5.1 Discussion of Findings

            From the above findings, the researcher discovered that there is no organization on earth that does not have to deal with politics. From the result of the questionnaires distributed among managers and employees of Nigerian breweries Plc Enugu, it was discovered that if managers should accept the existence of politics in their organizations and manage it effectively, it will help them in making quality decisions and improve the productivity of the employees in the organization.

            From the first hypothesis test, the result shows that the perception and management of organizational politics by managers and employees has impact on quality decision making in Nigerian Breweries Plc Enugu.  The Second hypothesis puts it that politics has a positive effect on the employees’ performance in Nigerian Breweries PLC, Enugu. In a similar vein, the third and the last hypothesis tested affirmed that the management of Nigerian Breweries PLC, Enugu is putting measures to improve the management of politics in the company.

5.2       Implication of the study

            The result of the findings indicated that politics is part of an organization that needs to be accorded maximum attention like any other production resources such as Man, Material, Machine and money. By understanding this, leaders can create a working environment that satisfies the need for power in others. When we feel powerful, we feel in control of events. When we feel powerless we often give up, do nothing and resigned ourselves to fate. When we feel in control, we feel optimistic regarding our ability to perform. The prospects of gaining power energizes us to strive, this implies that if politics and power is not encouraged by managers, it will reduce productivity in the organization because politics and power according to the literature review is a unique part of any organization.  



6.1 Summary

            Nigerian Breweries PLC, Enugu is an organization that is made up of people with different backgrounds and ideas entangled in its own form of politics. Politics is an integral part of social life and essential for the well-being of every individual. It is obvious that for one to survive in the society, organization either governmental or non-governmental etc he or she must engage in one form of politics or another.

            This explains why there is need for managers of Nigerian Breweries Plc, Enugu to make efforts to learn and understand the existence of organizational politics and through keen observation and focused interaction with different groups of people as well as utilize the political environments to enhance competition and hard work among employees in order to increase productivity.

            The study which the main objective is to identify the human resources implication of organizational politics with a view to improving the management and usage to the growth of the organization made use of questionnaire administered to both management and employees of the company. From the data analysis the study identified

(i)        that perception and management of organizational politics by managers and employees has an impact on quality decision making in Nigeria Breweries PLC Enugu.

(ii)       that politics has positive effect on employees performance in Nigeria Breweries Plc Enugu.

(iii)     that the management of Nigeria Breweries PLC, Enugu are putting measures to improve the management of organizational politics in the company.

6.2 Conclusion

            The need for power is a natural fundamental human need to exercise influence over people, events and things. Politics is the means through which power is acquired. The knowledge of how politics is managed in organization will assist managers in creating a climate that will enhance feelings of power in others. These feelings will improve motivation, morale and performance. People who feel powerful, competent and in control, work with greater enthusiasm, energy, initiative and creativity. They also are more optimistic, confident and dedicated to enhancing the welfare of the organization.

            There is no organization on earth that does not have to deal with politics. The degree of organization politics varies from one organization to another but the reality is, all organizations have internal political struggle that can rip it apart if not properly managed.

            Dealing with this political struggle should take a keen awareness of the landscape, player and rules in which the political game is played.

            Managers should delude themselves thinking that their organizations are devoid of politics. The reality is that any organization with more than one person in a political entity that demands direction and proper management to enhance productivity.     .

6.3 Recommendation

            In order to improve on the management of politics in Nigerian Breweries PLC, Enugu, it is recommended at:

1.                  Mission, aims and objectives of the organization should be clearly spelt out to make them a driving force in all the activities of the organization. This would keep the workers focused and guided.

2.                  Effective structure for communication should be improved upon. This will create trust and mutual respect for one another. Workers will appreciate the relevance of one another for the survival of the industry.

3.                  Opinion sampling techniques
should be introduced to ascertain the views of people on the organization’s political activities. This will enable the people to bare their minds on the political atmosphere of the institution.

4.                  Policy that will recognize all facets of opinion should be introduced. This will eliminate or reduce the negative influence of informal groups or cliques of employees. The organization should give them opportunity to register and operate formally, rewarding system that gives concrete reward recognition for diligence, resourcefulness, helpful attitude, individual sense of dedication and loyalty should be specific and part of the annual budget. When workers are sure of reward and recognition for excellent performance and utility behaviour, their political activities will have positive impact on productivity.

Training programmes for managers should be organized to give them relevant technical skill for expert power demonstration. This will diversify expert power among workers and reduce negative politics arising from the very few.                                  



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