A Sociolinguistic Study of Politeness Expression in Igbo

A Sociolinguistic Study of Politeness Expression in Igbo.


The main thrust of this study is to identify the politeness expression and strategies used in Erq xlq speech community.

The study examines the concept of politeness. It discusses politeness expression strategies as they occur in Erq xlq speech community.

It explains the various ways of expressing politeness in Erq xlq speech community. It finally highlights the sociolinguistic implications of adopting politeness strategies during speech in Erq xlq speech community.


Title Page i

Approval page ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of contents v

Abstract vii


1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Background to the study 1

1.2 Statement of the problems 2

1.3 Objectives of the study 3

1.4 Significance of the study 3

1.5 Scope of the study 3

1.6 Research Questions 4

1.7 Limitations of the study 4

1.8 Definition of Term 5


2.0 Literature Review 11

2.1 Theoretical Studies 11

2.2 Empirical Studies 23


3.0 Research Methodology 28

3.1 Area of Study 28

3.2 Research Design 28

3.3 Population of the Study 29

3.4 Sampling Procedures 29

3.5 Research Instruments 30

3.6 Methodological Problems 30


4.0 Data Analysis 34

4.1 The Concept of Politeness in Language use 34

4.2 Politeness Expression Strategies in Erq Xlq Speech Community 35

4.3 Expressing Politeness in Erq xlq speech community 36

4.4 The Sociolinguistic Implications of Adopting Politeness Strategies

during Speech in Erq xlq speech Community 45


5.1 Findings 51

5.2 Conclusion 51

5.3 Recommendations 51



Linguistics politeness is the way people choose to speak and how the hearers react to their speech. Udosen (2006) observes that languages is a social instrument without which our human interaction would suffer.

The most universal forms of language behaviour are those used to show our routine needs, professional and social. No one is free to say just what one likes in whatever form of discourse.

Rather, our conversation is a prescribed ritual in which an individual generally says what his fellow men expects him to say, observing the pragmatic rules, though unconsciously.

In our societies today, living in harmony with nature, conforming to the norms of our common experience is the right conduct of interlocutors and politeness is that aspect of social behaviour which promotes harmonious living with nature and conformity to the norms of our common experience.

Coulmans as cited in Dioka (2009) claims that being polite is not an attribute of language but it depends on the interlocutors in a given speech situation.

Politeness is socially determined, it is linked with social differentiations with making appropriates choices which may not be the same for everybody.

Politeness criteria are not the same in different cultures, sometimes speaking indirectly is considered more polite than speaking directly like the Erq xlq dialect of Igbo.


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