Effects of Peer Learning in the Study of Commerce in Senior Secondary Schools in Delta State


The investigated the effect of peer in the study of commerce in senior schools in Delta State. The work adopted a quasi-experimental , specifically the pre-test, post-test, non-equivalent control design.

Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 745 out of it, a sample of 209 was randomly drawn. Commerce Achievement Test (CAT) was used for data collection.

Mean was used to answer the three research questions while ANOVA was used to test the three null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

The study revealed that there is significance difference in the achievement of students taught commerce with peer learning method and those taught with lecture method.

That there is significance difference in the achievement of male and female students taught commerce with peer learning method and those taught with lecture method; and there is significant difference in the achievement of students in urban and rural areas  taught  commerce with peer learning method and those taught with lecture method.

Based on the findings, it was recommended that peer learning method should be adopted in our senior secondary schools for teaching commerce and that teachers should be trained on how to effectively use peer learning method in the classroom.

This  study therefore calls for urgent review of the current instructional method  to  ensure total incorporation of the peer learning method in our senior secondary schools.

Table of Contents


Title Page        i

Approval Page      ii

Certification  iii

Dedication             iv

Acknowledgements     v

Table of Contents        vi

List of Tables       viii

Abstract               ix


Background to the Study  1

Statement of the Problem            9

Purpose of the Study      10

Significance of the Study        10

Research Questions       12

Hypotheses                      12

Delimitation of the Study      13


  1. Conceptual Framework 14
  2. Theoretical Framework 50
    • Motivational Perspective Impact in Learning 51
    • Social Perspective Impact in Learning 53
    • Cognitive Perspective Impact in Learning 55
  3. Related Empirical Studies 57
  4. Summary of Related Literature 63


Design of the Study           66

Area of the Study                  67

Population for the Study                 67

Sample and Sampling Technique          67

Instrument for Data Collection                68

Validation of the Instrument                     69

Reliability of the Instrument         69

Method of Data Collection            72

Method of Data Analysis                     73

REFERENCES          74


1.1 Background to the Study

The Nigerian child needs the knowledge, skill, attitude, ability and competency that will enable him decide on how to make money, spend, save, invest or borrow, manage with the available resources and also contribute to decisions that will benefit the nation where he lives.

The knowledge, skill and competency acquired will help the individual to understand the economic situation of his nation and that will influence his present and future standard of living.

In support of this assertion, Obi (2005) alluded that, in order to be a good member of the society, the individual should have a sound grasp of the functions of business in the economic system as well as acquire the ability to use the services of business. Some elements of business knowledge, skills and values are found in commerce.

Today, every individual speaks of commerce as being the total aspect of total education programme that provides the knowledge, skills, abilities, understanding, competencies and attitudes needed to perform in the business world as a producer and/or consumer of goods and services that business offers.


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Akilaiya, O.; Puta, I. F.N, & Ezoem, I.N. (1998). Educational research: A Source Book for NCE and University Undergraduates. Nigeria: Frefabag Investment Ltd.

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Anyaele, J.U. (2005). Comprehensive commerce for senior secondary schools. Lagos: A Johnson Publishers Ltd.

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