Instructional resources in the teaching and learning in NCE/NTI/DLS programme

The role of instructional resources become clearer as Olayiwola (1996) summarized the importance of instructional resources to include:

         Making instruction more powerful and immediate

         Speeding up learning by saving time through scientific mode of instruction.

         Enrichment of teaching and curriculum and making instruction scientific.

The author further added that it is worthwhile for teachers to utilize them in day-to-day instruction. In the same vein, NTI (1996) FGN/UNICEF (1993) in her situation and

policy analysis (SAPA) report, pointed out that the quality of learning is determined among other things by.

         The curriculum content

         The instructional processed

         The competence of the teacher and the availability of instructional materials.

Also UNESCO (1962), writing on the need to use learning resources, stated the importance of instructional resources to includes:

         Inspiring student to be curious in learning

         Serving to make concepts more read to students

         Serving as a source of finding answers to questions 

In his own view, Onyejemezi (1991) maintained that one of the principles teachers have to continually bear in mind is that man learns through his sense. To some, seeing is believing and to others the sense of touch, hearing, smell and taste dominate in acquiring knowledge for intended learning to take place. The teacher must communicate effective communication process that enhance speedy understanding, a wide range of choice of channel of transmitting his message to the student must be selected also justifying the importance of instructional resources.

Berkey (1996) wrote that rational selection of instructional resources is a necessary step for effective teaching. He further added, that the ability to select and utilize methods and materials are important qualities of a master of professional teacher. He outline the criteria for selecting resources are as follows:

      1.     Instructional objective to be achieved by students

      2.     The teaching resources available for use

      3.     The characteristics of students to be taught

      4.     The teacher’s ability and experience 

In the same vein, Invensor (1997) recommended the use of instructional material in schools for effective teaching and said further that premium should be paid on the use of audio-visual aids in teaching in order to stir the spirit of observation, inquiry, experimenting and findings out facts. In his conclusion, he recommended the adoption of problem solving method of teaching in preference to chalk and talk. In related development, Mekeanshiel (1998) asserted that his attempting to assess teaching effectiveness have led him to think that availability of teaching, resources more than any other thing in learning process is more effective. It determine student rate of learning. Still supporting the vital role of instructional resources, Vernon (1999) opined that the availability of instructional material enhance productivity hence learning.

          Adeniyi (2001) declared that the purpose of using teaching aids and material is to communicate more permanent information that are incidental to the process of teaching because facts and information are retained better when supplemented with aids. He further added that it is most certain, that if materials are carefully selected and skillfully used, they make earning more meaningfully. The centrality of instructional resources in teaching and learning situation is so convincing that Assenugo (1991) said that if any subject is to be taught well, it should be taught practically while Burne (1990) asserted that the use of teaching aids by the teacher in the course of teaching should be strictly adhered to, for learning to be result oriented and teaching more effective.

          Similarly, NTI (1994) commenting on the importance of teaching aids in programmes asserted that teaching aids are important because they help learners understand the language used, and interest, colour and variety to the lesson. This it explained motivates learners and allows for individual differences in learning styles.

          Also writing on the importance of resources Njoku (1997) stresses the need for resources materials for the expansion of knowledge. He noted that even though text books, and classroom teaching supply the care of instruction the school library materials and other resources which include non-book material can supplement and extend the education career of children and learners generally.

          Butter and Wren (1998) stated that most people gain new impression more readily and vividly through multi-sensory experience than they do through reading and abstract reasoning. This further buttresses the point that learning through sensory experience is the most natural way of learning which makes a permanent impression in the learners.

          Commenting specifically on the facilities necessary for a successful performance in the programme. Bankole (1996) noted that well equipped library is required for effective teaching and learning in the programme. He further explained that schools libraries provide books and others useful materials for school educational programme and that it helps the learners to develop interest in reading and stimulating their interest in many other subjects. This idea coincides with Paker and Datty (1998) who postulated that films strips should be included in the teaching aids used in teaching courses in the programme. In a related study by Lacey (1992) on film, he maintained that film is part of a widening movement towards sensitivity training in its broadest positive meaning in the teaching and learning programme. It is as a result of these roles that this study has focused on instructional resources in teaching of all courses to ascertain its availability and utilization in the teaching programme of NTI in Eboynyi State.

          However, Nwalor (2004) argued that it is difficult for effective teaching and learning to take place without relevant and adequate instructional resources and called for their improvement where they are not available in their original form, while Awe (2000) opined that for teaching an learning to succeed, the teacher must ensure availability and utilization of instructional resources (materials and human). He suggested that all stakeholders in education should see to it that instructional resources are duly put in place to enhance effective teaching and learning. Nwafor (1997) asserted that availability of instructional resources d
oes not guarantee their utilization and called on teachers to be up and doing in the classroom especially with regards to proper utilization of needed resources as a means of realizing the objectives in view.

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