The Impact and Effectiveness of Judicial Proceeding and Democratic Government In Nigeria  

The Impact and Effectiveness of Judicial Proceeding and Democratic Government In Nigeria  

Table of Contents


The work examined the impact and effectiveness of judicial proceedings and democratic evidence in Nigeria with reference to Anambra state, the methodology adopted was content analysis which was analytical and descriptive in nature with our sources of data deriving from a combination of secondary and primary sources and involving the use of textbook, questionnaires, journals, and internet materials etcetera.

The work examined some activities of the judiciary as well as the problems and prospects of the arm of government. The finding revealed that the judiciary has performed greatly in discharging justice but still, there are a number of problems facing the judiciary which range from political interference, slow pace of judiciary procedure, poor remuneration, etc.

Base on the above the research recommends that the government should provide the judiciary with modern communication and information facilities to enhance her work, political interference should be minimized and more funds should be allocated to the commission coupled with public enlightenment for the public to be further aware of the activities of judiciary.


Title of page –  –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -i

Certification –  –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -ii

Dedication  –   –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -iii

–  –       –       –       –       –       –       -iv

Abstracts –     –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -vi

Table of Contents – –       –       –       –       –       –       -viii


  • The background of the study – –       –       -1
  • Statement of the problem – –       –       –       -4
  • – –       –       –       –       -8
  • Objective of the study – –       –       –       –       -8
  • Significance of the study – –       –       –       -9
  • Scope/Limitation of the study – –       –       -10

1.7   –   –       –       –       –       -11

1.8   Theoretical frame work of analysis –      –       -11

1.7 Definition of term –   –       –       –       –       –       -14


2.1 Review of Related Literature –  –       –       –       -18

2.2   Judiciary –      –       –       –       –       –       –       -18

2.3   Independence of judiciary –    –       –       –       -24

2.4   Democracy –    –       –       –       –       –       –       -27


3.1   Brief outline of the study –     –       –       –       -43

3.2   Design of the study –      –       –       –       –       -43

3.3   Area of study –        –       –       –       –       –       –       -44

3.4   Population of the study –       –       –       –       -44

3.5   Sample of the study –     –       – –    –       –       -45

3.6   Instrument for data collection –     –       –       -45

3.7   Validation of the instrument –       –       –       -46

3.8   Distribution and retrieval of instruments –      -46

3.8 Method of data analysis –  –       –       –       –       -47


Presentation and Analysis of Data

4.1   Presentation and data/findings –     –       –       -48

4.2   Data analysis interpretation /Discussion of

Finding    –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -49

4.3   Findings –        –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -56


5.1   Summary –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -57

5.2   Conclusion –    –       –       –       –       –       –       -60

5.3   Recommendations – –       –       –       –       –       -61

Bibliography –  –       –       –       –       –       –       -65

Appendix –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -69

Questionnaire –      –       –       –       –       –       -70


Judiciary is the third arm of government. The formation of government is specifically for peace and protection of life and property in the society as well as protection and promotion of democratic dividend. The agreement for the formation of the government was contained in the constitution. The constitution is the system of law, customs, and fundamental principles established for the guidance and government of state. It is the supreme authority of each democratic system.

It is also within the constitutional framework that there are divisions of powers between the three arms of government, each within its own sphere co-ordinates and independent (Ndoh 2003). The constitution has assigned to the judiciary the responsibility of the interpretation of the constitution, a responsibility which contributes to ensuring that other arms of government and members of the public under them, perform their respective functions as it envisages by the constitution and in accord with the law (Nnaemeka Agu, 2002).

In the light of the above, the Nigerian judiciary particularly in Anambra state has been playing
vital rules in the political system of the state since independent, but due to corruption, redtapism, political interference by another arm of government and worst military incursion or intervention in the politics and government of Nigeria particularly Anambra State has been a set back on the independent and judicial proceeding in the state. According to Okafor (quoted Okpata et al 2000).


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