Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships 2022 Application Update

– Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships –

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships is open for applications for the 2022 applications/funding. We will be guiding you through the application steps and all the necessary information.

About the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation accepts proposals from the natural and social sciences, as well as allied disciplines.

Such proposals ought to have the propensity to increase understanding of the origins, expressions, and control of violence and aggression.

Top priority is accorded the research that can increase understanding and betterment of urgent problems of violence and violent dispositions in contemporary society.

Importance is equally given the research which addresses critical and unresolved problems of violence.

The work is expected to deal with what generates conflicts, its mode of operations, and its prevention.

The Foundation is looking out for research dealing with violence related to many subjects. Such include, but are not restricted to, the following:

• War

• Crime

• Terrorism

• Family

• Intimate-partner relationships

• Climate instability and natural resource competition

• Racial, ethnic, and religious conflict

• Political extremism and nationalism

The Foundation is inclined to support researches that explore primary factors that encourage or generate violence.

However, primacy is given to proposals that make a captivating case for the importance of possible outcomes for policies intended to reduce these problems.

Similarly, historical research is given consideration in so far as it is relevant to a contemporary or existing case of violence.

Analyses of the effects of violence are also considered provided a strong case is made that these outcomes may serve, invariably, as causes of conflict and violence subsequently.


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Application Procedure 

The Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships only accept online applications.

The application link is accessible on the Foundation’s . But for quick access, interested persons could simply follow this link to get to the application directly.

Aside from the online submission, there is another method of submission. This had been in place initially. This method of application requires submission through a printable PDF.

To apply successfully via this method, applicants are expected to follow all the related to this particular method.

Be it as it may, such an application must arrive at the Foundation’s office before the deadline. Failure to see to this leads to an automatic rejection or disqualification.

To begin the application process, applicants are required to first and foremost, create a login account. This would be done with their emails.

A password would be set which would then give each applicant their unique login details on the Foundation’s website. After creating the account, candidates would then be able to gain access to the online application portal.

The application timeline had been set beforehand. Applications are to be fully submitted on or before the end of August 1st, 2021.

In other words, the Foundation must receive all applications before August 2nd, 2021. And the board has stated very strongly that late applications will not be given any sort of consideration.

Online Application Required Documentation Procedures

• Project Title

This should answer all the issues or questions pertaining to the proposal or project the applicant is looking to apply for. In this section, some questions are made compulsory. In other words, they must be answered.

These are marked with an asterisk (*). Projects with more than one Principal Investigator require information about the Co-Principal Investigators.

• Abstract and Survey

The second information required in the application documentation section is the abstract.

The abstract could be typed in or pasted from a previously typed document. Abstracts have specific lengths which ought to be noted.

As much as it is informative, the abstract should also be concise or brief in its description of the project, including its relevance to aggression and/or violence.

As for the survey, it is required to answer questions—about the topics, time period, and geographic region of your project. They are only needed for statistical purposes only.

The information given by the survey does not affect the Foundation’s evaluation of the application.

• Budget Justification

Applicants are to upload a document that would explain the need, and how they plan on spending the demanded funds. This must be done for each item in each category of the worksheet completed in section D of the application form.

• Personnel

It is also required that applicants upload a file that contains the curricula vitae as well as lists of important publications for the principal investigator(s) and all professional personnel.

This section ought not to go beyond two pages for each personnel.

• Research Plan

Another important document to be uploaded is the document that would present the particular objectives of the project while also discussing the background and implications of the projected work.

Applicants are also expected to describe the methods and procedures which the research would adopt.

In addition, there sho
uld be enough information on the means which will be employed for the interpretation and analysis of the results.

Candidates ought to showcase their convenience and affinity with the relevant scholarly literature. They should also explain how their projects will complement or improve upon them.

The required length of Research plans is usually about 15 pages. The required spacing is double or 2.0. The number of pages stated here does not include references that are listed in the bibliography.

• Other Support

Here, applicants must describe facilities and resources which are already on the ground for the proposed research.

They should also outline the title, source, dollar amount, timeline for funding expected or being sought for this project from other funding organizations during the period of this grant request.

These should also carry the expected notification dates and the actual or likely publisher’s advances.

However, if there has been no other application made elsewhere,  applicants should do well to indicate.


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• Protection of Subjects

It is one of the main requirements that the applicants illustrate what steps they are planning to take in order to protect the rights and welfare of any human or non-human subjects who/which might be involved in the research. But if the proposed project(s) has none of such concerns, it should be well-stated

• Referee Comments

Another crucial piece of information needed to back up the applications is a copy of the applications being sent to two referees.

One referee would receive one application. The referees are expected to be experts in relevant fields the applicant is planning to research.

The Email of each of the referees is required. To send a mail to a referee, enter an email address and click “Compose Email” to send a message asking them to be a referee. The person so mailed would also receive an email from the Foundation.

This would contain a link directing them to upload their letter. The referees are equally expected to share their opinions on the necessity and merit of the research project.

They are to also state the procedures involved, and the applicant’s readiness and capacity to complete the project successfully. The referee’s letter must be uploaded by August 15th.

• Electronic Signature

The final process is the signing of a signature. Here, the applicants would sign their signatures electronically. This process is the equivalence of hand signing the application.

Timing Of The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships Applications/Approval

New applications must be submitted by August 1st. The decision on such an application is scheduled to be made in December. Final decisions are made by the Board of Directors at its meeting in December.

Once the decision has been made by the board, applicants will be promptly availed of the decision. This is passed across, often, by email and letter. Grants ordinarily commence on January 1.

Who Can Apply for the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships?

Applicants for a Distinguished Scholar Award have no specific countries they are to hail from. In other words, applications are accepted from all over the world.

Although almost all recipients possess a PhD, M.D., J.D., or equivalent degree, there are no formal degree requirements for the award.

Value and Targets of the Distinguished Scholar Awards

Most awards fall within the range of $15,000 to $45,000 annually for periods of one or two years. Proposals that require larger sums and longer durations will be given due consideration insofar as such are very much justified.

The awards are offered to persons, and in some cases, a group of two or three individuals who might be the principal researchers. And the award is given for specific projects, rather than general research support.

They are not offered out to institutions for institutional projects or programs.

However, persons to whom the research grants are awarded could be liable to taxation on the awarded sum. In other words, individuals who receive the awards may have the awarded grants taxed by the government.

For information on the past grants, follow this .


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Taxation  Distinguished Scholar Awards

These are given to scholars for specific projects.

However, an awardee may decide to have the funds managed through some institutions for the sake of convenience or otherwise.

In the case of an awardee requesting accordingly, the award will be administered and accounted for by the institution on his/her behalf in tandem with the budget he/she had appropriated and included with the application.

But this would have to be approved by the Foundation before execution.

To find out all about the differences between personal and institutional applications, there is a resource material containing all the relevant information in the “Individual vs. Institutional Applications”.

Irrespective of whether the awarded funds are paid to the awardee directly or paid to an institution on his/her behalf, the awardee may be liable for taxes on funds awarded, contingent on locality, tax status, timing, nature of the award, etc.

Applicants should endeavour to find out from their tax advisors to ascertain the tax consequences of receiving the award ().

For more information on the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships 2022, bookmark this page for ease of visit so as to be updated on the latest activities and decisions of the Foundation.

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