2018 WAEC English Answers Expo

2018 WAEC English Answers Expo

Question 1

A friend of yours who has been living in Europe for some years has written to invite you to join him. Write a reply to his letter giving, at least, three reasons why you would rather remain in your country.

OBSERVATION: The candidate is required to write a reply to a letter from a friend who has invited him/her to Europe,  giving him three reasons why he/she would like to remain in his/her own country. The reasons given should be convincing.

 This was the most popular question. Sadly, however, many candidates could not advance convincing reasons. Some of those who could were unable to develop their points adequately and so, wrote essays that fell short of the required length.

Question 2

Write an article suitable for publication in your school magazine on the need to inculcate good moral values in the youth.

OBSERVATION: The candidate is required to write an article for publication in his/her school magazine on the need to inculcate good moral values in the youth.

This was not a very popular question and some of those who chose it did not seem to understand what is meant by good moral values.

Question 3

Write a letter to the Minister of Education in your country discussing, at least, three ways by which the quality of education could be improved.

OBSERVATION: The candidate is required to write a letter to the Minister of Education discussing ways in which the quality of education could be improved.

This was quite a popular question. Many candidates who attempted it were able to point out lapses in the current state of education and proffer suggestions for improvement. However, some candidates lacked the vocabulary to express their points clearly.

Question 4

You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic: Technology has made the world a better place. Write your arguments for or against the motion.

OBSERVATION: This was not a very popular question. Many of the candidates who chose this question seemed to have a firm grip on the topic. Most candidates who tackled it were able to advance, at least, three points mostly in support of the proposition.

Question 5

Write a story to illustrate the saying: The devil makes work for idle hands

OBSERVATION: This was not a popular question but many of those who attempted it did not show a clear understanding of the saying so, they ended up writing irrelevant stories. Also, many candidates muddled up the

Question 6


OBSERVATION: The passage was interesting and didactic. The subject matter was within the experience and grasp of the candidates and the information required for answering content questions correctly was very clear in the passage. Nevertheless, some of the candidates did not demonstrate a clear understanding of the passage. Such candidates simply resorted to copying portions of the passage as answers.

Question 7


OBSERVATION: The candidates were required to read the passage and summarize in a given number of sentences, details in the passage. Some candidates were able to do this but it was obvious that a lot of them had problems separating main ideas from details. It was also observed that some candidates used preambles that when taken with the rest of each answer, did not make sentences. 

Candidates are expected to understand what the writer tries to convey and summarize it in their own words. Copying copiously from the passage without regard to the demands of the questions cannot be said to be summary writing.

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