Entrepreneurship education focuses on developing understanding and capacity for pursuit of entrepreneurial behaviours, skills and attributes in widely different contexts. It can be portrayed as open to all and not exclusively the domain of the high-flying growth-seeking business persons. The propensity to behave entrepreneurially is not exclusive to certain individuals. Different individuals will have different mix of capabilities for demonstrating and acquiring entrepreneurial skills, behavior and attributes. These behaviours can be practiced, developed and learned; hence it is important to exposes all students to entrepreneurship education.

Entrepreneurial skills and attitudes provide benefits to society, even beyond their application to business activity. As a matter of fact, personal qualities that are relevant entrepreneurship such as creativity and a spirit of initiative can be useful to everyone in their working responsibility and in their daily existence. Akpomi (2008).

 According to Idike (2011), he noted that entrepreneurship Education is a new programme introduced by NNC into Nigerian universities. It is aimed at equipping graduates with entrepreneurial values, attitude and mental capacity for creative thinking and innovate behavior that can provoke their venture spirit to generate new ideas and ways of doing things. The progamme is timely especially now that the rate of graduate unemployment is rising on a geometrical progression. Time has therefore come for graduates to find ways of creating jobs and generating wealth not only for themselves but also for others. This can be facilitated through entrepreneurship education.

Entrepreneurship should be taught to students in all disciplines in the institution. It is not out of place to say that many business ideas emerge from non-business disciplines but are but are often waved aside or ignored because students are not sufficiently educated in the knowledge and skills required. Students have to avail themselves and use the opportunity to break new grounds, develop new products or add value to existing ones in addition to their degree.


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