Policy Formulation: The Employee Compensation Act, 2010

The and failure of many in Africa, particularly Nigeria in relation to economic, political and social growth has been traced to its policy and implementation. In the light of this, this work-Policy formulation:

A case study of the Employee Compensation Act, 2010 looks at the efficiency-challenges to effective policy formulation, improvements and of which sincere implementation  of  these policy by its practitioners will bring the needed development in every facet of the country.

This study shows that public administration as a discipline has undergone a lot of over the years by successive government with the influence of politics.

To this end, General Hospital, Orile – Agege, Lagos, was chosen as the organization of study. For a purposeful study to be conducted, some relevant books and research works of many authors are reviewed.

This research work looks at the employee compensation act, 2010 in line with employee welfare in both public and private establishments.

It also takes a critical view  at  the policy’s bottlenecks in terms of implementation- providing recommendations to the impediments faced at implementation stages.

Table of Contents


Background of Study

Administration whether private or public is a determined action taken in pursuit of stated objectives.
It is the systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use of available resources, aimed at making these conscious things one wants to achieve and forestalling everything to the contrary.

It is  the marshalling of available labour and materials in order  to gain that which is really desired at the lowest  possible cost in energy,  time and  money.

It is the organization and direction of persons in order to accomplish a specified end. It is  an activity or process concerned with the means of carrying out prescribes ends (Pfiffner and Presthus).

It is the most obvious part of government.  It is  government in action; it is the executive, the operative, the most visible side of government (Woodrow Wilson).

Perhaps, the simplest and shortest definition of administration is the one which says that when two men co-operate to roll a stone that neither could move alone, the rudiments of administration have appeared (Simon, Smithburg and Thompson).

Public administration however, is administration in public sphere. It is administration that takes place in a political setting.

Ferrel Heady, an accomplished American public Administration scholar has said that public administration is primarily  concerned  with carry out public policy decisions made by the authoritative decision makers in the political system.

It goes in line with David Easton’s definition of politics as “the authoritative allocation of values for a society” and which has been linked to a decision of policy making focus by William Riken.


Aaron Wildavsky (1974), “The Politics of Budgetary Process” (1974)

Adebayo, Augustine (1978), Nigeria, France, London, Hutchinson, 1978. Principle and Practice of Public

Administration in Nigeria (Revised Edition) Spectrum Book Ltd, Ibadan, Nigeria 1997.

Balogun M.J (1983), Public Administration in Nigeria, Spectrum Book Ltd, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Bardach, Eugene (1947), The Implementation Process in the Implementation Game, MIT Press.

Bernard, Chester (1958), Public Policy and General Welfare, New York: Rinehart Co.Inco.

Brabrook, David (1954), A Strategy of Decision Making, New York free press of Glencoe.

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