Most Repeated Operations Manager Interview Questions 2022 Updates

– Operations Manager Interview Questions –

An operations manager is an essential part of a management team and oversees high-level HR duties, such as attracting talent and setting training standards and hiring procedures. The following interview sample questions for an operational manager will give you a quick start with your job interview preparation.

In a nutshell, it’s the smooth running of operations in any organization or company.

While the job can vary, there are common attributes and responsibilities, which we will cover extensively below, using a range of experts from HR and operations management.

The job of an operations manager can be hard work but extremely rewarding, with demonstrable results and a real impact on business outcomes.

They also analyze and develop organizational processes and work to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency.

“A good operations manager handles processes being followed and that teams are facilitated collaboratively to continuously improve these processes,” says Alister Esam, CEO of the process management tool, Process Bliss.


Operations Manager Responsibilities/Requirements

Before you plan to get a job, you have to know the duties and the requirements of that job. Below are the duties and requirements of an operational manager.


1. Manages the growth and success of the team.

2. Coordinates activities that affect operational decisions and business requirements.

3. Responsible for the production, procurement, and planning of daily operations.

4. Communicate with all relevant employees to ensure they meet delivery times.

5. Plans, schedules, and reviews workload and workforce to make sure targets are being met on a cost-effective basis.


1. Bachelor’s degree in operations management, business administration, or related field.

2. 2+ years’ proven experience in an operations management position.

3. Strong budget development and oversight skills.

4. Excellent ability to delegate responsibilities while maintaining organizational control of branch operations and customer service.

5. Highly trained in conflict management and business negotiation processes.


50 Operations Manager Interview Questions

1. Describe the main daily tasks for an Operations Manager?

2. What is budget planning and how do you handle it step-by-step?

3. What is your experience with logistics management?

4. Have you ever negotiated contracts with vendors? What’s the most effective approach?

5. Which Systems have you previously used?

6. Are you familiar with Cost Analysis tools? Mention any statistical tools you have experience working with?

7. If your manager asked you to make a report about production costs, what method would you use?

8. Which are the most important financial management best practices?

9. What does successful communication between different organizational functions/departments mean to you?

10. How do support services contribute to achieving business goals? Give some examples?

Questions on TeamWork

11. We want to ensure our confidential data is stored in a secure place. How would you cooperate with our IT team to achieve this?

12. Have you ever successfully implemented a cost-cutting strategy?

13. How big was the last team you worked with and what problems did you face?

14. What’s your experience in making presentations?

15. How do you manage 1:1 employee meetings?

16. Define the Term Operations Management?

17. Explain the Decisions Operations Managers Make?

18. The Transformation Process of a Business. Give Three Examples. What makes up The Transformation Process At An Advertising Agency, A Bank, And A TV Station?

19. What Are The Three Major Business Functions, And How Are They Related To One Another? Give Specific Examples?

20. What Are The Three Historical Milestones In Operations Management? How Have They Influenced Management?

Field-Knowledge Testing

21. Define the Terms Total Quality Management, Just-in-Time, and Re-engineering. What Do These Terms Have In Common?

22. What Is Operations Management In The Smaller Organization?

23. What Is Operations Management in Not-for-profit Organizations?

24. What Is the Input–transformation–output Process?

25. What Is The Processes Hierarchy?

26. Operations Management Is Relevant To All Part of the Business?

27. What is mixed High- and Low-visibility Processes?

28. What Are Implications Of The Four Vs. Of Operations Processes?

29. What Are The Activities Of Operations Management?

30. What Is The Model Of Operations Management?

Communication Skills

31. Chat Is The Visibility Dimension?

32. What do you think is the skill set you need to possess to be successful? Describe your management style or philosophy.

33. What methods do you employ to communicate your message? How do you do it?What is your experience in making presentations?

34. How do you manage budgets? At your previous employer, what steps did you take to cut costs?

35. Have you taken part in negotiating contracts from small or large vendors? How do you go about it and have you succeeded?

36. How do you solve a problem that arises? How do you act on it? Do you pause and think or act immediately?

37. Have you handled Management Information Systems or Cost Analysis or variance Analysis?

38. What in your terms are ideal operations management team? “Operations Manager Interview Questions”

39. How big was the team you had last worked with? What were the difficulties you had to face? How did you manage them?

40. How have your ideas improved operations at other companies? What impact did they have?

Interpersonal Skills

41. How do you handle employees who resist change? How do you motivate others?

42. As you analyze current processes, what information do you look at? How do you identify problems and solutions?

43. As efficiency and productivity increase, how do you ensure quality is maintained?

What role do other managers and departments play in processes analysis and improvement?

What are your career goals?

How do you resolve conflicts and encourage unity in the department?

How would you increase efficiency and minimize errors? Support with experiences.

Describe how you maintain relationships with vendors/lenders. Why is this necessary?

A manager asks you to plan for a trip. How do you proceed?

Describe some of the most complex administrative projects you’ve handled. How did you do it?

Operations Managers are often the glue that holds an organization together. They handle people, operations, budgets, project delivery
and strategy.

A good or bad ops manager can make or break the delivery of a product or service. Operations management careers are varied and the rewards can be plentiful.

Here you’ll gain insight into the role across a variety of sectors and hear from those experienced in the role and the hiring process.

Don’t just glance through these questions, practice and rehearse the answers in advance.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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