The three educational domains and their levels are:

(i)        The cognitive domain

(ii)       The affective domain

(iii)     The psychomotor domains

            In cognitive domain is so central to teaching and learning that most practicing teachers concentrate their instruction examinations in most subjects or courses on the achievement in the cognitive domain.

The taxonomy of education objectives began as a part of an effects to established a frame work for the development test materials and examining relationship between test and educational objectives.


Its classified the taxonomy the cognitive domain into six points

(i)        Knowledge comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

(ii)       The affective domain: its observes that this pertains tot eh areas of leading outcomes that emphasis processes as well as products concentrate the learners feeling, emotion, degree of learners, specially pertain to interest, altitude, appreciation and values of the learners.

            Affective domains relates with emotions, passions, motives, disposition, empathy, and appreciations.

(iii)     The psychomotor domain: it is the last of the educational objective. Its intimately related to the first two earlier before discussed despite the facts is classified differently.

            It is the domain concerned with outcomes, in the area of manipulative skills, motor skills and act requiring nevromusulbar coordination.

            Some of the educationlist believes that when psychomotor is constructed as being formed from the component parts, psycho and motor, its then connotes minds movement or voluntary motion.

The educational objectives and its sources, learner society, and environments.

Educational objectives is defines as the aggregate of all the expected outcomes of education, and purposes of the schools as they relate to the society and to the learner within and outside the schools.

(i)        The Learner: Curriculum expert accept that the primary sources of educational objectives is the learner.

            Because the learner as the main products of schools must be affected by objectives.

            By studying the learner concentrate mostly on their needs, and interests.

(ii)       The Society: society is the most vital sources of educational objectives.

            Society in the contexts is used represent any community for which the school is build.  

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