally, more than just a marketing exercise. “Diversity Statement Samples”

Ques: What Does a Diversity Statement Look Like?

A diversity statement is a personal essay that is a depiction of your experiences and explains how these experiences have contributed to your personal and professional growth.
It allows the applicant the opportunity to explain to a search committee the distinct qualities and commitments/he can bring to the table.”Diversity Statement Samples”

Ques: How Long is a Diversity Statement?

Most diversity statements should be one double-spaced page. Make sure to check each law school’s instructions, though, for their individual page and word-count preferences.


Ques: Are Diversity Statements Legal?

Diversity statements are optional at most schools and choosing not to write one will not hurt your chances of being admitted. “Diversity Statement Samples”
However, if diversity issues have had a profound impact on you and how you will approach your legal education, we want to hear about it.

Ques: How Do You Demonstrate Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion?

➛ Be open about gender pay inequality/equality. …
➛ Be aware of unconscious bias. …
➛ Acknowledge religious and cultural holidays. …
➛ Encourage frequent employee feedback. …
➛ Be aware of ageism and strive for a multigenerational workforce.etc.

Ques: What is a Diversity Pledge?

Our Diversity Pledge aims to break barriers for young people from low-income and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds in starting sustainable careers.

Ques: What are a Contributions to Diversity Statement?

The Contributions to Diversity Statement should describe your past experience, activities and future plans to advance diversity, equity and inclusion, in alignment with UC San Francisco’s mission to reflect the diversity of California and to meet the educational and clinical needs and interests of its diverse.

Ques: How Do You Write a Diversity Statement for a Non Profit Organization?

The best diversity statements have short sentences. The shorter the sentences, the higher percentage of comprehension. “Diversity Statement Samples”
Effective statements include positive words like commitment, freedom, inclusion, belonging, growth which inspire and build”Diversity Statement Samples”
Diversity Statement Samples extends far beyond visible differences. To me, it represents a sense of belonging to a community and, with that, a fresh point of view.
I will utilize my unique experiences as tools for creative problem solving with a diverse perspective that benefits both the client and your firm.

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