Improving Employee Performance Using Training Perspective


This is a review of improving employee using training perspective. The Statement of Problem identified were lack of qualified instructors and consultants to undertake training courses, lack of essential training tools, lack of effective within the organization,

which makes it impossible for most employees to know about training opportunities available to them and lack of effective employee training package.

To meet the general objective, the study will focus on the following specific objectives: to determine the effect of quality of instructors and consultants on training courses, to assess the impact of training tools on programme,

to examine the role of communication in a  The descriptive survey method was used and the research tool was questionnaire. 250 staffs answered the questionnaire.

Frequency percentages and criterion mean score  of 7.51  were used in data analysis using Chi-square formula and presentation was done by the use of tables. Yaro Yamani’s Statistical formula and Bourley’s proportion allocation formula were used for the sample size determination of 154 from a total population of 250 staffs.

The findings from the study, it was discovered that training tools have a very strong impact on a training programme.

Finally, solutions and recommendations were proffered that periodic seminars and workshop which are not too expensive should be organized for all staff to acquaint them with current changes in management techniques and current development programme. The write-up is duly summarized.


Title Page i
Certification Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v


1.1: Background of the Study 1
1.2: Statement of the Problem 3
1.3: Objective of the Study 4
1.4: Research Question 4
1.5: Research Hypotheses 5
1.6: Significance of the Study 5
1.7: Scope of the Study 6
1.8: Limitations of the Study 6


2.1: Theoretical Framework for the Study 7
2.2 Overview of Employee Performance 8
2.3 Definition of Training 9
2.4 Factors that Trigger Training 14
2.5 Effect of Training 15
2.6 Method of Training 16
2.7 Benefits in Training Programme 19
2.8 Training Process 21
2.9 Theories Postulated on Manpower Training 26
2.10 Current Challenges in Training 29
2.11 The Imperative of Training in the Future 31
2.12 Learning Principle 34
2.13 Problems of Training Programme 36
Reference 37


3.1: Research Design 39
3.2: Source of Data 39
3.3: Population of the Study 40
3.4 Determination of Sample Size 40
3.5: Method of Data Collection 44
3.6: Method of Data Analysis 45


4.1: Presentation of Data 47
4.2: Test of Hypothesis 56


5.1: Summary of Findings 65
5.2: Recommandations 66
5.3: Conclusion 66


1.1 Background of the Study

In any organization not everyone is fully equipped with the  ability  for  handling every task he is assigned. Training has been developed by organizations as a means of empowering workers to achieve this task.

It has been the main factor for influencing the employees’ skills and abilities. People working in any organization either individually or

in groups or in teams have never been able to handle their tasks on their own until and unless they provide healthy support to each other while working on their targets.

Manpower training and development must be based on a need analysis derived from a comparison of “actual performance’’ and behavior with “required performance’’ and behavior.

Manpower training and development is one of the major ways organization invests in the workforce for greater return today and even in the foreseeable future.

Organizational effectiveness rests on the efficient and  effective  performance  of workforce that makeup the organization. The efficient and effective performance of the workforce In turn, rest on the  richness of the  knowledge,  skills and abilities possessed  by the workforce.

Manpower training and development in most organizations is a continuous act/exercise. The inexorable march of time and the ceaseless glamour for social change combine to make adaptability and continuing  preparation  of  the  workforce as inevitable as the initial acquisition of knowledge and skills.


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