The national policy on education (1982) perhaps the main innovation in Nigeria post-independent educational development was the national policy on education, commonly referred to as the 6-3-3-4 education system which replaced the previous 6-5-2-3 system. As explained in September 1980 during a seminar on the new system in Bagawda, Kano state, “the new senior secondary school proposed in the Federal Republic of Nigeria national policy on Education is an innovation, indeed a transformation of the present system which is a five year course followed by a 2 year higher school certificate course, neither of which is employment oriented.

Both aspects appear to prepare for the higher institutions in a number of disciplines providing university graduates with no supporting intermediate personnel, therefore limiting their productivity. Further, the range of disciplines the student could pursuer in the university is equally restricted and particularly deficient in mathematical, scientific, technological and agricultural disciplines. To redress the situation both at the higher institutions and the secondary school, the 3-3 structured has been proposed to channel junior secondary school pupils into the senior secondary school as well as into teacher – training and craft.

            This new system was intended to reflects the fact that educational structures in the country will be made up of six years in primary schools, three years of junior secondary schools and three years of senior secondary schools. The main objective is to university educational services for Nigerian children. The curriculum for the secondary schools, especially the junior section, is more technical and relationally oriented, while the senior secondary school curricula is more academic. Students who passed the junior secondary schools will then be admitted to the senior secondary schools (Nigeria 1981) some of the common arguments given in favor of the new system was that it would enable students to focus attention on more practical aspects of education such as technical and rotational studies, rather than purely academic pursuits which seemed possible only to high ability children. As usual, attempts to first of all identify, them attempt to solve the problems inherent in the old system were not made. The new system was supposed to have started operating in 1982 when the first products of the previous six years UPE course would have finished the primary schools. But in 1985, only Kano and Anambra, out of the then 19 states in Nigeria have actually started the new system of educations “almost all the other state have either delayed the take – off of the policy or altered its format as result of shortage of funds, teachers, workshops and equipment” (New Nigeria 12 March 1985). The possibilities of the collapse or limited successful implementation of the New policy on education in Nigeria yielded many conferences and seminars on the subject throughout 1985. As the commissioner for education in Kano noted in a speech (Before 1982, the Kano state ministry of education conducted courses and seminars for federals and educationists in general to explain to them the aims and objectives of the policy. This was accompanied by a state – wide campaign to enlighten the general public more recently, a Kano state National policy on education implementation committee has been established to pursuer the same task. It has visited Emirs, district heads and others who are he key to bringing awareness and understanding of the new policy into the rural communities” (Kano state 1986)

            But not all the government – sponsored seminars approved of the provisions made for the implementation of the new policy. For instance, at one seminar, it was argued that “the government should have started off with the provision of the necessary infrastructures and personnel and then fix a uniform date for the states to take off: what we see now is that a state will say it has started the new policy whereas it is doing the wrong thing” (The Guardian 27 May 1985) the Nigeria Educational Research council which was in charge of the implementation of the policy was optimistic that shortage of science equipment, teaches and funds can be overcome in a short time. The Open University bill which had been passed by the House of Representatives on 16th July 1981 was turned down by the senate on 16th September 1981.

The results was delay of not less than nineteen months before the senate finally sow fit to pass the bill on 20th April 1983. Between the time when the senate defeated the bill and the time it was passed, the news media was inundated with arguments for and against the Open University system. Many commentaries were likely motivated by either political or ethnic biases even when the arguments were presenter as if based on educational consideration” (Ojo 1984 p. 46).

            The political bias against the Open University was complex and not easy to unravel. However, it was obvious that because the former president, Alhaji Sheha Shagari, was supporting the Open University through on executive bill, the institution was automatically linked with the presidents and his party, the national party of Nigeria.    Most of those who for one reason or another were opposed to that ruling party and especially those who were not prepared to separate the issue of the Open University from the party rallied against the proposal in many ways, therefore the Open University bill was caught in the cross – fire of political disagreement that existed at that time. The bill was in fact a scapegoat in a political struggle. (Ojo 1984 p. 46).                                                            


Kano state 1986

Ojo 1984 p. 46.

Ojo 1984 p. 46.                                                           

The Guardian 27 May 1985

The national policy on education (1982)

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