Why Campus Journalism is a Student Necessity in 2022

– Campus Journalism –

Campus journalism is journalism carried out by students of tertiary institutions on subjects relating to their campus, published in publications generally only intended for the campus. Some people wonder why journalism is important in colleges, get your answer here in this article.

Usually, these publications are available free of charge to the public and run by students and a faculty adviser. And the Campus Press plays a vital role in representing the voice of the students.

It protects the rights of the students and informs the students of happenings in and around their academic environments.

Keep reading to find out why campus journalism is necessary for students in 2020. Campus journalism has been around and has been evolving ever since the 18th century.

From just being a means of spreading information on various campuses, it has basically become a means of promoting freedom of speech and lending voices to oppose oppression and other campus vices.


What’s More

For instance, in 1991, the Philippine Government passed the Campus Journalism Act, one of the strongest laws which support the development and promotion of student journalism, rights of the youth, and preserving the integrity of student publications.

The law also provides penalties to anyone who obstructs or coerces any student publication and a student journalist.

By the end of the 19th century, universities and colleges in the U.S had weekly newspapers and many of them even had dailies. By 1973, more than 1,200 university newspapers had been published.

In simple words, campus journalism leads to the availability of newspapers or magazines and functions exactly how the media is supposed to;

Reporting the news, help determine which issues should be discussed, and keeps people actively involved in society and politics.

Why Campus Journalism is a Necessity

Campus gives students the opportunity to hone and practice their journalistic skills, and be the voice of change by getting readers to think about pressing issues that they probably wouldn’t have read anywhere else.

The endeavour provides a platform for students or student communities who look to expand their horizons beyond just the campus, and discuss topics such as gender equality, human rights or even the protection of animals.

Another big benefit of campus journalism is that you never get into trouble, unlike the case with mainstream media where media houses get slammed with fines.

However, this does not mean that reportage has ‘no limits’. Campus newspapers and magazines have established certain boundaries and authorities can even take action should these boundaries be crossed.

More Information

Fact is, articles that are too controversial will get heavy editing or may even be completely scrapped.

Certain campus newspapers are always solely run by the students themselves, they have a presiding faculty member steering the ship.

This doesn’t mean the student’s opinion is being filtered out. The faculty’s sole purpose is to serve as an advisor. This is instrumental to establishment and growth.

The benefit lies in being a part of a dynamic team that will teach you soft skills more than any classroom could, like effective communication and management skills.

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Campus Journalism is not rigidly limited to the university level, it has an important stake at a National level. Because policies implemented at the National affect the students directly.

Finally, this endeavour allows the students to think and develop reasonable opinions that can influence Government policies in their respective countries.

This information should change your initial perspective about Journalism, please share this article with friends and leave a comment below.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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