What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud of Interview Questions 2022

– What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud of –

One of the most common interview questions asked by managers in all industries is “What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud of?” However, this can be a tough question to answer if you’re not prepared. You definitely don’t want to be too general in your response. However, if you plan ahead, it is easy.

Also, this question is your chance to let the employer know about some of your greatest achievements.

Why Interviewers Ask “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?”

Contrary to what your subconscious is trying to tell you, your interviewer isn’t attempting to trick you into revealing arrogance when they ask the ‘greatest achievement’ job interview question. They just want to know what it is that makes you stand out from the crowd.

It is likely that the company received numerous, if not dozens of applications for the same job. Therefore, one of the purposes of the interview is to assess which candidates stand above the rest.

“What is your greatest accomplishment?” or “What is your greatest professional achievement?” is an example of a behavioral interview question, commonly used in interviews to assess skills and competencies through discussions about your past experiences.

Some other examples of behavioral questions include:

➢ “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership.”

➢ “Tell me about a time you failed.”

➢ “Describe a time you solved a difficult problem.”

“What is your greatest achievement?” and its similar variations are designed to evaluate:

➢ What you value most in life, how this can benefit the company and whether you are a good fit for the company’s culture.

➢ How you view success and whether this coincides with the company’s commercial goals.

➢ Whether you possess desired soft skills such as communication, leadership potential, teamwork, adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving.

➢ Whether you have ambition and a drive to succeed. For example, if you had to fight hard for your greatest accomplishment.

What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud of: How to Pick the Perfect Answer

First, you need to understand that “what’s your greatest accomplishment?” is a behavioral job interview question.

What that means is that the wants to understand your past performance, and how you handle specific situations (for example, under pressure).

Every answer should cover the following topics:

1. Situation – Describe the situation and the context in which the event took place.

2. Task – Talk about the tasks you had to complete (i.e. your challenge or responsibility).

3. Action – Explain the actions you took to address the above challenges or responsibilities.

4. Results – Explain the results you achieved. When describing the outcome, if possible, mention numbers and quantifiable facts.

Mistakes to Avoid When Faced with this Interview Question

The best way to approach this question is to think of an answer that complements the job description and person specification given in the original job advert.

Also, focus on an incident where you solved a problem for a previous employer or contributed significantly.

One mistake a lot of candidates make is thinking that every example has to be extraordinary. The answer just needs to be a specific example of evidence of your achievements.

Not everything you do in life or at work has an amazing result, and the interviewer knows that.

How to Answer the “What Accomplishment are you most proud of,” Interview Question

1. Align Your Answer with Corporate Culture

Of course, it is important to give a vivid description of a past accomplishment that you are especially proud of- but it’s also crucial to keep the values and culture of the company in mind.

Also, before your interview, research the corporate culture of your prospective place of employment to see what it stands for. Does the company value social justice and community involvement?

If so, focus your discussion on one of your accomplishments that involves volunteering or donating to worthy causes. Perhaps the company has a history of creativity and innovation- and if so- plan to share details of your artful inventions that have benefited a past employer or won your accolades in school.

2. Make Sure You Provide a Specific Example

While it may tempt to give a general overview, such as saying you are proud of your customer service skills note. Delve deeper to provide a more satisfactory and memorable response.

For example- you could say that you have always been compassionate and responsive to customers and clients, so you go the extra mile to make sure customer satisfaction is achieved.

Furthermore, then give an example. Such as how you helped a stranded passenger when you worked at an airport- which earned you a thank-you letter from the individual- plus kudos from your supervisor and a mention in the airline’s newsletter.

3. Have Your Response Match the Job Posting

To present yourself as a top-notch candidate for the position you’re interviewing to match your accomplishment with the skills listed in the job posting.

For example, if the posting said the company was looking for someone who is an exceptional team player and reliable, tell your interviewers about your former coworkers voting you the most supportive and dependable teammate two years in a row.

Also, to show how reliable you actually are, bring in the award and proof of your spotless attendance record.

Additionally, letting them know you were never late to work, as notated in a past work review, will also show how you are a fit for their job opening.


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Sample “What Accomplishment are you most proud of” Interview Questions Answers

Sample Answer 1

One of my most recent rewarding accomplishments occurred at my last company when I was transferred to a department known for having an internal conflict.

This one department had more turnover than the entire company. Having a reputation as a “peacemaker” with interpersonal relationships, I was successful in transforming the environment in
to a more pleasant place to work.

Also, during the year I was there, no one transferred out or resigned. And I achieved this by incorporating fun into work.

Also, by celebrating individual and group successes and granting teammates time off to take part in worthy projects.

Sample Answer 1

I am most proud of when one of the biggest clients of my previous company was about to switch suppliers, and I had to stop them from switching.

I used the excellent personal relationship that I had built up with the client over the past year to persuade them to stay with our company and negotiate new terms.

And the result was that they placed even more orders than the previous quarter.

Sample Answer 1

I am most proud of when a Google algorithm update made my company’s organic traffic plummet, and their AdWords spend increase.

My job was to fix the site to make sure that it complied with the new Google Update and also wouldn’t be affected by any updates for the foreseeable future.

I spent hours fixing the blog and putting a new content plan in place to keep everything controlled. The plan worked, the organic traffic picked up, and the company reduced its AdWords budget.

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The interviewplays a pivotal role in securing a job placement. Thus, do not allow your loved ones to walk ignorantly to the interview room. Do well to share.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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