10 Amazing Samples Of Recommendation Letter for Students 2022

– Letter of Recommendation for Student –

A letter of recommendation for student is a document that highlights a student’s character, traits, competence, and brilliance to aid the student in his/her application processes.

The students may use such letters to help them enter academic programs or careers.

Someone who has spent time with them in an academic or often writes the letter.

Nonetheless, a letter of recommendation for students provides universities or companies a reference account of the applicants’ qualifications, including their skills, strengths, goals, accomplishments, etc.


Letter of Recommendation for Students at Various Levels

Students at various levels of education seek letters of recommendation from their teachers, principals, academic counselors, etc.

The purposes of the letter vary based on the levels of the students involved.

For example, students in high school may need a letter of recommendation for admission into college, while those in may need such for job application or further studies, etc.

However, for the sake of clarity, we shall divide this discussion into two major parts namely:

1. Letter of recommendation for masters degree student sample

2. Letter of recommendation for college student sample.

Letter of Recommendation for Masters Degree Student Sample

Writing a letter of recommendation for Masters degree students is one of the numerous jobs that university professors do.

Most scholars feel delighted to do so for students who have excelled in their classrooms or who they know through extracurricular or campus activities. However, writing these letters takes time away from , student advising, and essay grading.

Often instructors end up writing these letters of recommendation on their own time, so it’s important to provide as much assistance as you can to the person who is writing your recommendation.

Who to Ask for a Recommendation in the Graduate School?

For most graduate school programs, you’ll need several letters of recommendation. The best people to ask for a recommendation include:

1. A professor at the school granting your undergraduate degree

2. A professor who knows you well

3. Someone with the degree you are seeking in graduate school

4. Someone who has academically evaluated you in an upper-division class

5. A supervisor at a job or internship related to your graduate program

You can also consider asking an academic advisor to provide you with a recommendation.


Information in Letter of Recommendation for Masters Degree Students

Your referral letter should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class.

As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

Your letter of recommendation should cover a range of skills, from to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class.

As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

1. What is your relationship with the student?

2. Why should the graduate faculty listen to your opinion? (include your status, title)

3. What makes this student special? (discuss their characteristics, qualities, traits)

4. What specifically did this student do to impress you? (discuss their accomplishments, habits in class)

5. What makes this student qualified for graduate school and for this program? (include specific courses or interests of the student in addition to abilities and traits)

6. What do you know about the program the student is applying to?

Which Information does the Recommender Need?

The recommender should be given sufficient time to write (and/or confirm) the letter. If it has been a while since you were last in contact, sending a background information file will make things easier.

Include the following information so that the recommender can use a few details to bolster their letter:

1. Classes the student has taken with the recommender

2. Experiences you have shared

3. Transcripts

4. Resume/CV

5. Research experience and internships

6. Awards and achievements

7. Academic/career goals

8. Relevant professional experience.

In addition to background information, make sure that the recommender has the necessary information to plan the writing in a timely manner and target the letter as much as possible:

9. Graduate program application due date

10. Copy of recommendation forms (if applicable)

11. Instructions for submitting LORs (hard copy, soft copy, or direct to school)

12. Details about the program and school the student is applying to.

What kind of Writing is Expected in a Recommendation Letter?

Although the letter of recommendation is more informal than academic writing, you should make sure that your language has no grammatical errors.

 Secondly, ensure that it is of an academic level that reflects the author’s educational level and qualifications.

Apply the following standards to the writing and the essay-drafting process:

1. Make your language more personal in tone than research writing.

2. Use the active voice and first-person point of view more often.

3. Write chronologically, starting from important traits and then moving on to actions and achievements.

4. Use lots of details—list course names, scores, and specific achievements of the student.

5. Edit your letter before submitting it to the graduate admissions faculty.

Recommendation Letter Sample for Masters Degree Students (Template)

This is an example of a recommendation letter for graduate school. We have provided it for you to study, however, do not plagiarize our sample.

Here is the sample:

Recommendation Letter Sample for Masters Degree Students (Text Version)

Jane Doe
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345
[email protected]

March 29th, 2022.

Jeff Lee
Office of the Registrar
Acme School
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

I highly recommend Emily Smith as a candidate for graduate school. I have worked with Emily in my capacity as Education Department Chair at Salitus College. 

While a student at Salitus, Emily maintained a 3.98 GPA while taking a full load of honors classes and seminars.

She excelled as the top student in the senior-level Teaching Methods course I teach; her other instructors in our department speak highly of her performance in their classes, as well.

In addition to her classwork, Emily was also employed in various positions including teaching a museum program to fourth-grade classes in the Saratoga Springs School District, teaching both adults and children to ride horses, and managing horse show participation for a local riding stable.

She accomplished all these tasks with great initiative and with a very positive attitude. Emily has a wonderful rapport with people of all ages, especially the “at-risk” children she worked with at Carroll Hill School and Prospect Child and Family Center.

Emily has a special talent for working with children who need more guidance and support than those typically found in a traditional classroom setting.

Her ability to connect with her students and h
er talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both truly superior.

She has excellent written and verbal communication skills are extremely organized, reliable, and computer literate.

Emily would be a tremendous asset to your program and I recommend her to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Signature (hard copy letter)

Jane Doe
Chair, Department of Education.

Letter of Recommendation for College Student Sample

Letter of recommendation for college student is a letter written to support a college applicant’s chances of admission.

Such recommendation letters are succinct, formal remarks that should highlight the candidate’s strong attributes and explain why they will succeed in college.

Information in Letter of Recommendation for College Student

If you are asked to write a recommendation letter for a student, make sure that you get as much information about the position or area of study that they are seeking as possible to make your endorsement specific and strong.

Analyze the qualities, skills, areas of knowledge, and experiences that the employer or school is seeking.

However, the writer would always include the following piece of information in the recommendation letter:

The Student’s Strengths

Point out aspects of the student’s education, job and , and extracurricular activities that will help to prove that they would excel in the job or graduate study.

The Student’s Uniqueness

Whenever possible, highlight what is special or distinctive about the student and how they stand out when compared to peers, consider conveying that status.

Sharing examples is a good way to show what the student has accomplished.


Recommendation Letter Sample for College Student (Template)

This is a sample recommendation letter for college students. We have provided it for you to study, however, do not plagiarize our sample.

Here is the sample:

Recommendation Letter for a Student (Text Version)

Bob Hunter
Director, Career Office
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345
[email protected]

March 29, 2022

Felicity Lee
Director, Human Resources
Business City College
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

I have had the pleasure of working with Pam Lester for three years while she served as a peer advisor in the academic achievement office at ABCD College.

Pam exhibited a wide range of skills while building a record of outstanding performance in this role.

Ms. Lester mastered the often overwhelming task of learning the extensive collection of print and electronic resources we use to help students.

Pam’s diligence, bright mind, inquisitive nature, and unwavering commitment to helping others enabled her to achieve this success.

Ms. Lester was truly unique in her ability to empathize, establish rapport, and reach a very broad range of students from diverse backgrounds.

Pam attracted a following of her peers who purposefully sought her out because she had been helpful to them (much like a good professional counselor does).

I have rarely seen a peer cultivate these types of relationships with other students during my 20 years of professional experience.

Pam is a good listener who also can convey information clearly and effectively to individuals and groups. Her common sense, research, and detective skills enabled her to find information for students which was not easily locatable.

As you can tell, I hold Pam in very high regard and therefore can confidently recommend her for graduate study which would tap the skills referenced above.

I am equally confident that she possesses the empathy, caring nature, listening skills, and intellectual capacity to become a fine professional counselor.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Bob Hunter
Director, Career Office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about recommendation letter for students. We have provided you with the answers. Please, kindly study the answers carefully.

Do professors charge students to write recommendation letters?

No, writing recommendations for students is part of the professors’ job.
However, they have the option to refuse to write one if they don’t think a student deserves one. After all, a recommendation letter must be truthful about a student’s abilities.

Who should write my letters of recommendation for college?

Applicants to the university need to submit one letter of recommendation from an academic source, who can be a teacher, faculty member, school counselor or adviser, according to the admissions website.

Should I ask a professor for a letter of reference if I got an A?

If possible, request a reference letter from a professor or advisor who knows you well and respects your work and character.
Don’t request a reference from a professor if you were frequently tardy or absent from the class or did not receive a good grade.

Do teachers/ professors dislike writing recommendation letters?

Professors tend to dislike writing letters, in part because they have insufficient information to provide accurate, specific, and honest evaluations.

Are students allowed to read their letters of recommendation?

Since most students who enroll in college are 18 or older, FERPA gives them the right to request access to their letters of recommendation, wherever they might be stored along with the rest of their application materials.

We believe the above piece of information was useful. Please, kindly share this content on all the social media platforms available. We appreciate your readership.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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