The most common cause of fish
kill is suffocation, which occurs
when aquatic plants do not
produce enough oxygen to the
fish to breath. This may occur
during heavy snow and ice cover in winter, during rapid
plant die-offs after a cold rain
or several days of cloud cover
or following aquatic plant die-
offs from herbicide applications.
Once fish suffocation starts, it is too late to stop it. Fish kills in
general can be best prevented
by properly controlling nutrient
inputs and over abundant
aquatic vegetation. Winter kills
can be prevented by circulating the water either by motor-
driven air compressors or wind
driven baffles and artificially
aerating. This will usually stir
up organic materials and result
in more oxygen consumption as the materials decay. Summer
kills can be prevented by
making sure no fertilizer,
herbicides, insecticides or
organic run-off enter the pond.
Chemically threat aquatic vegetation early in the growing
season according to the label
and avoid treatments in late
July and August. Avoid treating
large amounts of aquatic
vegetation throughout the pond by treating one area at a
time.. Record Keeping: Keep accurate records of
numbers and sizes of fish
caught in the pond that will
help you evaluate the status of
your fish populations and if any
additional management is needed. Record the size and
kind of fish caught. Periodically
review your records to see if
there are any differences in the
number, size, or kinds of fish
now in the pond. Doing this will reduce and prevent fish killing. For consultancy or help call 08032861326.

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