The following are its consequences on humans and animal (s) in the environment;

A. SMOKING: Smoking in this context is inhalation and exhalation of the fumes of burning tobacco. Until the 1940s smoking was considered harmless, but laboratory and clinical research has since confirmed that tobacco smoke presents a hazard to health. Smoke from the average cigarette contains around 4,000 chemicals, some of which are highly toxic and at least 43 of which cancer. Nicotine, a major constituent of tobacco smoke is both poisonous and highly addictive same scientists noticed, however, that hung cancer, which was rare before the 20th Century, had increased dramatically since about 1930.

Again smoking also causes wildfires and domestic conflagrations. These are uncontrolled conflagrations that spread freely though the environment. Careless dispose cigarette or Indian hemp stumps cause many unnatural wildfires. In wild areas, timber and forage may be destroyed animal habitat disrupted soil nutrients depleted and value diminished in the wildfires. Raped run off from a burnt but area can also contribute to flooding while erosion if exposed soil can trigger land slides. The American cancer society and other organizations initiated studies company deaths among smokers and non-smokers over a period of several years. All such students found increase mortality among smokers, both addition, experimental studies animals showed that may of the chemicals contained in cigarette smoke are carcinogenic.

According to Onuzuilike, M,N. in his book titled issues in Health Education, Some of the problems associated with smoking could be physical, social psychological, intellectual or physical. In this regard Ama in his book titled Health Education for schools and collages, pointed out that smoking can lead to shortness of breath, recurrent chest infection and cardiovascular disease, as well as tooth decay, bronchitis loss a appetite, loss A weight, peptic ulcer, emphysemia, vitamin B deficiency, mouth and lung cancer. Babies bon to mothers who smoke during pregnancy are also at increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome.

Studies have found that cigarettes are addictive because an unknown component of tobacco smoke appears to destroy an important brain enzyme know as monoamone oxidase B. The enzyme is vital for breaking down excess amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers pleasure seeking behavior.

Even non-smoker are at risk from smoking. Recent research has focused on the effects of environmental tobacco smoke, that is, the effect of tobacco smoke on non-smokers who must share environment with a smoker. The united states of environmental protection Agency estimated that exposure to ETS, which contains all the toxic agents inhaled by a smoker, causes 3,000 lung cancer deaths and an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease per year among non smokers.


 Nigerian today is faced with increasing environmental problem, and the basic disasters linked with oil spills have lead to the need to protect the environment whole conducting oil operations.

However an oil pollution incident of a high magnitude can cause damage to the environment, especially where there is an existing environmental degradation from oil prospecting and transportation.

According to Clark, some substances that are toxic to aquatic fauna and flora are released and they are chronically lethal in concentration of a new ppm (parts per million) and lethal in concentrations of a few ppm.  (parts per billion). These substances phytopyhankton’s photosynthensis, respiration and growth, kill or cause developmental abnormalities in zooplankton and the young stages of many aquatic organism. Oil spill in water, kill Shelton and finish by its smothering action and also ingestic oil may interfere with fish nutrition. In shallow inshore sites, contamination may persist for years and also surface organism are killed by oil on the surface of water, which limit gaseous exchange and entangle the organisms. The NNPC spillage at Owa and Abudu in Delta State in 1982 resulted in oil oilloged farmland and the death of economic crops such as seedings of yam and cassava and the soils were no longer fit for farming and streams were no longer be used for fishing.

It is worthy to note that when there is a case of oil spillage, the cost of the impacts are much felt in the environment, so it better prevented than allowed to occur.

C. ODOR –   The character of the odor is the actual description of what the odor smells like. This prarameter is sometimes called the quality or offensiveness of the odor.

Non–  Specific multi-systems symptoms have been experienced in communities near industrial sites, waste water treatment plants, agricultural science and hazardous waste sites. People frequently report that chemical odors are making them sick. The symptoms includes headache, nausea, eye irritation, throat irritation etc. A 1999. Study of infect use in potato field showed that while health effects were not related to proximity of people to the field, order perception was strongly related to the number of symptoms reported, the length of occurrence of the symptoms and the severity of the symptom

D.  CRUDE OIL POLLUTION Crude oil is, and has for some been the major source of national income. As a result, the environmental hazard it poses often comes up against interest in the income has however received some attention by our various governments since independence. The laws have nevertheless proved largely inadequate and ineffective in the prevention and control of oil pollution primarily because of misplaced government priority. In all these and other cases of oil pollution, the effect were fairly similar. It destroys the oil, farmland, crops and economic trees, and dislocates human settlement which may be burnt it thereby results in the disturbance of economic and social activities in unemployment, and thus frustration and psychological effects in the effect in the affected locality.

It pollutes and poisons fresh water streams and springs making them unreasonable by humans and animals and also destroying and disturbing marine life. It makes canal, and water ways temporally impassable in communities were such is usually the main means of transportation.

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