The following are work shop objectives of incorporation of Gender into climate-Resilent crop livestock systems Research to Accelerate food security in Africa held in Nairobi may 3-5. participants from the workshop came from East, South and West African countries.

1.       To establish the current state of knowledge on gender and climate charge in crop-livestock system in Africa, identify the issue on gender and crop livestock systems in relation to climate change and give women enough space for fulkar Research.

2.       looking at livestock, a majority of human diseases are transmitted from livestock implying that climate change will significantly change  disease emergences. In addition, a shift to start looking at how sequencing carbon in the tropic in addition to trees would be worth investing in. it therefore goes without saying that Agriculture, climate change and gender are invert wind.

3.       To review some of the hazards climate change occurrences observed in different countries eg Ethiopia, drought and flood, flash flood in Kenya, melting of glaciers in Tanzania,

4.       With the aim to better understand the current state in the region, so as to come up with useful, adaptable and practical strategies at country and weal level and also to exchange information the environmental current issues.

5.       Successful incorporation of gender into Agriculture research requires gender sanitization and capacity building. A training session on gender sensitization was the part of the work shop so as to well equip the participants in this area of research and to enable them to integrate gender into their programs and project.

6.       The 3 days workshop enabled partictipants to share knowledge and information from the region, build and enhance their capacity on gender and other related issues and create a network of partners who can further drive the research work on gender and climate change.

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