Free Online courses during lockdown mean you shouldn’t stop learning. Because we are all locked up, that shouldn’t stop us from knowing a thing or two we didn’t know. As well as getting certifications to prove that we know these things. This is why various institutions are coming up with certified free online courses during the lockdown. See Top 15 Programs

Free Online courses during lockdown mean you shouldn’t stop learning. Because we are all locked up, that shouldn’t stop us from knowing a thing or two we didn’t know. As well as getting certifications to prove that we know these things. This is why various institutions are coming up with certified free online courses during the lockdown.

Free Online College During Lockdown With Certificates

Looking for a college education that will cost little to nothing? Believe it or not, it can happen! There are several accredited colleges and universities that will allow you to take college courses and even some that will allow you to earn a degree for little to no money.

Some of these schools require you to have a natural talent in a specific area, such as music. However, there are universities that are open to religious studies, engineering, and many other fields that may interest you.

Free online courses during lockdown are available thanks to many people who donate to education and founders of these schools who believe in higher education for everyone.

As said above, there are institutions that offer free online college courses but for the purpose of this post. We will introduce the courses to you based on their subjects with direct application links.

Free Online College Courses (By Subject)

1. Preparing to Manage Human Resources


Specifically, this course provides a basis for developing your approach to managing qualified employees by illustrating alternative human resource management strategies.

As well as emphasizing the importance of the legal context and reflecting on what motivates employees.

Hence, this will give you a conceptual and objective basis to develop specific and essential HRM skills in subsequent courses on recruitment, performance management, and employee reward.

Do you not know anything about HRM? It’s good! You will leave this course with a new understanding of the range of options available for employee management.

As well as an understanding of what motivates workers and the willingness to develop their human resource management skills.

2. Human Resources Management Capstone: HR for People Managers


This specialization provides a solid introduction to the principles, policies, and key practices of human resource management.

Thereby focusing on understanding the options and limitations of management, the acquisition, and integration of talent, performance management. As well as the reward of the employees.

Furthermore, the final project offers students the opportunity to apply these key principles and practices in a real workplace (including the student’s workplace, where appropriate).

More specifically, the Capstone project will identify the key human resources challenges for the workplace. Including the most urgent issues of motivation, selection, performance evaluation, and reward.

3. Managing Social and Human Capital


Employees are the most valuable asset of any business, but they are also the most unpredictable asset and the most difficult to manage.

And while human resources management is essential to the health of any organization, most managers do not receive the training they need to make good management decisions.

Based on your popular Wharton course, this course will teach you how to motivate performance compensation systems and individual design.

As well as how to design and organize work to achieve high performance. And how to make decisions for successful and timely management, and how to design and modify your functions.

By the end of this course, you will have developed the skills you need to begin to motivate, organize and reward members of your organization.

Not only will you thrive as a company but also as a social organization.

4. HR Fundamentals


Human resources professionals are responsible for the greatest creators of value (and risk) in an organization: people.

During this course, you will get an introduction to the practice of human resources and develop the skills you need as a human resources professional.

Also, you will learn how human resources help organizations achieve their business and strategic objectives by exploring the basics of workforce planning, recruiting, and retaining employees. You will also learn how to help people achieve their goals through performance management.

This course is aimed at new and future human resources professionals, but may also be of interest to the people in charge of the operations.

5. Project Launch


This course shows you how to do that. Learn how to justify and select projects, and how stakeholders can influence projects.

Equally, identify the requirements to define the scope of the project and create a list of tasks necessary to achieve this scope.

Also to create effective communication plans and assign responsibilities.

Therefore, understanding the basics of project planning using planning software. Establish the requirements, objectives, and objectives of the project before defining the full scope of the project using a (WBS).

Also, you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned to a case study that brings together the key elements of the launch of a project.

6. HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Administrative/IT Perspective)


HI-FIVE training (Health Informatics for Innovation, Value, and Enrichment) is an online course of approximately 10 hours designed by Columbia University in 2016.

Therefore, it is sponsored by the University of British Columbia, Office of the National Coordinator of Information Technologies in Health.

Meanwhile, the training is based on roles and uses case scenarios. Hence, no additional hardware or software is required for this course.

7. Strategic Business Management – Microeconomics


This course combines business strategy with the principles of microeconomics. It offers a powerful toolbox, as well as cases and lessons that cover all the main functions of the company, from administration, finance.

As well as operations management, and marketing, to human resource management and organizational behavior, statistics and, of course, business strategy.

8. Management Skills for International Business


Specifically, this course covers a range of management techniques. You will discover the key skills and competencies of effective leaders and how to distinguish between management and leadership.

However, the course will deal with the dynamics of the team, the creation of effective relationships, the main theories of motivation, and the optimal use of communication.

9. Critical Perspectives on Management


This course is aimed at students from all walks of life who are interested in how companies are governed.

As well as the strengths that have helped to define modern management practices and the results of that practice.

Not only for their own company themselves but also for the societies in which they operate.

For students considering a career in management, it can also be useful as a basic introduction to the conceptual vocabulary. So also, ideas that underlie modern management theories.

10. Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand, and Behavior


This course is aimed at students from all walks of life who are interested in how companies are governed.

The objective of the course is to change the design of brands as visual identity (eg, Logo) and image (customer brand organizations) of company inexperience about “important moments”.

While throughout the trip of the client and, therefore, delivered by people throughout the organization.

Therefore, brands represent not only an external promise for customers but also a means to implement a business strategy. Especially, through a change in behavior and internal culture led by the brand.

11. Applications in Engineering Mechanics


This course applies the principles learned in my course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” to analyze engineering structures in the real world.

For example, to be successful in this course offer, you must have mastered the basic engineering concepts in this class.

For instance, this course covers the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with a focus on Engineering systems and real-world problem-solving.

12. Introduction to Engineering Mechanics


This course is an introduction to learning and applying the principles necessary to solve mechanical engineering problems.

The concepts you have followed in mathematics and basic physics will be applied to this course.

Interestingly, the course covers the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with a focus on real engineering applications and problem-solving.

13. Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion


This course is an advanced study of mobile bodies applied to engineer systems and structures. We will study the dynamics of rigid bodies in the 3D movement.

However, this will include kinematics and motion kinetics. The kinematics deals with the geometric aspects of the movement that describes the position, speed, and acceleration, all as a function of time.

14. Introduction to Contracts in Law


Contracts are agreements concluded by two parties to create a legal obligation. Legal contracts are very important and serious documents.

However, many people or business owners do not fully understand the implications of signing or breaking a contract.

This free online course examines the elements of a contract and describes a scenario of breach of a contract if one or more of the parties involved do not comply with their part of the agreement.

The resolution of broken contracts in the form of damages is also discussed.

This course will be of interest to professionals working, for example, with third-party suppliers for goods or services on a contractual basis.

15. Fundamentals of Business Law


This course will teach you the basics of commercial law concerning different types of business ownership and will help you choose the property that suits you best.

Also, this will help you make sure your business complies with the law. Learn important business law principles for the most common types of businesses with this free online course.

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