The HMU Fellowship in Ideas 2022 Portal Update

– HMU Fellowship in Ideas –

Harrison Middleton University is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students into their HMU Fellowship in Ideas for post-graduate programmes. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students.

About the HMU

Harrison Middleton University, a nonprofit graduate institution specializing in distance learning, was founded in 1998 and offers graduate degrees in the humanities with a focus on the interplay of important ideas and thinkers throughout history, the study of ancient and modern classics, and inquiry-based discussion methods.

Students at Harrison Middleton University employ primary sources from prestigious academic publishers such as Britannica (Great Books of the Western World), Oxford University Press, Penguin Classics, and W. W. Norton & Company for creating study plans.

About HMU Fellowship in Ideas

The HMU Fellowship in Ideas is humanities writing and discussion initiative for a recent university graduate from any discipline who is interested in the humanities, debate, intellectual and professional enrichment, and intellectual and professional enrichment. The Fellowship provides exposure to young scholars.

The Fellowship provides credited authorship in two university publications, as well as exposure to the history of ideas in Western culture and networking opportunities among academicians, lifelong learners, readers, and thinkers from a variety of disciplines. All activities of the HMU Fellowship in Ideas, except for conference attendance, can be carried out from any location with acceptable telephone and internet connectivity.

Fellows’ Roles

Over the course of nine months, the HMU Fellow in Ideas will:

Take part in virtual Socratic discussions with university faculty.

Contribute two entries to the Harrison Middleton University Blog.

Publish a book review in HMU: Dialogues, Harrison Middleton University’s biannual newsletter

HMU Fellowship Coverage

Harrison Middleton University Fellowship in Ideas provides the recipient with the following benefits:

A $500 stipend.

The opportunity to take part in virtual Socratic discussions with university faculty.

Online publication in the HMU Blog and HMU: Dialogues.

At the conclusion of the Fellowship term, a complimentary library of five Great Books Foundation publications.

Required Language


The HMU Fellowship in Ideas Eligible Countries

All world countries


Rhodes Scholarship

Chevening Partnership Scholarship

Banting Postdoctoral Program

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Harrison Middleton University Fellowship in Ideas, applicants must meet the following criteria:

1. Have an interest in the humanities and the great ideas of Western .

2. Must have received a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral degree (in any field).

3. Have outstanding reading, writing, and communication abilities.

4. Commit to writing two blog entries for the HMU Blog and one book review, based on a Great Books Foundation publication to be determined, for HMU: Dialogues.

How to Apply for The HMU Fellowship in Ideas?

Please follow the following instructions to avail of this fellowship:

1. Fill out the application form from their

2. Prepare the following documents:

3. A biographical statement of only 500 words that addresses your background as a student, your interest in the humanities, and your interest in the HMU Fellowship in Ideas.

4. An appropriately cited expository essay of only 1500 words.

5. Plus a work cited page, applying your interest to a great idea in the humanities related to one of these concentrations: imaginative literature, natural science, and religion, and social science.

IMPORTANT! This Scholarship Scheme is not yet out online, but keep bookmarking this page as an update will be made immediately after the scholarship is out.


Submit your application and writing samples as attached Microsoft Word-compatible documents to [email protected]


October 15th, 2021

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