Common Teacher Assistant Interview Questions 2022

– Teacher Assistant Interview –

Prior to the interview, it is important to find out as much as possible about the school, its pupils, and staff. Teaching assistant interview questions and answers will differ depending on the school and post, however, some areas will always be covered.

No matter how hard you try, you can never fully prepare yourself for an interview. However, in the time running up to the big day, it’s wise to arm yourself with answers and relevant information that may come in useful.

If your teaching assistant interview is just around the corner, we’d recommend that you give yourself a bit of a head start. Teaching Assistants aid teachers in the classroom.

This can include grading tests and homework, proctoring exams, and recording grades on the computer or in the grade book. Teaching Assistants may also assign materials and assignments in class as needed to help the teacher.

Teacher Assistant Interview Questions and Answers

The best way to succeed in any interview is to prepare in advance.

So, if you have an interview for a teaching assistant job coming up soon, it’s a good idea to spend some time thinking about how you’d answer common questions that school HR managers are likely to ask.

More important than anything is being able to answer questions with specific examples and evidence.

Hiring managers want to hear proof that you can do what you claim, so being able to back your answers up with case studies is really useful. Below are some examples.

1. Do you Have Any Experience with Special Needs Students?

Most times, you will work primarily with children with special education needs.

Tell the interviewers that you feel for them, that try to understand how to work with them in the best possible way, and actually look forward to working with students who need your help.

2. What Teaching Methods Do You Prefer and Why?

You can say that you prefer an individual approach to each student because that is mostly what you will do as a teacher assistant–helping individual students during the classes, or students with special needs.

You can also emphasize that you have a knowledge of various teaching methods, and will try to always choose the most appropriate method for the lesson and the situation in the classroom.

3. Why Do You Want to Be a Teaching Assistant?

People want to become teaching assistants for several reasons; however, the intrinsic motivation behind this career is often the desire to work with children and help them reach their potential.

While this is a substantial reason, an original and personal response is likely to be more memorable.

4. Why Do You Think You’d Be a Good Teaching Assistant?

We expect professional teaching assistants to be , approachable, good with children, and creative. While it is good to mention these traits, they are quite general.

To improve your answer, we would advise that you provide specific examples of how you embody these qualities.

5. Is there Any Subject You Dislike to Teach? 

Each of us has our most favorite and their least favorite subject, and you can definitely say it in an interview.

But you should emphasize that you understand the importance of the entire curriculum, and will try your best in every lesson–regardless of the subject you’d teach.

6. Why Do You Choose Our School Over Others?

Focus on their reputation, goals, and values they have, the study programs they offer, or the location of the building of the school.

You can also praise them for their work with the students with special needs if they run any special programs for them, or for example employ plenty of to help the students in question.

They should feel that you genuinely want to work for them, and did not apply by a chance.

7. What makes a Moral Lesson?

A moral lesson depends on many factors. One day something can work and the next day it might not. I think the most important factor to consider is preparation.

If the teacher and the teaching assistants are fully prepared, then the lesson will usually be a success.

One of my favorite lessons at school was when we were learning about the human body. Our teacher invented a game called ‘body part bingo’.

It was really well prepared and so fun that we all remembered the specialized vocabulary that day.

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