Problem Solution Essay, See Step By Step Guide and Example

Problem solution essays are a popular form of persuasion. In these essays, you must describe a problem, convince the reader to care about the problem, propose a solution, and be prepared to dismantle any objections.

This and many more like the step-by-step guide, I will in the course of this article outline to you. Let us note these points first before we proceed.

    1. Introduce the Problem
    2. Make the Reader Care
    3. Outline Your Solution

What is a Problem Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is used to state a problem and the methods to solve it. It is argumentative writing in which you also aim to persuade a person’s opinion. Mostly you aim to convince the reader of a particular action.

In explaining the problem, the writer also gives solutions to resolve the problem which might persuade the reader’s opinion. As a writer, you need to come up with several solutions to a particular problem.

Problem Solution Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

A good problem solution essay is going to propose a solution that can be implemented somewhat easily and will, of course, solve the problem. You must avoid any vagaries and stick to a specific problem with specific, actionable steps.

Here’s your formula for success:

1. Introduce the Problem

In your introductory paragraph, you’re going to carefully outline the problem. What is it and why does it need to be solved? After you’ve done so, state your thesis statement. In these essays, your thesis will be your solution to the problem. State it succinctly in one or two sentences.

2. Make the Reader Care

Don’t just describe the problem in bland definitions. You have to describe it from the readers’ eyes. Introduce the subject in a way that will make the reader take an interest. Why does this problem matter? Why should they care?

There are many ways to lure readers in. Offer staggering statistics that will shock them into taking a sudden interest. Share a heartfelt personal narrative that will tug at the heartstrings a little. Or, explain how the problem evolved from a mundane issue to a worthwhile cause.

3. Outline Your Solution

Once you’ve drafted your introduction, it’s time to dive into the body of the essay. Depending on length requirements, you might want to aim for three solid paragraphs that discuss the solution.

Of course, you must begin with clarity. Explain your solution in simple terms that anyone could understand. Offer as many details as possible about how this will solve the problem without getting unnecessarily wordy.

Where possible, cite evidence for your solution. Offer examples where similar solutions have worked before. Cite expert opinion, statistics, and studies.

If you’re proposing a new solution that hasn’t been explored before, then you can rely heavily on logical arguments. Explain why you think your solution will be effective.

As you weave the body of your essay together, keep sound logistics in mind. Who’s going to fund your solution? How much time will it take? If you can cite any obvious rebuttals, start to bring your essay to a close with possible responses to these potential criticisms.

4. Paint a Final Picture

Now, it’s time to bring the essay to a close. Describe the next steps that must take place immediately. Paint a vivid picture of what the world would look like after your practical solution has been implemented.

Some of the best ways to close an essay are with rhetorical questions such as, “Isn’t this the type of world we all seek to live in?” Or, you can cite some sort of call to action. Ask others to join the cause, or direct them to some other source for more information.

How to Start a Problem Solution Essay

Every essay that has a good starting gains the most readers’ interest. An introduction to the essay is as important as any person’s name. There are several ways to start an introduction to a problem solution paper.

Your introduction must explain the problem and why there is a need for solving the issue. For an introduction, you must know:

  • If you have chosen an issue that people do not generally talk about, then you must first explain the problem in detail and the effects of the problem.
  • If the problem is common, then it is more important that you construct a vivid picture of the problem so that the readers gain interest in your essay.
  • In both cases, the reader’s attention must be your priority .
  • Your writing must be persuasive and reflect a strong need for solving the problem.

Once you have chosen the problem and know the type that it’s common or not, you are supposed to decide a good opening. A good opening can be anything like a real-life incident, facts, and figures, etc. Most writers use the following openings for their essays:

  • Personal experience.
  • The imagination illustrates the problems and effects it has.
  • Facts and figures. Readers are more attracted to related to any problem.
  • You can also give the origin of the problem.
  • Refer to a book, movie, TV show related to the problem.

More Tips on How to Start a Problem Solution Essay

After choosing the opening, you have to write a topic sentence. A topic sentence is a sentence that states the problem and the solution in a precise manner. It can be at the very beginning, at the center of your introductory paragraph or the end.

Some writers prefer adding the argumentative topic sentence at the end. Their motive is to depict the whole problem and then give a sentence that sums up the picture.

After the introduction, you have the main body of your essay to cover. The main body can exceed three paragraphs but this does not mean that you can tell stories. The paragraphs must be precise and clearly state the solutions to the problem. The stated solutions must be:

  • Cost-effective.
  • Time effective.
  • It must be clear to the reader that the solutions can be easily implemented.
  • The reader must be aware of the fact that the solutions will solve the problem if implemented. (examples would work perfectly here)

As a writer, you should also be careful while stating the solutions because the solutions can be questioned. For a convincing argument, you need to consider the objections to your plan carefully and counter them logically.

How Do You Write a Conclusion for a Problem Solution Essay?

Once you are done with the introduction and main body, you need to focus on the conclusion. Every essay must have a perfect conclusion otherwise the whole essay might be spoiled. The conclusion can be one or more paragraphs. Some effective ideas for an excellent conclusion are:

  • Tell your readers what should happen.
  • Explain the effects of the implementation of your plan.
  • Real-life examples can be given if the plan has been adopted earlier.
  • Expert testimonials, statistics, facts can also be cited.

What is an example of a Problem and Solution Essay?

Many students use examples from the internet or other resources for writing a problem and solution essay. Here is an example from our side that might help you in better understanding and writing the essay:

Psychological Illness and Teenagers

Psychological illness is very common in today’s era, and especially among teenagers. Depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and a lot more are common. More than 50% of teenagers are a victim of mental illness.
The question arises that “What is ?” It is a general misconception that only psychological illness is reflected in the form of disability. This is not the case. Any unusual or unexpected response from an individual to very common activities is said to be “psychological illness.”
For example, a boy/girl might show aggression over a casual debate at his place. Psychological illness is damaging our youth and the major reasons behind such illnesses are parental involvement, addictions, and traumas that might be due to any reason.

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There are several solutions to this problem among which the following three can be very easily implemented. Firstly, individuals must be more active by doing exercise.
They should get enough sleep and have a balanced diet. Their stress must be reduced. Exercise helps in better hormonal secretions that help in reducing stress and anxiety. It also helps in quitting addictions which most teenagers adopt due to low morale.
Secondly, parents should be better involved in their child’s life. It is the utmost duty of parents to help their children in facing all the problems with courage rather than leaving them on their own in such a crucial situation.
They should help their child in quitting all sorts of addictions. Generally, teenagers find drugs very attractive and a symbol of classiness. Some parents do not focus on their children at all and some parents are over-involved that annoys children.

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Thirdly, parents should cut off the communication gap. They should talk to their children about their life. If a teen is in depression, it is the duty of parents to talk to them because talking about the problem releases stress and helps in coming back to life.
Teenage is a very crucial phase of life and its handling is similar to that of a fragile good. The above-stated solutions will help you in handling a depressed teenager.
The solutions have no tough schedule. It is all a matter of time. The solutions have worked for a relative of mine and I hope that these solutions will help you too.

From the above example, you might be clear about the problem-solving essay. We have tried to be as clear as possible and hope that this would help you in writing a problem solution essay.

The point to focus on is that you have to add three supporting details for the main point in one paragraph. Being a student, you must remember the above-stated rules and do not forget to keep the given word count in mind.

Throughout your academic career, you’ll be tasked with various essay assignments. Problem-solution essays are of a persuasive vein. It’s the writer’s job to not only persuade the audience to care, but also persuade them to take a specific action.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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