MBA Essay Examples and Tips for Writing the Best MBA Essay

MBA Essay Examples: Your academic record, GMAT scores, and GPA are important factors in the MBA application process. But, more than that, note. Business schools ultimately care about who you are. And whether you would be a good fit for their program.

This is where your application essays come in. Thus, the goal here is to complete the picture that your scores and stats began sketching. As such, take your time when writing the MBA essay. Because it’ll form the image the admissions committee will see before they meet you.

Tips For Creating The Best MBA Essays

Before looking at some MBA essay examples, note. Here are some important things to remember when writing your MBA .

  • Show Who You are in a Background Essay

Use this opportunity to reveal your values and personality. Also, reveal the obstacles you’ve overcome. And the seminal experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today.

No two people have the same history. Thus, use stories and examples to make your background bright and stand out to demonstrate what makes you special. Also, discuss how your history has brought you to this point.

  • Show Your Direction in the Goals Essay

Use this opportunity to show that you have a clear direction and purpose based on experience and planning. Business school is not another opportunity to “find yourself”.

Even if you have had one career path and will use your to launch another career, note. This essay must describe the reasons behind your career change, your new goals. And how the program will help you achieve them.

  • Use Your Optional Essay to Explain Negatives in Your Stats

If your GPA was lower than you would have liked early in your undergraduate education, note. Use your essay to show how you learned from this experience. After all, everyone makes mistakes.

However, how you deal with your mistakes shows a lot to the admissions committee. Thus,  determination, discipline, success, resilience, and breadth of experience are qualities that will serve you well in your MBA studies and later in life.

Also, be sure that you explain your negatives. And don’t try to justify them. Show that you understand the mistake you made, learned from it, and changed as a result of processing the experience.

  • Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say

Admissions committees read thousands of essays during each admissions round. A concise, well-thought-out essay will have them reading yours to the end.  Thus, you need examples and stories to support your statements and make your essay interesting and readable.

Also, each of these needs to be to the point. These professionals are trained to spot an essay that is full of fluff and without substance. Thus, avoid rambling and the use of keywords that you think the reader wants to see.

A non-substantive essay will lead the reader to conclude that you, too, are without substance.

This relates to tip #4 above. You want to grab the reader right away and create an essay that will keep their attention to the very end – and leave them wanting to meet you and get to know you even better.

In other words, offer you a coveted interview! Also, find a theme, and weave it throughout your essay. Thus, if you can identify a passion that you had from an early age and follow it through the different stages of your life, note. You will have an interesting, readable essay.

Also, connect your passion to your childhood and your professional and extracurricular experiences and accomplishments. Additionally, demonstrate how your passion will influence your future career and serve the community at the school you want to attend.

  • Focus on Your Professional Experience and Achievements

Not everyone has a passion that they have carried with them throughout their life. However, since you are planning on attending an MBA program, you must have had professional and personal achievements.

Also. highlight your professional skills and successes, as well as personal accomplishments. And show how these experiences and achievements have brought you to this point, and how they have influenced your long-term plans and reasons for pursuing an MBA.

Some MBA Essay Examples

Below are some MBA essay examples:

Example 1

The Business of Recovery 

Prompt: What are your career goals? What skills do you expect to gain from studying at ABC Business School and how will they contribute to your professional career? (500 words).

Watching my brother transform from a man who had lost his ability to walk to a man who can play basketball with my father kindled my fascination with the physical therapy world.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates the field of physical therapy to grow faster than average in the upcoming years. I hope to join this field during an exciting time of growth, furthering the rehabilitation of those who have been injured.

Following graduation from ABC Business School, I intend to serve a marketing team in a local physical therapy company, such as Ridgeview Physical Therapy. My short-term goal is to lead a team, furthering success in the Ridgeview area.

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Due to the popular physical therapy company thirty miles from Ridgeview, much of the local population is unaware of the quality services Ridgeview Physical Therapy has to offer. I hope to increase visits by 40 percent in the first 5 years of my employment.

My long-term goal includes extending the company’s reach into surrounding cities, and eventually beyond national barriers, becoming a global marketing manager. I expect to gain skills and experiences from ABC Business School that will propel my short and long-term goals.

Also, I hope to develop an experiential and diverse learning experience and have the opportunity to interact with different groups of people to learn from their business insights and endeavors.

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From ABC Business School, I seek the tools and resources needed to further engage in my marketing knowledge, perform professional strategic analyses, and re-evaluate my past work experiences.

I look forward to taking courses from Professor Jim. W. Reid, who has published the research of the success of Matthews and Marketing in his book, “Matthews Commerce,” has helped me contin
ue my career this far.

Also, I look forward to taking the unique classes taught by Professor Rachel E. Davis, introducing me to the physical therapy world and enriching my business skills in that area.

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When my brother’s car accident in 2011 caused immobility in his left leg, he never thought he would be able to play his favorite sport again. David Andrews, a 1994 graduate from ABC Business School, ensured that that would not come to pass.

I spoke with Andrews about his journey, and he told me that it was through the opportunities and education he received from the professors and students at ABC Business School that helped him open his own practice. I hope to follow in Andrews’s footsteps.

With the passion I have for the success of Ridgeview Physical Therapy and the determination I learned from watching my brother, all I need to complete my goals is the knowledge available to me through an MBA at ABC Business School.

I look forward to completing my career aspirations using the tools received from ABC Business School to contribute to my professional career.

The world of physical therapy is growing, and with my skills in marketing, I hope to grow the local Ridgeview services across the globe.


Now you have the tools to write your compelling MBA essay. However, make good of the MBA essay examples shown above.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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