Ø    Impersonation: Impersonation occurs when candidates gets someone to sit for an examination for him/her called ‘ sai monkey’ and entrance into the examination hall is guaranteed into keeping into identity cards.

Ø    Smuggling of answer scripts:- smuggling of answer script is a situation in which a candidate’s script is replaced within or outside the examination hall.

Ø    A loose term for coping in Exam. In this method the examiners agrees to copy the answers on

the chalkboard for the students.

Ø    Bullets or missile:- These are retirements on the traditional method of taking prepared materials into the examination  hall which usually comes as tiny pieces of papers or each toilet papers used in summarizing the major of course.

Ø    Giraffe:- giraffe is a very old form of cheating even in primary schools those who adopt the method are not in alliance with other students but steal occasional glances other candidates answer scripts.

Ø    Contractors strategy:- Examination attendants who pretend to go for more answer scripts drop question papers at designated points for a mercenary later on, the attendant collects the already prepared answer scripts in same manner, puts it with watch he had collected and hands it over to the students who awarded the contract.

Ø    Super print form:- super print is afeneric name covering all forms of writing on cloths, under skirt, inner living of blouses, brassieres, handkerchiefs. etc.

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