50 School Counselor Interview Questions 2022 Latest Updates

– School Counselor Interview Questions –

A school counselor is part of the education team and is a person who gives important assistance to students, aiding them with their academic goals, their social and personal development, and their career development.

School Counselor Interviews can be a difficult procedure. That’s why we came up with interview questions to make things easy for you. read on.

School counseling takes place in public and private school settings in grades . They make counseling to foster student achievement, improve student behavior and attendance, and aid students develop socially.

Mental health professionals with master’s degrees or beyond, school counselors both provide counseling and serve an educational role in and around schools.

Many schools have full-time counselors on staff in order to support students who are experiencing personal or academic challenges, help students choose careers and plan for college, and intervene when students face behavioral, physical, or mental health challenges.

Responsibilities of a School Counselor

1. Guide the development and implement a competitive school counseling program that focuses on and promotes students’ success

2. Value and respond to the diversity and individual differences of students

3. Ensure fair access to opportunities and a rigorous curriculum for all students

4. Provide direct support services through structured conventions

5. Evaluate areas of strength (KSAOs) and advocate for students

6. Provide group or individual responsive services

7. Collaborate and consult with parents, teachers, community organizations, and other stakeholders.

Requirements for School Counselor Jobs

1. Proven working experience in school counseling

2. Integrity and professionalism

3. Advocacy skills

4. Ability to respond effectively to the needs of a diverse student pool

5. Working knowledge of various counseling models, practices, and resources

6. Engaging interpersonal skills and excellent communication skills

7. Ability to collect and analyze data

8. Computer literacy

9. Sound judgment and emotional intelligence

10. MA degree in School Counseling.

50 School Counselor Interview Questions

Role of the School Counselor

1. What do you see as the key role of a school counselor?

2. Have you implemented any components of the ASCA ?

3. What do you think is the most important characteristic of a school counselor?

4. When considering school counseling ethical standards and school policies, how would you handle a conflict between the two?

5. What do you think the role of the school counselor is in preventing school violence?

6. What can you provide that differs from a social worker, school psychologist, or mental health counselor?

7. What is the difference between a therapist and a school counselor?

8. What influenced you to be a school counselor?

9. What practical experiences have you had that make you feel capable of being a school counselor?

10. What is your strongest asset?

11. What do you know about our school that you would consider a strength? a weakness?

12. Tell us about a successful (satisfying) case that you have handled? And, one that was not so successful; what would you have done differently?

13. What makes you want to work at ______ School?

14. What is it you like about working with (grade level) school students

15. How would you deal with cultural differences in a school setting?

Foundation of Comprehensive School Counseling Program

16. How does a comprehensive school counseling program support the school’s academic mission?

17. What is your school counseling/?

18. What is the counseling theory or approach that you most closely follow?

Delivery of Comprehensive School Counseling Program

19. What is your experience with implementing the school counseling core curriculum?
20. How would you approach individual student planning?
21. How do you develop a positive relationship with students in individual counseling?  Small group counseling?
22. How would you handle a large group of students having attendance problems?
23. What experiences have you had with developing transition plans?
24. Describe how you would implement small group counseling/classroom lessons?
25. What might your professional development plan look like?

Management of Comprehensive School Counseling Program

26. How do you use data in a school counseling program.

27. What type of school counseling activities would you institute to help close the achievement gap at our school?

28. What innovative ideas would you like to employ as a school counselor?

29. How would you divide your time between meeting the immediate needs of the students and keeping up with the paperwork?

30. What technology applications do you see being useful in your work?

Accountability of Comprehensive School Counseling Program

31. How will you evaluate your program?

32. What type of data would show an effective school counseling program?

33. What do the most recent state standardized test results indicate about this school district and this school; and what is your role regarding standardized testing?

What Would You Do If…?

34. One of your students told you she was pregnant?

35. You suspected one of your students is being abused?

36. One of your students talks to you about wanting to kill himself/herself?

37. One of your students tells you they are being abused

38. A student requests a teacher change because he/she doesn’t like them?

39. A parent requests you to switch their child’s teacher?

40. Does a student request to be in the same lunch period as their friend?

41. Do you suspect one of your students is abusing drugs/alcohol?

42. One of your students admits to being sexually active? One of your students told you he/she is gay?

43. One of your student’s parents is terminally ill?

44. Your student does not get into their number one college choice?

45. One of your students wants to drop out of school?

46. Do you overhear the makings of a fight that is about to happen?

47. One of your seniors will not graduate?

48. A parent ask
s to meet with you at 5 p.m. because that is the only time he/she can get off work?

What experiences have you had in working with special education students?

49. What has your experience been in working with students of color & gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transgendered students?

50. What is your experience with parenting programs?

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