10 Differences Between Udemy, Udacity and Coursera Online Test Platforms

Do you wanna know much in detail about the common differences between Udemy, Udacity, and Coursera?. Alright then, I’m proud to let you know that we’ve undergone proper research on these topics to be able to proffer the accurate difference between all of the key terms. 


Udemy is an online marketplace open to ”industry experts” to teach their knowledge and area of expertise to learners. Udacity partners with “industry leaders” like Google, Facebook, AT&T & Microsoft, to teach technology skills today employers need.

Coursera partners with “top Universities” like Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Manchester, and the University of Sydney, etc to offer courses to learners around the world.

In addition to their different models, the major difference here is in “who creates the content”. The decision is between learning from industry experts (Udemy), industry employers (Udacity), and top university professors (Coursera).

The differences in Comparison Between Udemy, Udacity, and Coursera

The table below is a side-by-side comparison of the three major online learning platforms.

Founders Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, Oktay Caglar Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens Daphne Koller, Andrew Ng
Launched 2010 February 2012 April 2012
Objective To help anyone learn anything To bring accessible, affordable, engaging, and highly effective higher education to the world To provide universal access to the world’s best education
Beginner Courses Yes Yes Limited
Intermediate Courses Yes Yes Yes
Advanced Courses Yes Yes Yes
Course Content Creators Authors, professors, experts, professionals, entrepreneurs, public speakers Industry Employers and experts from tech companies Professors from top colleges and universities
Partners Individual instructors Tech companies Colleges & universities
Subject Areas Almost everything from business & entrepreneurship, academics, the arts, health & fitness, language, music, photography, yoga, technology, games Technology related courses. Android, iOS, data analytics, Software Engineering & Web development Courses are offered in academic-style category: Business, Computer Science, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Data Science, Life Sciences etc
Number of Courses 65,000+ 150+ 2,000+
Users 15 million+ 1.6 million+ 24 million+
Video on Demand Yes Yes Yes
Live Classes No No Yes
PDFs Yes for Some courses Yes Yes
Download for offline Instructor can choose to enable or disable this feature. Courses can be saved for offline viewing on mobile app Yes Courses can be saved for offline viewing on mobile app
Quizzes & Assessment Yes Yes Yes
Free Courses Available Available Available
Paid Courses $20-$200 (one-time) $199 per month $29 – $499 (one-time)
Refund Policy Within 30 days of purchase Cancel enrollment at any time. Does not refund monthly fee once a given month has been billed. Two weeks after your payment date, or until you earn a Course Certificate.
Discounts & Coupons Readily available – Get for $11.99. Limited Limited. Usually available for Specializations
Yes. For most courses Available for Paid option Available for Paid option
Popularity/ Alexa Ranking (as at 06 March 2018) 344 1,356 650
Learners Community No Yes Yes
Quality Control Limited Yes Yes
User Rating & Reviews Yes Yes Yes
Website Visit Visit Visit

Udemy, Udacity, or Coursera – Which is better?

Eventually, it’s totally up to you to decide. If you want to learn technology skills from tech companies, pay about $200 per month to complete the course and get a certificate, consider Udacity. .

If you want to learn anything from android, iOS & web development to business & entrepreneurship, academics, health & fitness, language, music, photography, yoga, games, etc, in a less academic style, consider Udemy. Browse Courses on .

Main Advantages of Udacity

This section of the Udemy vs Udacity review actually reveals what are the main advantages of each of the companies. So, Udacity’s most obvious advantages are the following ones:

  • Udacity appears to be a perfect educational hub for IT professionals.
  • Udacity offers both free and paid online courses.
  • The main feature of Udacity is its cooperation with the world’s leading tech companies, including Google, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Considering that Udacity offers its online courses in a large number of different IT areas, Udacity has also come up with a Nanodegree program, which guarantees employment within 6 months after completing them.

Main Advantages of Udemy

On the other hand, Udemy can also boast a large number of pros and this shortlist shows some of them:

  • Udemy offers amazing opportunities for lecturers with the ability to sell their courses via this platform.
  • Both free and paid courses come on Udemy with a full pack, including obtaining a certificate of completion after finishing a course.
  • At the present time, Udemy appears the largest MOOC service on the web with the number of courses available reaching 48,000.
  • Udemy’s iOS and Android apps allow the users of this service to study from any place and at any time.

Udacity vs Udemy: Who May Choose Udacity

And at the end, this section of our Udacity vs Udemy review shows what categories of people are more likely to choose each of these services. This way, Udacity is more likely to be chosen by:

  • IT professionals who want to advance and learn new techniques of coding or gain another kind of knowledge.
  • Everyone who wants to get started in the IT field.
  • IT professionals who want to complete the Nanodegree program and find employment anytime soon.

Udacity vs Udemy: Who May Choose Udemy

  • Lecturers who possess valuable knowledge and want to get some profit from it.
  • Professionals in all possible fields who want to gain more knowledge about particular subjects.
  • Everyone who is interested in self-development and online education.

If you want more university-style learning from academia, consider Coursera. Browse Courses on

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