Revenue Generation in Local Government Areas (Problems and Prospects)

Revenue Generation in Local Government Areas (Problems and Prospects).

Table of Contents


The adverse situation in the various local government areas of has led the researcher to go into this very topic.  Hence the purpose of this work is to enlighten people mostly students in the school of financial studies on how revenue is generated in local government problems confronting them as regards revenue generation as well as prospects to the problems.

However local government is expected to use the funds generated in embarking on income-earning projects; projects that come under fee or bill charging utilities like portable water electricity construction of market squares.

However, before funds can be generated one must make ways of getting these funds like grants given to the local government for some purpose by the federal government.  The central government also determines the source extent purpose and maximum dilation for which borrowing is to embark upon by the local government and not just going ahead to borrow.

Local government raises loans to purchase plants and equipment as well as other projects whose costs are too great for them to embark on at a time.

local authorities in Nigeria are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of public motor parks bad roads market squares etc.

It is therefore recommended for students in the school of financial studies at all levels (who will be opportune to lay hands on this write-up) as a ground for the much-needed funds internally generated revenue to facilitate projects execution by local government.


Title page                                                                                          i

Approval page                                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgment                                                                              iv

Abstract                                                                                            v

Table of contents                                                                              vii

Chapter One

Introduction                                                                                      1

  • Statement of problem                              1
  • The rationale of the study 2
  • Significance of study 2
  • Definition of terms 3

Chapter two:

  • Constitutional provision for local government source of revenue6
    • External Sources 7
    • Internal sources 10

Chapter three

  • Statement of hypothesis 13
  • Methodology of study 14
  • Sources of data 15

Chapter four

  • Data presentation 16
  • Analysis of data 18

Chapter five

  • Summary of finding 25
  • Conclusion 28
  • Recommendation 28

Bibliography                                                                           31



The local government council as the third and last tier of government is faced with this primary function of bringing as close as possible the impact of government to people of a particular locality.  Impacts such as government regulatory policies government-protected service government development projects e.g. road network hospitals school markets pipe borne water etc.

This primary function of the local government has in recent times faced a lot of sets back due to insufficient revenue emaciating from the council’s liability to generate (internal) revenue from the local dwellers.  This problem cannot be over-emphasis as it has become a major concern to both the state and federal government

In relation to the above-stated problem, the researcher will be investigating why and how this problem can be tackled for better efficiency of the local government.


This study “Revenue generation in local government Areas is considered necessary for various essential reasons.  As a matter of fact since we all know that the development of any area depends on the revenue generated.  This revenue generation in local government area enables the area to carry out some development projects such as electricity water and road construction project etc.


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