Closure is the last skill in micro-teaching exercise or training. Closure is the skill that is concerned with bringing the lesson to an end. To bring the lesson to an end the teacher summarizes the major points of the lesson. Closure skill can take various forms or shapes such as:

a.   Closure by questioning pupils on the major points of the lesson.

b.   Closure by giving the pupils exercises or problems on the work done for the necessary solution.

c.   Closure by discussion of the most salient points found in he lesson or closure by dramatization.

d.   Closure by recapitulating, revising or reviewing the lesson.

e.   Closure by giving pupils assignments.


(a)     Instructional versus cognitive closure.

          Allen and Ryan (1964) distinguished between instructional closure and cognitive closure. According to them, instructional closure is reached when the lesson is completed and the teacher has shown the link between past knowledge and the new knowledge.

          On the other hand, cognitive closure is reached when the students have reached closure and have made the link between old and knowledge.

(b)     Social Closure:  Brown 1975 identified social closure to mean the act of giving pupils a feeling of achievement after a lesson and encouraging them to continue to strive and make improvements.

          Anything that has a beginning must have an end so with the lesson that is taught. Closure therefore is an indispensable technique in teaching. Any lesson that is not closed or ended remains handing and does not have its full effects on the learners. The lesson a teacher teaches begins with set induction and should end with closure or else the lesson cannot be said to be effectively taught.

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