





Following your application for employment and the subsequent interview organized by our consultants, we are pleased to inform you that your application has been considered for the post of ……………..….in ……..… with effect from ………………….. The terms and condition of services are as follows:

(a)  Guarantors: you shall provide at least one guarantor that is acceptable to the board of directors of the ……………

(b) Salary Package: the total salary package to the offer shall be …………………………………. per month.

Made up of:

Basic salary


Meal Allowance



(c) Working Hours: The hotel / hospital is expected to render service to customers 24 hours without undue interruptions or hitches. However flexible work hours shall be arranged such that you can have time off duty to rest. You shall be duly informed of such arrangement.

(d) Resignation: You may resign your appointment at any time with one month notice in writing or forfeit your one month salary in lieu of notice. Also, if you are found incompetent, inefficient or involved in any activity that is detrimental to the interest of the hotel / hospital your appointment shall terminated without any obligation

(e) Rules and Regulations: you shall adhere to the rules and regulations as stipulated by the management of the hotel / hospital.

You should sign the duplicate copy of the offer to evidence your acceptance and return it to undersigned.

Accept our congratulation.

………………                                               ………………..

Chief executive                                            Board Secretary

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