Donation Hub Registration Portal 2023/2024 Updates

Donation Hub Registration Portal 2023/2024 Updates.

Donation Hub Registration: Are you looking for a way to make extra cash with a little token? Join Donation Hub. in this article, i will provide you with all you need to know about Donation Hub, from its meaning, how it works, to the the incentives offered.

Donation Hub is a Ponzi scheme which allows peer to peer donation. Donation Hub members decide how much they are willing to donate to other members and do so on their on time.

The Donation hub platform is not only for Nigerians, but people from all over the world are also free to join and donate to each other. In addition, it has a chat room where members connect with each other. Through this medium, the contact those they have chosen to donate to.

Another unique feature of Donation hub is that it encourages various means of donating, either by local bank transfer, PayPal, Neteller, and also Bitcoins. This is as a result of the worldwide membership and the need to ensure ease of payments.

How Donation Hub Works

1. Registration

Registering to join Donation Hub is very easy. All you have to do is visit the site; fill in the required details such as phone number, a functional email address, username, and password. After this, a link will be sent to your email address for you to click on to confirm your registration. After this, you have successfully registered your account.

2. Choose A Payment Options

After registering your account, you can choose your payment options or fund processing options; the purpose of this is to increase your efficiency level so that you can receive your donations as soon as they’re made. The payment options available include PayPal, local transfer, Neteller and also Bitcoin wallet address. Once you have completed this step the next step is to choose donation schedule.

3. Donation Schedule

The Donation hub has two donation schedules which you can choose from, Instant Donation and Scheduled Donation. Both of the schedules can be used for long term or short term donation, whichever one you choose.

  • Instant Donation: This matures after a period of seven days and 30% of your donation will be added to the total amount you donated and would be donated to you after a period of seven days.
  • Scheduled Donation: This matures after a period of 30 days and 50% of your initial donation will be added to the total amount you donated and donated back to you after 30 days. However, a percentage of the donation would be held back, but you will receive it after you make another donation. This is to ensure continuity after you make the first donation.

How to Make a Donation

  • If you choose Instant Donation, two slots would appear for you to enter the “minimum amount” you can donate and the “maximum amount”.
  • Once you have done this, click on the search button and the list of eligible people whom you can donate to would appear.
  • Select one, and proceed to contact the person and complete your payment.
  • Once you make the payment, click on the paid button.
  • After this, it is left for the recipient to confirm your donation. They do so once they receive the money.

Note: Sometimes, you may not be able to afford to pay to the people who are eligible, or there may not be any eligible people available to pay, this just means that you have to continue trying until one turns up.

  • If you are making a Scheduled Donation, a digital clock is set up on your dashboard and it begins to count down to a specific time when it will be approved to make the donation.
  • You can then choose amongst the provided recipient who you want to donate to and within a few hours, make the donation.
  • Failure to meet the stipulated time allotted to you can cause the recipient to lay a complaint against you which could lead to your ban from the platform and all further transactions will cease.

Incentives Offered by Donation Hub

Just like other Ponzi schemes, Donation hub provides attractive incentives to people who refer others to the platform, they give you a sum of $15 for every person you successfully refer to the platform and who makes a donation.

Additionally, people who make a donation of $35 dollars or more are given a percentage of the total amount that they donated, depending on the type of donation they made. If it was an instant donation, the percentage is 30% while scheduled donation has a percentage of 50%.

As structured, the incentives are paid after you make the next donation. Even at that, not all the percentage is paid as some are withheld for the sake of continuing the donation.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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