Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter Examples To Guide You

Attention-Grabbing: Employers see dozens of cover letters every single day. Many of them end up in the trash can. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go to such great lengths, but there are some tips that could be a game-changer for you.

I am here to guide you through the process.

Why You Need a Creative Cover Letter

So, why do you need a creative cover letter? Hiring managers get dozens of applications daily. Most candidates stick to the safe format of a brief one-page cover letter that talks about their motivation for wanting the job.

While this approach works, it ends up creating content. Think of having to read the same phrases over and over again daily. You definitely wouldn’t enjoy it, and it won’t help you distinguish between candidates. This is how Hiring Managers feel.

The best way to cut through the noise and beat the competition is to be different. Avoid clichés like:

  • “This is the exact job I’m looking for”
  • “I believe I’m perfectly qualified for the position”
  • “I’m willing to work hard”
  • “I think outside the box”
  • “As listed on my resume”

These are some of the most abused phrases a cover letter could have, and Hiring Managers see them as unoriginal.

When you put some in your writing, however, you show the recruiter right away that you’re willing to go the extra mile and truly think outside the box.

1. Be Very Specific

Do not send a generic cover letter. Repeat: DO NOT send a cover letter. They can be spotted a mile away and are as fun to read as they are to write. Try your very best to find a name you can address in your letter. A name is one of the most effective ways to make the letter feel more personal.

2. Add Some Humor

Make someone laugh. They’ll probably remember you better. You can be a little self-deprecating or employ a funny . Think about this: Who are some of your favorite colleagues? Probably people who don’t take themselves so damn seriously and have the ability to bring some levity to the team. Who wouldn’t want that on their team? Show you can bring your awesome skills and awesome personality.

3. Cut the Length

It doesn’t need to be so long. Keep it short, simple, and to the point. If you’re starting to feel like you’re writing for the sake of writing, stop. Cut the fluff. Don’t be intimidated if your cover letter doesn’t fill the entire page — there’s no rule that it has to be one full page. Quality over quantity is especially here.

4. Show How You Can Solve Specific Problems

Saying you’re a ‘ is about as helpful as explaining your preference for chocolate croissants over regular croissants. Don’t tell them about your amazing problem-solving skills.

Explain the details of a particular problem you played a key role in solving and how exactly you employed your skills to solve it. Better yet, if you know the company has a particular problem you could help solve, outline how you can help solve it.

5. Visually Match Your Resumé

The heading of your letter should correlate with your resumé, the font should be the same and the paper (if you’re printing it) should also be the same. Along with your resume, your cover letter is part of a pair, and this pair should be visually consistent.

6. Keep the Design Simple, Clean & Easy to Read

Read no distractions. Stick with the classic fonts in reasonable sizes. No need to mess with the margins.

7. PDF, Always 

If you’re submitting a cover letter online, it should always be sent as a PDF file. We all know there is something just so unreasonably frustrating about trying to open a file that isn’t compatible with your computer. Your cover letter should never provoke frustration — that’s bad juju before someone even reads it.

Important Reads:

8. Consider Using a Template

This is an especially good idea if you’re already using a template for your resume. If your resume is templated, your cover letter absolutely should be too. A template is a great way to get some structure going. It can help make a big, blank, white page a little less intimidating.

9. Remember: There’s More to Etsy Than Handmade Jewelry

Etsy is a fantastic place to purchase resumé and cover letter templates. They often come in a bundle, and there are myriad design choices to browse. There’s an option for every personality.

Dump the boring cover letter template and get creative. Apply a sense of humor, mention relevant accomplishments, and demonstrate your knowledge of the business in order to stand out and land the job. Kindly share this article on your social media platforms with your friends if it was useful.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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