3.      In this law, except the context otherwise requires:

AIDS” means  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Direct Discrimination” when a person treats another person less fovarably than a third person would have been treated in comparable circumstances. Attributes characteristics which are thought to be generally imputed to people of particular status.

“Indirect Discrimination” when unreasonable condition or requirements such as mandatory HIV+ testing are placed as a pre-requisite for socio-economic benefits. 

Specific express consent” means written consent signed by the person being tested for HIV or by his/her authorized representative or family members in situations where the individual is unable to give consent in writing or otherwise.

Specific informed consent” consent based on clear and accurate information in a language he/her understands given to persons being tested as the nature, purpose and implications of the tests.

“Mandatory of obligatory testing” means any forms of coercion and /or compelling pressure with  respect to known and /or unknown needs of person(s) resulting in testing without specific informed  or  expressed consent .

“Vilification” means the making of statement based on stereotypes of a group that brings members of it into hatred,   ridicule or contempt.

“HIV”  Means Human Immune Virus

“Person infected by HIV and AIDS” means the person living with AIDS causing virus.

“person affected by HIV and AIDS” means those presumed to  be infected by HIV as well as caregivers, partners, family members and associations.

“HIV related circumstances” Means condition of being infected with or affected by HIV .

“State” Mean Ebonyi State.

The use of the term “appropriate”, “reasonable”, “justifiable” and “unjustifiable” required objective rather than subjective tests.

“Safer sex” means sexual behaviours or practices that do not put one at risk of unwanted pregnancy STI or HIV infection.

There are several ways to cautiously reduce the risk of pregnancy, STI/HIV infection and /or transmission. They include: 

Abstaining from or delaying when to start having sexual intercourse.

Decreasing number or sex partners to one faithful uninfected partner.

Practicing monogamy

Practicing non-penetrative sex

Avoiding sex while on hard drugs/alcohol.

Using male or female condoms correctly and consistently with every sexual  act. Condom (male and female) are 98%  effective in protecting against HIV  and STI  and are 95%  -97%  effective in preventing pregnancy 

Practicing dual protection which entails condom use   when adopting other family planning methods, used consistently with every act sex .

“Stigma : means any  negatively perceived characteristics and  to set individuals apart form normal society, and seen as marks of shame and disgrace resulting from a situation where distinction is made against a person  or group of persons, resulting in their  being treated unfairly and  unjustly on the basis  of their being HIV  infected and  /or affected, or as a result of their  belonging or being perceived to belong to a particular group that lack  social approval.

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