100 Catchy Birthday Invitation Message and Wording Ideas

– Birthday Invitation –

Birthday Invitation Message: Birthdays are very special moments in every human’s life irrespective of age, background, or race. It marks the anniversary of one’s life on earth.

You might organize a birthday party for yourself or a loved one and intend to invite friends and family to join the celebration. Birthday invitation messages are amazing to bring guests together for the birthday party.

100 Birthday Invitation Message and Wording Ideas

1. My dear friends and family, you’re all invited to join my partner and me as we celebrate the day of my birth! I would certainly appreciate your presence at my party!

2. To everyone reading this message, we’re inviting you over to celebrate with us as our darling mother turns 45 the end of the week. We hope you can come as this is going to be a whole lot of fun!

3. Guys, it’s my birthday again! Which means, there’s another white tie occasion that is waiting for you to attend! See you, everyone!

4. Hey friends, consider this as my invitation to all of you to attend my party tomorrow. I really wish you can come and celebrate this special moment of my life!

5. I’m looking forward to my birthday party next week despite the fact that I’d be more delighted if you all can come and celebrate with me. See you, everyone!

6. I am inviting you to attend my birthday party and please bring your partner with you. I promise, you’ll have a really awesome night! See you!

7. Hey friend, I received the gift you sent me and I genuinely appreciate your sweet motion. Allow me to return the favor by inviting you to my party tomorrow. This is an extraordinary possibility for me to thank you for all the magnificent things that you do. See you!

8. I’m having a pool party this weekend after school. Please come and bring your bikinis so we can swim all we need and have a lot of fun!

9. Hi, I am inviting you to take care of my birthday party. As one of those individuals whom I esteem the most in life, I needed for you to be there when I finally bid farewell to my teenage years! Hope you can come!

10. Brother! I have masterminded a small social affair tomorrow to celebrate my special day. I really hope you can come since you’re one of those people that I truly esteem the most in life!

11. Hi! I might want for you to come join my and me as we welcome one more year of my life on Earth! Please try not to be late!

12. Thank you for sending over a wonderful present. It really means a lot to me. I hope you can come to my place tomorrow for my party. See you!

13. Hey! I’m hosting a small party to celebrate my birthday! Wish you could come since you’re one of those individuals who have made this life more worthwhile. See you around!

14. Thank you everyone for your warm birthday greetings. I am asking you to come over to celebrate with me as I thank God for adding one more year in my life.

15. Birthdays are a method of telling individuals that you’ve just adult. So here is an invite to my birthday party that we’re planning to hold next month. I really wish you can come and celebrate with us.

16. I might want to invite you to my party this weekend. You really don’t have to bring gifts. Simply bring yourself and nothing else. See you around!

17. Hey everyone! Our cute little kid is turning two tomorrow. We are inviting you to come celebrate with us in this special moment of our lives. See you!

18. There are certain things in life that you ought not miss and one of these is my birthday party. It may not be that grand but I will try to make it fun and charming for everyone, so please try to come!

19. Hey friend, I am really moved by your birthday greetings. I am having a party this weekend to celebrate the day of my birth. I anticipate that you should be at my party and I hope you will not fail me.


20. If you needed to appreciate some extraordinary food and listen to great music, at that point please go right ahead at my birthday party tonight. I would adore for you to come and be one of my visitors. I’m certain it will be so much fun!

21. Hi! I simply need you to realize that it’s my birthday tomorrow. Please set aside some effort to join me in eating delicious foods, and dancing to the beat of my favorite music! I hope to see you tomorrow!

22. My younger sister’s birthday is this weekend and I am inviting you to come over at our place so we can celebrate the special day of this extremely special young woman!

23. Much obliged to you for the meaningful birthday greeting. You’re cordially invited to my party this evening. You don’t have to bring any present. Simply bring yourself and a pair of swimwear since it’s a poolside party. I hope to see you!

24. I am inviting you to join me in celebrating my birthday. I really hope you can be a part of this wonderful celebration. See you soon!

25. A gathering of friends and individuals you love is really awesome to the core. So please join me in celebrating my birthday this Monday as I turn 20 years old this year! See you around friends!

26. Calling the attention of my girlfriends who love to party! Please make a special effort to be at my place tomorrow night as we celebrate my sixteenth birthday with an impact!

27. Our beloved father is turning 60 today! We are hosting a small party at the nursery of our house and we hope that everyone reading this message will appear. See you all people!

28. Following quite a while of waiting, I’m finally turning 18! To celebrate this important milestone, I am having a party tomorrow night and I need you to be a part of it. See you tomorrow! I really hope you can come!

29. Thank you such a great amount for all your birthday wishes! You have made my special day significantly more special and I hope that you can spare a few minutes of your time to party with me today!

30. Hi! Please set aside some effort to join me in my birthday party this evening. It may not be a grand party but having your presence will surely make it much more special.

31. Please attend my party this weekend as I throw the grandest birthday party in the country! Simply kidding! It will just be a simple party with dear friends and family so I’m hoping you can be there. See you my friend!

32. Hi! I received your warm birthday greetings and I’m truly appreciative to have you as a friend. Please join me in my party tonight as we give an impromptu speech for my special day.

33. Hey, much obliged for your greetings! Please go right ahead on my party this evening! Your presence will doubtlessly be greatly appreciated. See you!

34. Dear friends, our darling grandmother is turning 80 this Friday and we’re inviting you to come and celebrate wi
th us on this special milestone of her life. We would really appreciate if you can allocate a few hours of your time for this occasion.

35. It would be really great if all of my friends can join me in celebrating my party today. I realize you are occupied but I would really appreciate if you can come and join me!

36. Hey everyone, thank you for the birthday wishes you sent to my grandmother. It really means a lot to her. We are hosting a grand party to celebrate her 85th birthday and we’re hoping you can come. See you everyone!

37. I realize you’ve been waiting to receive a birthday party invitation from me, so here it is my friends! I am inviting you all to celebrate with me tomorrow night and welcome another part of my life!

38. Hey, I might want to invite you to the party I’m hosting for my sister this end of the week. Please note that this will be a top-mystery so please don’t educate my sister concerning it.

39. Hey friends! Much obliged to you for your wishes! I hope to see you later at my party. We will definitely make some extraordinary memories, I promise. So see you around!

40. Regardless of how old I become, I would still want to celebrate my birthday with lots of fun and games. So please come and celebrate with me on my party tonight. I would really appreciate it!

41. I am inviting you to a night of special treatment and lots of fun as we celebrate my 30th birthday. As one of my closest friends, I anticipate that you should come as I celebrate this special day of my life.

42. Thank you for being such a great friend. We may not talk again and again, but I do consider you as an old buddy. So on my birthday today, I’m inviting you to come celebrate with me. Please make an effort to remain at my place on Sunday. See you!

43. Thank you such a great amount for all your awesome birthday wishes! I am celebrating my party tomorrow and I need to invite you all to come and celebrate with me.

44. I am hoping to celebrate my special day with the special people in my life. So I am inviting you tomorrow night to join me as I welcome my 30th birthday! I hope you can spare a few moment of your time with me.

45. You’re all invited to my sister’s birthday party this weekend. Please consider this message as your invitation for the party!

46. In a few days, I’ll be turning 40. Along these lines, I’m hosting a grand party to celebrate my golden year. I am hoping you can come and celebrate with me, will you?

47. Okay love to attend my birthday party tomorrow since it will surely be a lot of fun with you around? Please, say yes!

48. My dearest friends, I received all your greetings and presents and I am really cheerful to realize that a lot of you have remembered this special day. In return, I am hosting a small party and I am inviting everyone to come over and celebrate with me.

49. Hey friends! I truly appreciate your warm greetings and wishes! Allow me to return the motion by inviting you all to my birthday party tomorrow evening! I do hope you can come and party with me.

50. Thank you everyone for taking time to welcome me on my birthday! Please consider this as an invitation to my party happening this weekend. I anticipate seeing you all!

51. Hi! Excuse me for inviting you this way but I simply did not have the opportunity to spend in creating a conventional invitation. Nevertheless, I do hope you will have the option to join me in celebrating this special day.

52. My little sibling is turning four and I need you to come join us and celebrate his special day. I hope to see you on the party!

53. Our little bundle of delight is turning one year old on Friday and we’re hosting a children’s party for her. We hope you can call come around and please bring your little ones! See you around!

54. Dear friend, I’m inviting you to come celebrate with me as I welcome my 30th year of being conceived on Earth. This is such an important milestone for me so I’m hoping you come and celebrate with me. See you there!


55. This coming weekend, I am welcoming another astonishing year of my life. As one of my dearest friends, I’m expecting for you to attend my birthday party. See you!

56. I am truly honored to have such an amazing gathering of friends who will always remember to welcome me on my special day. For that, I am inviting you all to come and celebrate my birthday tonight!

57. Dear friend, it’s my birthday again, and simply like a year ago, I’m inviting you to celebrate with me in this most special moment of my life. So please make a special effort to be there so we can have a good time!

58. I’m turning 20 years old today but my party will happen this weekend. We’re going to have lots of fun so I hope to see you around!

59. I realize you’re totally occupied but I would appreciate if you can spare some of your time to party with me. It’s my birthday this Saturday and I’m hosting a small party!

60. I am having a party tomorrow evening to celebrate the day that I was born on Earth. As one of my closest friends, I expect for you to be there and celebrate with me until the party ends!

61. Thank you for the beautiful messages that you sent me. I am really honored to be your friend. For that, I am unassumingly inviting you to be one of my guests as I celebrate my birthday party tomorrow evening!

62. Hey, friend! Please come over at my place on my birthday this weekend. How about we make some great memories and party like there’s no tomorrow. All things considered, birthdays just come once in a year!

63. My dear friend, you have been exceptionally kind and supportive of me and I truly appreciate all that. Allow me to take care of you by treating you to your favorite round of drinks at my birthday party tonight!

64. Indeed, even the oldest people need the organization of a young people. My grand father is turning 80 tomorrow and we’re hoping you can join us at home for his birthday party that is happening in the evening.

65. Much thanks to you such a great amount for your warm birthday greetings everyone! I am inviting all of you to come to my party tomorrow. There’s no compelling reason to bring any gifts. Your presence will be greatly appreciated.

66. It’s really fun to have a gathering especially if all the people you invited can attend! So please try to remain at my birthday party this weekend. I definitely would appreciate it!

67. Amazing, it’s been a year now since I brought forth my darling little kid! To celebrate this important milestone of our life, I am inviting you all to come and party with us. Please bring your little kids too as there will be lots of kiddie games.

68. Our baby is finally turning one year old today. We as a whole hope you can come to celebrate this special occasion of our life! There will be lots of surprising waiting for all of you so we hope you would all be able to come and celebrate with us!

69. Our mom is turning 60 this Saturday and we’re inviting everyone to her small birthday party. We anticipate having you around as we celebrate her important milestone in life!

70.< /strong> I might want to invite my friends, associates, and everyone else who received this message to my birthday party tomorrow at my residence during dinnertime.

71. Hi! I received your birthday greetings and I am truly lowered by your kind words. Please go right ahead on my birthday party that will happen tomorrow. I will surely be upbeat if you can spare some of your time for this party!

72. Hi! You’re invited to attend to the birthday party of our 2-year old kid this weekend! I hope you can bring your little ones, as there will be lots of fun and games!

73. To celebrate my eighteenth birthday, we are hosting a night of fun, games, music, and move! Please come and join us so it will be a whole lot of fun!

74. Thank you such a great amount for your warm greetings. I’m truly complimented to peruse the superb words you have sent over to welcome me. Allow me to thank you by inviting you to my birthday party this weekend.

76. Hi! Thank you for sending over a gift. Your presence in my birthday will surely make the celebration significantly more special so please come at my party. See you.

77. My birthday will not be that fun if you are not around. So please come to my house in the evening and how about we appreciate drinks all around, dance, and lots of sweet treats!

78. My birthday party will be more fun and agreeable if all my friends are around. So please spare a few minutes of your time and come over at my party tonight! See you around!

79. Much obliged to you for all your warm birthday greetings. I am glad to inform you that I’m having a party tomorrow night and you’re all invited to join in! So please, I hope you would all be able to come over so we can have some good times!

80. Any party won’t be fun without your presence in it. So please come at my mom’s birthday party tomorrow. We should cause her to feel loved as she welcomes the 40th year of her life. See you!

81. Hi! I’m planning to celebrate my party tomorrow and I needed you to be there. It may not be that grand but I’m certain you will really make some incredible memories! See you around!

82. Thank you such a great amount for your warm birthday greetings! Put your best dress on the grounds that I am inviting you to my party this evening. See you around!

83. Finally! I’m turning 18 this Friday! Please join me in celebrating this special day. I am inviting you to come over at my party. Hope to see you!

84. My dear friend, I truly appreciate your warm greetings. Lots of fun and happiness is waiting for you at my house tomorrow. Please join my loved ones and me as we celebrate this special moment of my life. See you around!

85. Hey! I’m organizing a small gathering to celebrate my birthday on Saturday. Okay have the option to spare a few hours of your time and come celebrate with me?

86. Dinner and drinks, delicious cakes and rum are some of the things that will be welcoming you if you join me in celebrating my party this evening. See you all friends!

87. Much obliged to you for all your birthday wishes. Allow me to take care of you by treating you to some delicious tidbits and refreshing drinks. So please come to my small celebration tonight, see you around!

88. My dear friend, thank you such a great amount for being with me through various challenges. Since it’s my birthday, I am expecting you to be next to me tonight as we celebrate my special day.

89. It’s my birthday this weekend and I plan on celebrating it at the sea shore. I am hoping everyone can join me in celebrating this special day. Please come so we would all be able to have a great time!

90. Thank you for the warm birthday greetings you sent over to my mom. Let me invite you all to celebrate with us as we throw her a surprise birthday party tomorrow night! We hope everyone can come!

91. I’m planning to organize an all-day long celebration that is filled with party caps and balloons! Certainly, I may not be a child anymore but I need to feel young perpetually so I’m hosting a kiddy party and I hope you can join!

92. Hi, thank you for your awesome greeting. Allow me to get you some incredible food and drinks by coming to my party tonight. See you around!

93. Hey friends! Please come and attend my birthday tomorrow and join me in celebrating one of the happiest days of my life! I really hope you can join me this time!

94. I am truly honored to receive lots of awesome presents and warm greetings from you all. Allow me to get you a small party with a few and drinks that will occur at my place tonight.


95. Dear friend, thank you for your birthday wishes. I am having a party to night and I am hoping you can come. I’m certain it will be a lot of fun especially when you and the pack are around!

96. Hey everyone! You’re all invited to come to my party tomorrow evening. Please try to remain at your best since we’re going to go through the night dancing to my favorite tune!

97. Hi, thank you for the special birthday greetings. It really warmed my heart and caused me to realize that I am so honored to have you as a friend! Please consider this as an invitation to my birthday party that is happening this weekend. See you friend!

98. Hi, thank you such a great amount for remembering me on my birthday. Please make an effort to remain at my party tonight. I need you to go right ahead as I celebrate this special moment of my life! See you around.

99. Hi! Thank you for your birthday greeting. Join me tonight for a night brimming with cakes, balloons, and delicious treats!

100. Hi everyone! My sister is finally saying goodbye to the teenage years. To celebrate this special day, we are inviting you to join us for a small celebration this coming end of the week. We hope to see you there

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