Personal Banker Interview Questions and Answers 2022 Update

– Personal Banker Interview Questions –

Are you planning ongoing for an interview for a personal banker position? if yes, you need to thoroughly and clearly describe your skills and experience in the finance field. Also, you can use the interview as an opportunity to express your sales, customer service, and interpersonal skills.  

In this article, we are presenting a perfect guide you can adopt or learn from as you prepare for your interview. Take your time and read through for information on Personal Banker Interview Questions and Answers.

Characteristics of a Good Personal Banker

As a potential personal banker, you should have and know those basic features of a good personal banker. Such as.

  • Loyalty.
  • Great listening skills.
  • Also, the ability to build relationships with the clients. Additionally, you must be able to pitch them at a right time and do it in the right way.
  • Furthermore, you must be responsible.
  • Must be attentive to detail, etc.

However, the above can be summarised by saying that people enjoy talking to a good personal banker. Someone that they trust and will do business with repeatedly.

Thus, it can be said that a good personal banker is the one who reaches the sales targets each month (or any other targets the bank sets for their employees).

Also, he or she is the one who maintains an excellent level of customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis.

Responsibilities of Personal Bankers

The following are some responsibilities of personal bankers at retail banks:

  • Serving as the face and the sales arm of the financial institution.
  • Also, they help individual clients meet their banking needs. And this is by advising, explaining options, and recommending the most appropriate financial services.
  • Additionally, they handle new customers and existing customers seeking to open new accounts.
  • Furthermore, they pursue leads, and potential clients to expand services and products offered.
  • Also, they refer clients to financial specialists.

However, it is pertinent you know this. When any financial institution wants to hire you as a personal banker, they expect you to sell their respective products and services to the target audience.

Basic Requirements for Personal Banker Job

To get this job:

  • You need to have good knowledge of several aspects of finance – banking, loan, interest rates, credit card, mutual funds, etc.
  • Also, you must have good communication, interpersonal.
  • Additionally, you must possess skills to perform the sales job efficiently.


Most Used Personal Banker Interview Questions and Answers

Reviewing and practising common personal banker interview questions can help you feel more comfortable and answer questions more naturally during the interview.

1. Why Did You choose our Organization?

Read the company website and outline the points which interest you the most about them. It may be anything – their services, products, policies, mission or vision, strategy, etc.

Highlight those aspects to the interviewer. You may also add information about the company’s position in the industry if relevant.

2. What Motivated You to Become a Personal Banker?

Interviewers ask this question to understand more about your background and why you are pursuing a career in personal banking.

This is your opportunity to express how passionate you are about this and emphasize your unique background. Make your response personal, and tell your story about how you got started in banking.

3. Tell us Something About Yourself

Give details on your educational, personal, and professional background. You can also talk about your interests, hobbies, and achievements in brief.

4. Tell us about the Way you Maintain Contacts with Your Customers?

Here, the recruiter wants to know how well organized you are. Share your method of maintaining the contacts and how you maintain a continued relationship with them.

I have a complete portfolio of my clients with me. I meet them occasionally and am also in touch through the Internet.

5. Why Did You Decide to Become a Banker?

It is essential to understand an individual’s motivation for embarking on a particular career path. Asking this question at the beginning of the interview will give you a better idea of your candidate and their motivation to work for you.

6. Why are You Interested in this position?

You should not talk about your desires only (like salary, growth, etc.). Rather, highlight the points that you can contribute towards the institution and the interesting work profile.

Other Amazing FAQs on Personal Banker Interview Questions

1. Have You Ever Experienced an Upset Customer?

Interviewers ask this question to assess your interpersonal and customer service skills. They want to know a specific example of this type of incident that you have encountered in the past, so you should take time to explain how you skillfully handled it.


This is an opportunity to show that you are honest and aware of the challenges of this position while still able to cope and learn from your experiences about how to deliver better customer service.

2. Why Would You Like to Work at our Banking Institution?

Most job seekers do not care whether they get a job with Bank of America, or with Deutsche Bank (or with any other banking institution). People want the job. Thus, any bank that hires them is good enough.
However, do your best to convince the interviewers that their bank is special. Also, that you did not apply by a chance. But that, you prefer them to other competing institutions.

3. How Can You Convince a Client to Take a Product we Offer?

It is important you know that these question give you an amazing opportunity. It is your chance to show the interviewers that you understand the features of banking products.
Also, it gives you a platform to make use of the right terminologies while presenting the benefits of the products to the clients in a proper way. And this is a way that reflects their needs and desires.
Also, while doing this, try to focus on the benefits the clients will gain with their purchase. You can also as
k the interviewers for additional information.

This is to find out the details of the product, the target group of customers, etc). This information will help you build an excellent answer. 

4. How Would You Deal with a Simple Customer?

Please note this. Some clients can be rude. In fact, not every person is nice. Meeting angry or simple people belongs to this job.
It is necessary to know how to convince the interviewers that you do not mind talking to angry people. Or, to the people who do not understand even the most simple instructions you give them.
Try to assure the interviewers that you would use simple language, and give the customer many questions, to ensure that they understood your message, and know what to do next.
Of course, there is nothing like a perfect job. We all have to deal with tough situations at work. Show us that you count on experiencing difficulties and that they won’t affect you negatively in your job.

5. Where Do You See Yourself in Four Years?

Some interviewers ask this question. And it is primarily to find out if your career plan matches the possibilities they can offer to you.
Also, most big banking institutions have an exact career growth plan for each entry-level job outlined. You can find the plan on their corporate website (in the careers section).
However, your answer should correspond with this plan. Private Service Manager, or Store Manager, are the next career steps for most personal bankers.
One can also specialise further and become a mortgage consultant, or sales consultant, depending on their priorities and experience they will gain while working as personal bankers.

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