A Man Without Vision Quotes and Sayings

What is success in life without vision? A man without a vision is like a person with eyes, who cannot see because they are blinded by the light. Whatever he thinks and acts on is a product of his imagination and he can never imagine what he cannot think of. Thus, a man without vision can never succeed no matter how hard he tries. Not having a vision is like having no direction, no purpose and knowledge, no map to show a man’s way when going ahead.

Vision is a very important key to success in both business and life in general. If you don’t have a clear vision of where you are going, how do you expect to get there?

You could motivate a visionless person or share with someone any of these quotes below. So, use the following a man without vision quotes and sayings.

The compass of a man’s life is his vision, so, there is no achievement for a visionless man no matter how hard he tries except he gets his life back on track.

1. A man without a vision is merely living a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world

2. A man without a vision is a man without eyes, ears and a voice. He lives in darkness, stumbles aimlessly towards his destination, and acts, speaks or thinks only if he is compelled to do so by others.

3. A man without vision will perish, but he who keeps an eye on the end is supplied with his necessary food.

4. A vision without work is a dream. A man with a vision and no work is a menace.

5. Man without vision is a house without a foundation that falls apart in no time.

6. A man who is destitute of vision will never achieve success because he will never make it anywhere. Vision is the motivation behind every activity we undertake.

7. A man who is void of vision is without direction. He has no idea where he’s going and he’s going to waste a lot of time and energy trying to get there because he’s going to be making choices based on guesswork and opinion, whether or not he’s actually aware that this is the case.

8. Just as a compass point without north is useless, a leader without vision cannot succeed. This is because vision gives direction to everything else; it provides the destination and the criteria by which the journey will be judged.

7. A eyeless man can not do any good thing all the days of his life. A man cannot understand anything if he were never taught. He cannot interpret what he sees, what he hears, or anything that comes before him during his passage through life.

9. A man without vision, is a man without a life mission. That is really not good and it ends up in a pathetic situation.

10. A man without a vision is like a ship without a rudder. He can’t know if the harbour he’s sailing to is safe or if the broad ocean before him is peaceful or dangerous.

11. An unseeing man is a man without hope. He has no target in which to reach and as such, is left wandering down the cold streets of life, with nothing but his own two feet to guide him. This can be avoided if you would only open your eyes and see that you are being guided towards a better life. The path is right in front of you and it’s called vision.

12. A man who is destitute of vision can not forge ahead. He will remain stuck in his place, going nowhere no matter how hard he labours. He is like a boat adrift on the sea–wanderlust does not rest in its bosom. A man must have a destination in order to know the path he wants to take or the only way to go is through trial and error. Your life’s direction should be guided by where you want to go, not by the surroundings you find yourself in.

13. A man who has no vision in life is like a man walking in darkness. He stumbles often. He falls into mud-holes. And not just any mud, but the foulest and dirtiest kind of mud.

14. A visionless man will simply keep doing things like he is used to. He won’t try anything new, and will only do enough to get by. He’ll feel frustrated because nothing ever seems to get any better, but if he’s lazy and doesn’t really care, he won’t have much ambition to change. Moreover, a man who never sees bigger goals often finds that they are beyond his reach.

15. A man without a vision is a fog. He’s lost in his endeavours. He goes through life with no plan, no prevailing winds to guide him, and no destination in mind.

16. Men without vision are often called blind men. But to be accurate, they’re not blind at all. They have vivid eyesight but they see nothing because they are full of illusions. They can’t even see the shapes in their imagination. They live in an imaginary world of promises, dreams and good intentions.

17. A man without a vision is a man without sight. A man who can’t see beyond his nose. A man is more likely to trip over something unseen and fall down the stairs as he tries to get somewhere he doesn’t even know exists.

18. A man without vision can not do any good thing all the days of his life. A man who has no vision to see beyond where he is and knows what he wants is like the one who builds a house on the sand, because when a cloud comes along with wind, your rain will blow and beat against that house, beating it down with its weakness until it collapses.

19. A visionless can not do any good thing all the days of his life. He becomes useless and weak as his days roll by. He also becomes a liability in all spheres of life, whether personal or corporate.

20. A man without a vision is a man who finds himself standing in a forest, surrounded by trees. But because he has no vision, he does not know what he is meant to do. He stands there, confused, and waiting for someone to come along and tell him what to do. If a person has no vision of their own, then they will easily be led astray by the “trees,” the temptations of our society. Some of the trees are good but others can lead one away from his path if he does not have a strong vision for himself and his life’s purpose.

21. A purblind man can not do any good thing, all the days of his life. You may say, “Oh, but this man has had many visions!”, but just turn and make a thorough examination of his life, and you will find he could not have done any good thing if God had not given him some very definite visions. You say I read, or listen to ill-advised council.

22. A man doesn’t have anything if he doesn’t have a vision. Vision is the character of a person, his calling and destiny. Without it, he can not do any good. He can not follow his calling. His path will always be towards the dark dimensions of life rather than the light.

23. A man without vision can not do any good thing all the days of his life. Vision guides a person’s thoughts into staying true and going for an objective. This is because vision is about setting an aim and working towards it. Vision does not only have to be short term or long term; one could make up his own kind of vision that could help him in leading a successful life.

24. A visionless man is useless and can not be fruitful you may feed him but he will never grow, you may teach him but he will never produce results. They will never know the joys of success or the feeling of giving. A man without a vision is a perfect example of waywardness

25. An unseeing man can not do any good thing all the days of his life his children after him, are cursed, for his own foolishness. he is laughed at. he is a toy to the wicked. from the sale of his possessions shall much be taken, because he has sinned against his own soul.

26. A man without vision can not do any good thing all the days of his life. It is a sad but true fact that most people spend their whole lives stuck in a rut. They have dreams, but they never reach them because they have no vision.

27. A man with no vision is stricken by blindness. He can not see what goes around him; he can not perceive the simple and cute truths of life. He would need help with everything, from going places to eating to even just taking bath and dressing up properly.

28. A man without a vision is doomed to a life of compromises, or worse, total failure.

29. A man without a vision is a man without hope. He has no target in which to reach and as such, is left wandering down the cold streets of life, with nothing but his own two feet to guide him. This can be avoided if you would only open your eyes and see that you are being guided towards a better life. The path is right in front of you and it’s called vision.

30. A man who has got no vision will find himself involved in many things that will all scatter in the long run with no clear path ahead.

I hope you feel motivated by these a man without vision quotes and sayings. They are useful to inspire you to get back on track and get your head cleared for the path ahead leading to success.

Send them to someone you know is living life just as it comes without a crystal-clear purpose. Be that source of inspiration to that person today and use as many as possible to help them start all over properly. You may also share this across all your social media platforms.

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