Improving School-Community Partnership in Sustainable Quality Assurance in Secondary School Administration in Nsukka Education Zone  

This was carried out to ascertain  ways  of  improving  school-community partnership for quality assurance in secondary school administration in Nsukka Education zone of Enugu state.


Five research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research. A sample of 400,made up of 278 principal/ teachers and 122 PTA executives, was used for the study.


The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire titled “Improving School-Community Partnership Questionnaire”, developed by the researcher.


The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviations while the null hypotheses were  tested  using  t-test  statistics.


The findings of the study revealed that the ways community members can actively participate in decision making include: involving the communities in setting best alternative course of action ,

Regular consultations with community development unions on school programmes and activities, allowing the community to take part in determining subjects offered in the school, allowing the community to take part in deciding school levies and amount charged.

The study revealed that school-community partnership can be improved through active participation of community in the provision of infrastructural facilities, provision of furniture, rehabilitation of school infrastructural facilities, provision of instructional materials and provision of recreational facilities.

The study also revealed  that  the school-community partnershipcan be improved by the communities recruiting adequate number of staff to fill existing vacancies giving incentives to boost teachers’ morale and rewarding outstanding staff.

Table of Contents


Background Of Study
is conceived by people of varying backgrounds, ages, needs and as a tool for sustainable development.

The potency of education is more evident in its globalization trends imbued with instrumental values of nurturing productive for sustainable development and democracy.

Education is an inevitable tool for sustainable development and a vehicle for advancing the  frontier  of knowledge (Abdul-Kareem, 2001).

Education has been recognized as a process of imparting knowledge, skills, value and attitudes to the learners. This could take place in homes, skill centers and schools, among others with the purpose of ensuring total development of the children.

Secondary education is the type of education offered to children who have completed their primary education. It is divided into three years of junior secondary and three years of senior secondary.

Education that is offered at this level has two main purposes; to prepare students acquire the necessary skills that would help them live functionally in their communities, and to prepare them to continue with their academic careers in higher institutions.


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