The Importance of Organizational Structure in Effective Management

The Importance of Organizational Structure in Effective Management

Table of Contents


The aim of this work is to examine the importance of organizational structure ineffective management of general cotton mill Onitsha on issues affecting the management and employees. To uncover the trend of events in the scene, a review of related literature was carried out

As a method of gathering data a structured and closed-ended questionnaire was designed, validated, reproduced, and administered on a sample of 50 out of which 40 were retrieved while 12 were lost due to logistic problems.

Data based on these were presented and analyzed. It was discovered among other things that, communication, workflows, authority, and responsibility are all valid relationships that exist between different dimensions of organizational structure that can affect managerial efficiency.

It was concluded that the manner in which an organization is structured is evident in the effectiveness of the management of such organization and also there only a low degree of difference existing between the structural designs of the department within the organization.


Title page                                                                                                                                      i

Approval                                                                                                                             ii

Dedication                                                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgment iv

Table of content                                                                                                           vi

Abstracts                                                                                                                             ix




  • Background of study 1
  • Statement of the problem 6
  • Purpose of study 8
  • Significance of study 9
  • Research questions 10
  • Scope/delimitation of study               11
  • Definition of terms 12



2.1          The meaning of organizational structure                                            14

2.2          Structure                                                                                                             15

2.3          The traditional early perspective                                                             17

2.3.1      Environment and structure                                                                       25

2.3.2      Division of labor 27

2.4          Departmentation                                                                                             31

2.2.1      Types of structure                                                                                           34

2.5          Authority and delegation                                                                             36



3.1          Design of study                                                                                         38

3.2          Area of study                                                                                             38

3.3          Population of study                                                                                              39

3.4          Sample of study                                                                                       39

3.5          Instrument for data collection                                                                                   40

3.6          Validation of the Instrument                                                                     41

3.7          Distribution and retrieval of instrument                                                              42

3.8          Method of data analysis                                                                               42


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                                                 43

4.1          List of findings                                                                                                   48

4.2          Discussion of findings                                  



5.1          Summary of findings                                                                                      51

5.2          Conclusion                                                                                                          52

5.3          Recommendations                                                                                          53

5.4          Limitations of study                                                                                55

5.5          Suggestions for further research                                                            56

                Reference                                                                                                           57

                Appendix                                                                                                            59

                Questionnaire                                                                                                  60


Every organization has an objective which has always been to achieve a goal. These objectives are identified through planning. This is simply because, through planning, establishes means of achieving objectives invariably; establishing a means for achieving these objectives becomes the prior .

This brings them face to face with a major management function which is organization. The organization process is mainly aimed to achieve coordination through the design of the structure of task, authority, and relationships. Meanwhile, the level of objective attainment generally determines the extent of management effectiveness

On the other hand, the structure being a direct result of the management function of organizing is the framework through which an organization accomplished the task and responsibilities needed to attain its objectives. This may be why Donnelly et al (2004) stated that “structure is a means for achieving the goal established in planning.

Coming to a task that structure in the present-day organization presents, the need for people to organize their efforts in order to attain certain objectives becomes more and more imperative. Hence organization structure defined the format for allocation of work roles to identify the members of the organization.


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